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在高精度質譜同位素測量技術領域,發展了國際先進水平的U系質譜測量技術,包括230Th和231Pa TIMS、MC-ICPMS測年方法、U-Th標準、230Th-234U-238U久期平衡標準以及相關同位素半衰期的精準測定。提供了許多重要和精確的晚第四紀氣候變化的絕對年代尺標、以及精確測量海水等地質樣品中一些極微量元素及其同位素的技術方法。初步建立了中-低緯度主要氣候系統、特別是亞洲季風的高解析度和精確定年的石筍同位素記錄、及其與全球氣候變化之間的對比關係。為不同氣候系統之間的氣候變化的精確對比提供了重要的年代尺標,成為理解全球氣候變化,特別是全球季風氣候變化的規律、機制及其與西風帶和高緯度地區氣候變化聯繫的重要基礎之一;同時也為更好地識別和研究近-現代氣候變化異常提供了重要的自然氣候變化背景。


在國際期刊上發表論文近300 篇,含13篇Science、12篇Nature和20餘篇Nature子刊文章。論文被引用兩萬七千餘次(H-因子68,Google Scholor)。
2014年獲首屆“湯森路透中國引文桂冠獎–高被引科學家獎”和2014年“湯森路透中國引文桂冠獎–最具國際引文影響力獎”,是中國15名獲得“最具國際引文影響力獎”的學者中唯一來自地學領域的科學家。2014年獲得“三秦友誼獎”,該獎項是陝西省政府授予來陝外國專家的最高榮譽。2015年獲得Geochemistry Fellow of the Geochemical Society (GS) and the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)。


Hai Cheng’s career spans 20 yrs in the development and application of U-series dating techniques to address fundamental questions in paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, and global climate change researches. His most widely recognized technical achievement is the development of U-series dating techniques (both TIMS and MC-ICP-MS), including re-determination of the Th and U half-lives that have been widely accepted and used by the U-series community.
He is also one of world-leading experts on paleoclimate studies of speleothems. Recently, he has become deeply involved in the reconstruction of the climate history on different timescales in numerous climate domains, including establishing the Asian monsoon variability over the past 650 ka and its correlations to global climate change on orbital-decadal timescales; the climate history over the past 500 ka along the trajectory in the Westerlies region from Morocco to central Asia; and the climate variability over the Amazon Basin during the past 250 ka. The related works have produced the absolute chronologies that are critical to correlate regional climate variations in ice core, marine and speleothem records to understand the history of global climate change. The broad international significance of his contributions in the field is attested by about 280 publications in visible international journals, including 12 in Science and 7 in Nature, and 12 in Nature-Series Journals (H-factor 55). He is also one of the Highly Cited Researches (2014), and the only winner of the “Thomson Reuters China International Citation Impact Award (2014) from the field of geosciences. He wasgranted the "SANQIN FRIENDSHIP AWARD" in 2014, thisprize isthe highest honorbestowedupon the foreign expert by the Shanxi provincial goverment. Hewasawarded the "Geochemistry Fellow of the Geochemical Society (GS) and the European Association of Geochemistry" (EAG) in 2015.


The half-lives of uranium-234 and thorium-230
H Cheng, RL Edwards, J Hoff, CD Gallup, DA Richards, Y Asmerom
Chemical Geology 169 (1), 17-33
Ice age terminations
H Cheng, RL Edwards, WS Broecker, GH Denton, X Kong, Y Wang, ...
science 326 (5950), 248-252
A penultimate glacial monsoon record from Hulu Cave and two-phase glacial terminations
H Cheng, RL Edwards, Y Wang, X Kong, Y Ming, MJ Kelly, X Wang, ...
Geology 34 (3), 217-220
U-Th dating of deep-sea corals
H Cheng, J Adkins, RL Edwards, EA Boyle
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (14), 2401-2416
Timing and structure of the 8.2 kyr BP event inferred from δ18O records of stalagmites from China, Oman, and Brazil
H Cheng, D Fleitmann, RL Edwards, X Wang, FW Cruz, AS Auler, ...
Geology 37 (11), 1007-1010
The climatic cyclicity in semiarid‐arid central Asia over the past 500,000 years
H Cheng, PZ Zhang, C Spötl, RL Edwards, YJ Cai, DZ Zhang, WC Sang, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (1)
Improvements in 230 Th dating, 230 Th and 234 U half-life values, and U–Th isotopic measurements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
H Cheng, RL Edwards, CC Shen, VJ Polyak, Y Asmerom, J Woodhead, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 371, 82-91
The Global Paleomonsoon as seen through speleothem records from Asia and the Americas
H Cheng, A Sinha, X Wang, FW Cruz, RL Edwards
Climate Dynamics 39 (5), 1045-1062
Climate change patterns in Amazonia and biodiversity
H Cheng, A Sinha, FW Cruz, X Wang, RL Edwards, FM d’Horta, CC Ribas, ...
Nature communications 4, 1411
Oxygen isotope records of stalagmites from Southern China
H Cheng, RL Edwards, XF Wang, YJ Wang, XG Kong, DX Yuan, ...
Quaternary Sciences 25 (2), 157-163
Early warning on regional ecological geochemistry: problems and discussions
H Cheng, Z Yang, C Zhao
Earth Science Frontiers 11 (2), 607-615
Comment on “On linking climate to Chinese dynastic change: Spatial and temporal variations of monsoonal rain”
H Cheng, RL Edwards, GH Haug
Chinese Science Bulletin 55 (32), 3734-3737
U/Th and U/Pa dating of Nanjing man
H Cheng, RL Edwards, Y Wang
EOS Trans 78, 787
Abrupt climate change: Debate or action
H Cheng
Chinese Science Bulletin 49 (18), 1997-2002
A new generation of 230Th dating techniques: Tests of precision and accuracy
H Cheng, RL Edwards, XF Wang, J Woodhead, J Hellstrom, YJ Wang, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 72, 157
Geochemistry of the Late Proterozoic island-arc volcanic rocks
C Hai
Northwest Zhejiang: Geochimica, 18-26
Development of Networking System and Group-Control System for Resistance Welding Machines
H Cheng, X Yu, J Guo, G Yin
Modern Electronics Technique 7, 148-150
U/Th and U/Pa dating of nanjing man and peking man
H Cheng, RL Edwards, Y Wang
Chinese Science Bulletin 43, 26-26
[An absence of donor TH17 differentiation ameliorates dermal tissue damage].
H Cheng, GL Song, B Pan, J Tian, ZL Yan, W Chen, KL Xu, ZY Li, ...
Zhonghua yi xue za zhi 91 (26), 1843-1846
An improved anti-interference method of SCR trigger circuit
Electric Welding Machine 12, 034
Study of lipiodol dose for TACE of large hepatocellular carcinoma according to the blood supply of tumours with multidetector helical CT
C Hai
Geological Review 3, 000
Construction of a novel lentiviral vector carrying human B-domain-deleted factor VIII gene
H Cheng, K Xu, C Chen, L Zeng
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (13), 1964-1970


