
章仁江,1995年畢業於杭州大學數學系,獲碩士學位,專業是函式逼近論與最佳化。2001年入浙江大學套用數學系攻讀博士學位,2004年獲博士學位。2007年升為教授,現為浙江工商大學數學系教授。主要研究方向有計算機輔助幾何設計、函式逼近論和分析不等式等。以主要完成人發表學術論文50多篇。以第一作者在國際頂尖雜誌Transaction on Graphics及Computer Aided Geometric Design,Computer-aided Design, Appl. Math. Comput., J. Comput. Appl. Math., J. Approx. Theory, Applied Mathematics Letters, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Journal of CAD&A, Journal of CAD/CAM, Progress in Natural Science, 中國科學,軟體學報,計算數學等國內外刊物上。在函式逼近論方面,解決了匈牙利著名數學家Szabados提出的三個猜想。2020年,解決由Dubuc在1986年提出的四點插值細分方法的一個猜想。主講過課程有數學分析,高等代數,複變函數,計算方法,微分方程數值解,高等數學,線性代數等。







2018-2021,國家自然科學基金,No. 61772025,有理插值運算元、保凸插值的深入研究,負責人。
2016-2019,國家自然科學基金,No. 61572436,基於物理的三維模型形變模擬動畫高效生成方法研究, 2/7。
2020-2022,浙江省自然科學基金,LY20F020004 ,關於經典四點細分幾個猜想的研究,負責人。
2012-2015,國家自然科學基金,No. 61170100,擬細分基函式的構造及其套用研究,負責人。
2010-2012,國家自然科學基金,No. 60970151,一類插值曲面的設計及其自適應最優離散算法,負責人。
2010-2012,“錢江人才計畫項目”,No. 2010R10005,實體曲面快速插值重建與離散的新方法,負責人。
2006-2008,國家自然科學基金,No. 60503057,曲面上曲線設計與構造理論及其套用研究,排名第二。


1.(TOP 1區)Ren-jiang Zhang, Weiyin Ma(2011), An efficient scheme for curve and surface construction based on a set of interpolatory basis functions, ACM Transaction on Graphics, Vol. 30, No. 2. Article 10. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2011)
2.Ren-jiang Zhang (2020), A few conjectures on a four-point interpolatory subdivision scheme, Computer Aided Geometric Design. 82, 101933.
3.江偉, 章仁江,(2018)保廣義凸的曲線插值方法,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學,Vol. 30, No.9, 1686-1691.
4.(TOP 2區)Ren-Jiang Zhang(2017), Optimal asymptotic Lebesgue constant of Berrut’s rational interpolation operator for equidistant nodes,Appl. Math. Comput., Vol. 294, 139-145.
5.章仁江, 蔣磊(2016), 一類改進的插值基函式,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學,Vol. 28, No.10, 1639-1643.
6.Ren-jiang Zhang, Lie Zhang(2016), A conjecture on the derivative bounds of rational Bezier curves, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 36, NOS. 1–2, 20–27.
7.(TOP 2區)Ren-Jiang Zhang(2015), Improved derivative bounds of the rational quadratic Bézier Curves, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol. 250, 492-496.
8.(TOP 2區)Ren-jiang Zhang(2015), A note on the trigonometric approximation of Lip(ω(t),p)-class, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol. 269, 129–132.
9.章仁江, 闞敦芝(2015),利用點列折線的保凸插值,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學,Vol. 27, No.7, 1167-1171. (一級學報 EI)
10.(TOP 2區)Ren-jiang Zhang (2014), On the trigonometric approximation of the generalized weighted Lipschitz Class, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol. 247, 1139-1140.
11.(TOP 2區)Ren-jiang Zhang (2014) An improved upper bound on the Lebesgue constant of Berrut's rational interpolation operator, J. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol. 255, 652–660.
12.Ren-jiang Zhang (2013), Uniform interpolation curves and surfaces based on a family of symmetric splines, Computer Aided Geometric Design. Vol. 30, No.93, 844-860.
14.Ren-jiang Zhang (2012), Curve and surface reconstruction based on a set of improved interpolatory basis functions, Computer-Aided Design Vol. 44, 749–756
15.Renjiang Zhang (2011),Some optimal elementary inequalities on the unit disc, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 41, No, 3. 1011-1023.
16.Ren-jiang Zhang, Weiyin Ma(2010), Consolidated sharp bounds for Bezier curve approximation with cutdown polygon and corner cutting polygon, Computer Aided Geometric Design. Vol. 27, No. 5, 382-394.
17.Ren-jiang Zhang, Weiyin Ma(2009), A simple and efficient approximation of a Bezier piece by its cutdown polygon, Computer Aided Geometric Design. Vol. 26, No. 3, 336-341.
18.Renjiang Zhang, Guojin Wang (2008),The sharp upper bound on the distance between a parametric patch and its interpolated triangle,Science in China Series F(中國科學) Vol. 51, No. 2, 113-119.
19. Ren-jiang Zhang, Guo-jin Wang (2006), Sharp bounds on the approximation of a Bézier polynomial by its quasi control polygon, Computer Aided Geometric Design,Vol.23, No.1, 1-16.
20.Ren-jiang Zhang, Weiyin Ma(2006), Some improvements on the derivative bounds of rational Bézier curves and surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design. Vol. 23, No.7, 563-572.
21.Ren-jiang Zhang, Guo-jin Wang (2005), A note on the paper in CAGD (2004, 21(2), 181-191), Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.22, No.9, 815-817.
22.Zhang Renjiang, Wang Guojin(2005), Constrained Bézier Curves' Best Multi-degree Reduction in the -norm. Progress in Natural Science, Vol.15, No.9, 843-850.
23.Ren-jiang Zhang, Guo-jin Wang (2004), The Proof of Hermann's Conjecture, Applied mathematics letters, Vol.17, No.12, 1387-1390.
24.Tinfan Xie, Renjiang Zhang, Songping zhou(1998), Three Conjectures On Shepard Interpolatory Operators, J.Approx.Theory, Vol. 93, No. 39, 399-414.
25.Zhang Renjiang(1998), An Asymptotic Expansion Formula For Bernstein Polynomial on a Triangle, Approx. Theory & its Appl. Vol. 14, No.1, 49-56.


