



  • 中文名:章新政
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校北京大學
  • 職業:科研工作者
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物學
  • 職務:中國科學院生物物理研究所研究員


1999 - 2003 北京大學物理學院,物理學學士
2003 - 2008 北京大學物理學院,理學博士
2008 - 2014 美國普渡大學結構生物系,Post-doctoral research associate
2014 - 中國科學院生物物理研究所,研究員,博士生導師




  1. Ma BT#, Huang CQ#, Ma J#, Xiang Y* & Zhang XZ*. Structure of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus with its receptor LDLRAD3. Nature, 2021.
  2. Cheng J, Li BF, Si L, Zhang XZ. Determining structures in a native environment using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy images. The innovation. 2021.
  3. Wu CL#, Shi HG#, Zhu DJ, Fan KL, Zhang XZ. Low-cooling-rate freezing in biomolecular cryo-electron microscopy for recovery of initial frames. QRB Discovery. 2021.
  4. Li BF, Zhu DJ, Shi HG, Zhang XZ. Effect of charge on protein preferred orientation at the air-water interface in cryo-electron microscopy. Journal of structural biology, 2021.
  5. Cheng J, Zhang XZ. Optimizing weighting functions for cryo-electron microscopy. Biophysics Reports. 2021, 7 (2), 152-158.
  6. Song GT#, Xu BJ#, Shi HG#, Zhang Y, Zhang DJ, Cao XT, Liu ZR, Guo R, Guan YZ, Chu YH, Zhang XZ*, Lou JZ*, Qin Y*. Conformational activation of ribosome recycling by intra- and inter-molecular dynamics of RRF. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2020, 160: 1212-1219.
  7. Xu X#, Shi HG #, Gong XW, Chen P, Gao Y, Zhang XZ*, Xiang S*. Structural insights into sodium transport by the oxaloacetate decarboxylase sodium pump. eLife, 2020, 9 :e53853.
  8. Zhang MF#, Shi HG#, Zhang XM#, Zhang XZ*, Huang YH*. Cryo-EM structure of the nonameric CsgG-CsgF complex and its implications for controlling curli biogenesis in Enterobacteriaceae. PLoS biology, 2020, 18(6): e3000748.
  9. Fan XY#, Cao DF#*, Kong LF, Zhang XZ*. Cryo-EM analysis of the post-fusion structure of the SARS-CoV spike glycoprotein. Nature communications, 2020, 11(1): 3618.
  10. Cao DF#, Han XN#, Fan XY#, Xu RM*, Zhang XZ*. Structural basis for nucleosome-mediated inhibition of cGAS activity. Cell research, 2020.
  11. Gao YN#, Cao DF#, Zhu JP, Feng H, Luo X, Liu SQ, Yan XX, Zhang XZ*, Gao P*. Structural insights into assembly, operation and inhibition of a type I restriction-modification system. Nature microbiology, 2020, 5(9): 1107-1118.
  12. Pan XW#, Cao DF#, Xie F#, Xu F#, Su XD, Mi HL*, Zhang XZ*, Li M*. Structural basis for electron transport mechanism of complex I-like photosynthetic NAD(P)H dehydrogenase. Nature communications, 2020, 11(1): 610.
  13. Cao P#, Cao D#, Si L, Su XD, Tian LJ, Chang WR, Liu ZF, Zhang XZ*, Li M*. Structural basis for energy and electron transfer of the photosystem I-IsiA-flavodoxin supercomplex. Nature plants, 2020, 6(2): 167-176.
  14. Liu S#, Luo YZ#, Wang YJ#, Li SH#, Zhao Z, Bi YH, Sun JQ, Peng RC, Song H, Zhu DJ, Sun Y, Li S, Zhang L, Wang W, Sun YP, Qi JX, Yan JH, Shi Y *, Zhang XZ*, Wang PY*, Qiu HJ* and Gao GF*. Cryo-EM Structure of the African Swine Fever Virus. Cell host & microbe, 2019, 26(6): 836-843 e833.
  15. Wu CL#, Huang XJ#, Cheng J, Zhu DJ, Zhang XZ. High-quality, high-throughput cryo-electron microscopy data collection via beam tilt and astigmatism-free beam-image shift. Journal of structural biology,2019.
  16. Su XD#, Ma J#, Pan XW#, Zhao XL, Chang WR, Liu ZF, Zhang XZ* and Li M*. Antenna arrangement and energy transfer pathways of a green algal photosystem-I-LHCI supercomplex. Nature plants, 2019, 5(3): 273-281.
  17. You L#, Ma J#, Wang J#, Artamonova D, Wang M, Liu L, Artamonova D, Wang M, Liu L, Xiang H, Severinov K. Zhang XZ* and Wang YL*. Structure Studies of the CRISPR-Csm Complex Reveal Mechanism of Co-transcriptional Interference. Cell, 2019, 176(1-2): 239-253 e216.
