



  • 書名:科技英語讀寫:方法與實踐
  • 又名:Reading Your Way into Technical Writing
  • ISBN:9787040216608
  • 頁數: 382頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2007年5月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《科技英語讀寫:方法與實踐》是關於“科技英語讀寫”方面知識的閱讀教學專著,《科技英語讀寫:方法與實踐》分兩大部分:第一部分是Reading your way into technical writing,由11個單元組成,是教材的主體;第二部分 Extending your scope of reading,由11篇文章組成,供學生進行課外閱讀。 第一部分每個單元由Objectives;Preparing for reading;Surveying;Reading;Analyzingmacro structure;Grasping essential points;Understanding language feathres;Organizingdetails;Responding to the text和Writing 10大塊內容構成。


Part one
Reading your way into tecnical
Unit 1 Getting Started: Identifying and Solving a Problem Ten Techniques for Activating the Spirit and Reducing Stress
Unit 2 Examining the Nature of a Familiar Phenomenon TV Addiction Versus Substance Dependence
Unit 3 Analyzing and Preventing a Disease Influenza
Unit 4 Explaining a Mechanism Why We Sleep: A Biological
Unit 5 Presenting and Illustrating an Argument Global Versus Local Issues in Noise Control Policy
Unit 6 Offering a Critical Review Hotel Design
Unit 7 Debating a New Technology Seeds of Concern
Unit 8 Drawing Inferences and Framing Hypotheses The Unearthly Landscapes of Mars: the Red Planet Is No Dead Planet
Unit 9 Testing a Hypothesis The Value of Positive Emotions
Unit 10 Applying a Clean Technology Fuel Cells
Unit 11 Undertaking a Research Project Assessing the Attitudes and Behaviors of Pedestrians and Drivers in Traffic Situations
Part two
Extending your scope o- reading
1. Engineering Education
2. The Nature of Emotions
3. Fighting HIV with HIV
4. Aging: A Biological Perspective
5. The Problems with Relying on Technology
6. As One Door Closes
7. Technology and the Humanities
8. Framing Hypotheses: A Cautioncry Tale
9. The Kindness of Strangers
10. Non-medical Lasers: Everyday Life in a New Light
11. Driver Inattention, Driver Distraction and Traffic Crashes
Key to part one
Key topart


