


  • 中文名:稅國雙
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:複雜介質和結構的波動力學及套用、建築與土木工程
  • 就職院校北京交通大學土建學院



博士 固體力學
碩士 一般力學
本科 機械設計與製造


2015- 北京交通大學 教授
2003-2015 北京交通大學 副教授
2006-2007 Georgia Institute of Technology 訪問學者


  • 複雜介質和結構的波動力學及套用
  • 建築與土木工程(專業學位)


  • 本 科: 理論力學、材料力學、工程力學
  • 研究生: 力學測試技術



  1. 紅果園:超高溫陶瓷材料的高溫性能測試評價,2013-05-06--2014-12-30,10.0萬元,參加
  2. 基本科研業務費:低維壓電納米結構力學性能的表面效應和尺度效應及其在微納米器件中的套用,2013-01-01--2015-12-31,54.0萬元,參加
  3. 國家自然科學基金“面上”:含缺陷輕質點陣夾芯結構中彈性導波的傳播特性研究,2013-01-01--2016-12-31,85.0萬元,參加
  4. 北京交通大學:K6外圓彈簧疲勞性能分析,2011-11-10--2012-03-30,16.0萬元,參加
  5. 國家自然科學基金“面上”:高速列車車軸疲勞損傷和微組織演化的非線性超聲評價,2012-01-01--2015-12-31,65.0萬元,主持
  6. 基本科研業務費:粘接界面疲勞荷載下性能退化的非線性超聲研究,2011-07-01--2014-07-01,7.0萬元,主持
  7. 基本科研業務費:功能梯度壓電材料的接觸力學及套用,2009-12-01--2011-12-01,7.0萬元,參加
  8. 國家自然科學基金“面上”:梯度材料塗層結構的熱彈性接觸及滑動失穩分析,2009-01-01--2011-12-31,38.0萬元,參加
  9. 其它部市:金屬材料性能退化的非線性超聲無損檢測技術研究,2008-01-01--2011-01-30,22.0萬元,參加
  10. 校科技基金:材料力學性能退化的非線性超聲無損檢測技術基礎研究,2007-12-01--2009-12-30,2.0萬元,主持
  11. 國家自然科學基金:材料和結構性能退化的監測預測,2003-01-01--2005-12-30,40.0萬元,參加
  12. 教育部:功能梯度材料熱力衝擊載荷作用下的斷裂動力學行為,2003-01-01--2005-12-31,7.0萬元,參加


1. Guoshuang Shui, Jin-Yeon Kim and Jianmin Qu et al., "A new technique for measuring the acoustic nonlinearity of materials using Rayleigh waves," NDT and E International 41 (5), 326-329 (2008).
2. Guoshuang Shui, Yuesheng Wang and Jianmin Qu et al., "Evaluation of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter of materials with Rayleigh waves excited directly," Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica 33 (4), 378-384 (2008).
3. Guoshuang Shui and Yuesheng Wang, "Characterization of surface damage of a solid plate under tensile loading using nonlinear Rayleigh waves," Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 1 (5), 51005 (2011).
4. Guoshuang Shui and Yuesheng Wang, Nondestructive Evaluation of Material Damage using Nonlinear Rayleigh Waves Approach。2102 2nd international conference on advanced material research,Chengdu,1522.
5. Guoshuang Shui and Yue-Sheng Wang, "Ultrasonic evaluation of early damage of a coating by using second-harmonic generation technique," J APPL PHYS 111 (12), 124902 (2012).
6. Guo-Shuang Shui and Yue-Sheng Wang, "A method for nonlinear ultrasonic evaluation of coating damage on metallic material," Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology 35 (5), 703-706 (2012).
7. Guoshuang Shui, Peng Huang and Yuesheng Wang, "Non-destructive evaluation of fatigue damage of train spring using nonlinear ultrasonic method," Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica 38 (5), 570-575 (2013).
8. Guoshuang Shui, Yue-Sheng Wang and Fei Gong, "Evaluation of plastic damage for metallic materials under tensile load using nonlinear longitudinal waves," NDT and E International 55, 1-8 (2013).
9. Guo-Shuang Shui and Peng Huang, "Nondestructive evaluation of surface plastic damage for metallic material based on stress wave factor," Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering (11), 70-74 (2013).
10.Guoshuang Shui, Changwu Li and Kai Yao, "Non-destructive evaluation of the damage of ferromagnetic steel using metal magnetic memory and nonlinear ultrasonic method," INT J APPL ELECTROM 47 (4), 1023-1038 (2015).
11.Guoshuang Shui, Yue-Sheng Wang and Peng Huang et al., "Nonlinear ultrasonic evaluation of the fatigue damage of adhesive joints," NDT and E International 70, 9-15 (2015).


  1. 汪越勝,金明,稅國雙.靜力學[M]。國內:電子工業出版社,2011-11
  2. 汪越勝,稅國雙,金明.運動學與動力學[M]。國內:電子工業出版社,2011-12
  3. 祝瑛,蔣永莉,梁小燕,稅國雙,鄒翠榮,汪越勝.工程力學(靜力學與材料力學)[M]。國內:清華大學出版社 北京交通大學出版社,2010-10
  4. 稅國雙.理論力學[M]。國內:北京交通大學出版社,2009-01