  18. Fang QL#, Zhu DJ#, Agarkova I, Adhikari J, Klose T, Liu Y, Chen ZG, Sun YY, Michael L. Gross, Van Etten J, Zhang XZ* & Rossmann MG*. Near-atomic structure of a giant virus. Nature communications, 2019, 10(1): 388.
  19. Pan XW#, Ma J#, Su XD#, Cao P, Chang W, Liu ZF, Zhang XZ*, Li M*. Structure of the maize photosystem I supercomplex with light-harvesting complexes I and II. Science, 2018, 360(6393): 1109-1113.
  20. Wang JL#, Yuan S#, Zhu DJ#, Tang H, Wang N, Chen WY, Gao Q, Li YH, Wang JZ, Liu HR*, Zhang XZ*, Rao ZH*, Wang XX*. Structure of the herpes simplex virus type 2 C-capsid with capsid-vertex-specific component. Nature communications, 2018, 9(1): 3668.
  21. Yuan S#, Wang JL#, Zhu DJ#, Wang N, Gao Q, Chen WY, Tang H, Wang JZ*, Zhang XZ*, Liu HR*, Rao ZH*, Wang XX*. Cryo-EM structure of a herpesvirus capsid at 3.1 ?. Science, 2018, 360(6384).
  22. Zhu DJ, Wang XX, Fang QL, Van Etten JL, Rossmann MG, Rao ZH, Zhang XZ. Pushing the resolution limit by correcting the Ewald sphere effect in single-particle Cryo-EM reconstructions. Nature communications, 2018, 9(1): 1552.
  23. Chen LH#, Wang M#, Zhu DJ#, Sun ZH#, Ma J, Wang JL, Kong LF, Wang SD, Liu ZS, Wei LL, He YW, Wang JF*, Zhang XZ*. Implication for alphavirus host-cell entry and assembly indicated by a 3.5 ? resolution cryo-EM structure. Nature communications, 2018, 9(1): 5326.  
  24. Yuan Y#, Cao DF#, Zhang YF#, Ma J#, Qi JX, Wang QH, Lu GW, Wu Y, Yan JH, Shi Y*, Zhang XZ* & Gao GF*. Cryo-EM structures of MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV spike glycoproteins reveal the dynamic receptor binding domains, Nature Communications, 2017, 8:15092.
  25. Liu L#, Li XY#, Ma J#, Li ZQ#, You LL, Wang JY, Wang M, Zhang XZ*, Wang YL*. The Molecular Architecture for RNA-Guided RNA Cleavage by Cas13a. Cell, 2017, 170(4):714-726.e10.  
  26. Su XD#, Ma J#, Wei XP#, Cao P#, Zhu DJ, Chang WR, Liu ZF*, Zhang XZ*, Li M*. Structure and assembly mechanism of plant C2S2M2-type PSII-LHCII supercomplex. Science, 2017, 357 (6353): 815-820.
  27. Wei XP#, Su XD#, Cao P, Liu XY, Chang WR, Li M*, Zhang XZ*, Liu ZF*. Structure of spinach photosystem II-LHCII supercomplex at 3.2 ? resolution. Nature, 2016; 534(7605):69-74.
  28. Wang JY#, Ma J#, Cheng Z, Meng X, You LL, Wang M, Zhang XZ*, Wang YL*. A CRISPR evolutionary arms race: structural insights into viral anti-CRISPR/Cas responses. Cell Research, 2016, 26:1165-1168.
  29. Sun L#, Zhang XZ#, Gao S#, Rao PA, Padilla-Sanchez V, Chen ZG, SunSY, Xiang Y, Subramaniam S, Rao VB*, and Rossmann MG*. Cryo-EM structure of the bacteriophage T4 portal protein assembly at near-atomic resolution. Nature communications, 2015, 6: 7548.
  30. Zhang XZ, Sheng J, Austin SK, Hoornweg TE, Smit JM, Kuhn RJ, Diamond MS, and Rossmann MG. Structure of acidic pH dengue virus showing the fusogenic glycoprotein trimers. Journal of virology, 2015, 89: 743-750.
  31. Sun L#, Young LN#, Zhang XZ#, Boudko SP, Fokine A, Zbornik E, Roznowski AP, Molineux IJ, Rossmann MG* and Fane BA*.Icosahedral bacteriophage PhiX174 forms a tail for DNA transport during infection. Nature, 2014, 505: 432-435.
  32. Zhang XZ, Sheng J, Plevka P, Kuhn RJ, Diamond MS, and Rossmann MG. Dengue structure differs at the temperatures of its human and mosquito hosts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 110: 6795-6799.
  Highlighted by Nature (May 23, 2013, 497 7450 443-444), Cell (May 9, 2013, 153 4 727-729) and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (May 6, 2013, 20 546)
  33. Zhang XZ, Sun SY, Xiang Y, Wong J, Klose T, Raoult D, and Rossmann MG. Structure of Sputnik, a virophage, at 3.5 ? resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2012, 109:18431-18436.
  34. Zhang XZ, Xiang Y, Dunigan DD, Klose T, Chipman PR, Van Etten JL, and Rossmann MG. Three-dimensional structure and function of the Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus capsid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011,108:14837-14842.




