Many a little make a mickle.;A penny saved is a penny earned.;Economy in trifles ensures abundance.;From small increments comes abundance.
1. Small extra costs all swell the total. 零星的額外費用積少成多使總數增大了。
2. Many a pickle makes a muckle. 積少成多,集腋成裘。
日復一日,積少成多,有泛濫成災之勢。 Day after day, many a little makes a mickle, have overrun power.
每月的一筆小額投資,積少成多,小錢也能變大錢。 Brushstroke of every months is small investment, many a little makes a mickle, penny also can greaten money.
日復一日積少成多,其妻將其縫成褲頭。 Many a little makes a mickle of day after day, its wife seam its pants head.
我個人認為,只要能不斷前進,就一定積少成多,不斷突破。 I believed that so long as can go forward unceasingly, certainly many a little makes a mickle, breaks through unceasingly.
我每月都會通過銀行向紅十字會捐獻一點錢,希望盡一點力積少成多去幫助有需要的人! My monthly pass bank to red cross donate some money, hoping to do something many a little makes a mickle to helppeople in need.