- 書名:移動對象管理:模型、技術與套用
- 又名: Moving Objects Management:Models,Techniques and Applications
- ISBN:9787302223788, 7302223785
- 頁數:190頁
- 出版社:清華大學出版社
- 出版時間:2010年5月1日
- 裝幀:精裝
- 開本:16
- 版 次:第1版
Part I Moving Objects Management Models
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Mobile Computing
1.1.2 Positioning Techniques
1.2 Location-Based Services
1.3 Mobile Data Management
1.4 Moving Object Databases
Moving Objects Modeling
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Underlying Models
2.3 Graphs of Cellular Automata Model
2.3.1 Cellular Automata (CA)
2.3.2 Structure of GCA
2.3.3 Trajectory of GCA
2.3.4 Transition of GCA
2.3.5 Two-Lane GCA
2.4 Summary
Moving Objects Updating
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Underlying Update Strategies
3.2.1 Based on Threshold
3.2.2 Based on Location Prediction
3.2.3 Based on Object Grouping
3.3 Proactive Location Update Strategy
3.4 Group Location Update Strategy
3.5 Summary
Moving Objects Indexing
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Underlying Indexing Structures
4.2.1 The R-Tree
4.2.2 The Grid File
4.2.3 The Quad-Tree
4.3 Indexing Moving Objects in Euclidean Space
4.3.1 The R-Tree-Based Index
4.3.2 The Grid-Based Index
4.3.3 The Quad-Tree-Based Index
4.4 Indexing Moving Objects in Spatial Networks
4.4.1 The Adaptive Unit
4.4.2 The Adaptive Network R-Tree (ANR-Tree)
4.5 Indexing Past, Present, and Future Trajectories
4.5.1 Indexing Future Trajectory
4.5.2 Indexing History Trajectories
4.6 Update-Efficient Indexing Structures
4.7 Summary
Part II Moving Objects Management Techniques
5 Moving Objects Basic Querying
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Classifications of Moving Object Queries
5.2.1 Based on Spatial Predicates
5.2.2 Based on Temporal Predicates
5.2.3 Based on Moving Spaces
5.3 NN Queries
5.3.1 Incremental Euclidean Restriction
5.3.2 Incremental Network Expansion
5.4 Range Queries
5.4.1 Range Euclidean Restriction
5.4.2 Range Network Expansion
5.5 Summary
Moving Objects Advanced Querying
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Similar Trajectory Queries for Moving Objects
6.2.1 Problem Definition
6.2.2 Trajectory Similarity
6.2.3 Query Processing
6.3 Density Queries for Moving Objects in Spatial Networks
6.3.1 Problem Definition
6.3.2 Cluster-Based Query Preprocessing
6.3.3 Density Query Processing
6.4 Continuous Density Queries for Moving Objects
6.4.1 Problem Definition
6.4.2 Building the Quad-Tree
6.4.3 Safe Interval Computation
6.4.4 Query Processing
6.5 Summary
References ..
Trajectory Prediction of Moving Objects
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Underlying Linear Prediction (LP) Methods
7.2.1 General Linear Prediction
7.2.2 Road Segment-Based Linear Prediction ..
7.2.3 Route-Based Linear Prediction
7.3 Simulation-Based Prediction (SP) Methods
7.3.1 Fast-Slow Bounds Prediction
7.3.2 Time-Segmented Prediction
7.4 Other Non-Linear Prediction Methods
7.5 Summary
Uncertainty of Moving Objects
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Uncertain Trajectory Modeling
8.3 Uncertain Trajectory Indexing
8.3.1 Structure of the UTR-Tree
8.3.2 Construction and Maintenance of UTR-Tree
8.4 Uncertainty Trajectory Querying
8.5 Summary
Part III Moving Objects Management Applications
9 Dynamic Transportation Navigation
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Moving Objects Management Application Scenarios..
9.3 Dynamic Transportation Navigation
9.3.1 Hierarchy Aggregation Tree
9.3.2 Dynamic Navigation Query Processing
9.3.3 Dynamic Navigation System Architecture
9.4 Summary
10 Dynamic Transportation Networks
10.1 Introduction
10.2 The System Architecture
10.3 Data Model of Transportation Network and Moving Objects...
10.4 Querying Moving Objects in Transportation Networks
10.4.1 Computing the Locations Through Interpolation
10.4.2 Querying Moving Objects with Uncertainty
10.4.3 Location Prediction in Transportation Networks
10.5 Summary
11 Clustering Analysis of Moving Objects
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Underlying Clustering Analysis Methods
11.3 Clustering Static Objects in Spatial Networks
11.3.1 Problem Definition
11.3.2 Edge-Based Clustering Algorithm
11.3.3 Node-Based Clustering Algorithm
11.4 Clustering Moving Objects in Spatial Networks
11.4.1 CMON Framework
11.4.2 Construction and Maintenance of CBs
11.4.3 CMON Construction with Different Criteria
11.5 Summary
12 Location Privacy
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Privacy Threats in LBS
12.3 System Architecture
12.3.1 Non-Cooperative Architecture
12.3.2 Centralized Architecture
12.3.3 Peer-to-Peer Architecture
12.4 Location Anonyrnization Techniques
12.4.1 Location K-Anonymity Model
12.4.2 p-Sensitivity Model
12.4.3 Anonymization Algorithms
12.5 Evaluation Metrics
12.6 Summary