

禹海濤,教授、博導,國家基金優青項目獲得者,曾留學美國普渡大學(Purdue University),在同濟大學土木工程學院從事地下結構抗震與抗爆動力學的科研與教學工作。


  • 中文名:禹海濤 
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校同濟大學、上海交通大學、美國普渡大學 
  • 代表作品:以第一或通訊作者發表SCI論文35篇,JCR一區26篇,ESI高被引論文4篇(其中ESI Hot熱點1篇) 
  • 主要成就:地下結構抗震與抗爆動力學 
  • 職稱:教授 


  1. 上海市科技進步獎一等獎,排名第二,2018年
  2. 天津市科學技術進步一等獎,2018年
  3. 江西省科學技術進步獎一等獎,2018年
  4. 恢先地震工程學優秀學術會議論文獎,2018年
  5. 中國交建科學技術進步獎一等獎,2017年
  6. 中國公路學會科學技術獎一等獎,2017年
  7. 中國鐵路工程總公司科學技術獎特等獎,2017年
  8. 上海市“青年科技啟明星”,2016年
  9. 上海市土木工程學會科學技術獎一等獎,2016年
  10. 上海市科技進步獎三等獎,2016年
  11. 韓國龍土木建築獎二等獎,2016年
  12. 2017屆本科生”我最喜愛的老師“稱號,2017年
  13. 同濟大學青年教師講課競賽個人二等獎,2015年
  14. 同濟大學青年教師講課競賽團體二等獎,2015年
  15. 同濟大學青年教師講課競賽個人三等獎,2014年
  16. 同濟大學青年教師講課競賽“最佳教學設計獎”,2014年
  17. 同濟大學青年教師講課競賽團體一等獎,2014年
  18. 上海市“晨光學者”,2014年
  19. 同濟大學青年英才計畫,2014年
  20. 同濟大學青年優秀人才培養行動計畫(交叉學科),2013年


  1. 國家自然科學基金(優秀青年科學基金項目),隧道區域環境的地震動空間效應,項目負責
  2. 國家自然科學基金(面上項目),盾構隧道強震災變的宏-細觀並發多尺度方法,項目負責
  3. 國家自然科學基金(青年基金),非一致地震激勵下長隧道多尺度動力分析方法,項目負責
  4. 上海市青年科技啟明星計畫,城市地下大空間抗震安全評估體系與應急保障技術,項目負責
  5. 上海市晨光計畫,地下工程中的離散-連續多尺度動力耦合分析方法,項目負責
  6. 上海市科委重點支撐項目課題,道路隧道預製裝配式結構的抗震安全性與減震控制技術,項目負責
  7. 上海市科委重點支撐項目課題,地下大空間火災與地震安全防控及疏散技術,項目聯繫人
  8. 土木工程高峰學科國際一流科研合作基金,長大隧道地震災變機理與減震控制方法研究,項目負責
  9. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金-學科交叉類滾動資助項目,地下結構並發多尺度動力分析方法,項目負責
  10. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金(學科交叉類),長大隧道強震災變的宏-細-微觀多尺度關聯模型及高效算法,項目負責
  11. 深部岩土力學與地下工程國家重點實驗室開放基金課題,深厚軟基長大隧道強震災變機理研究,項目負責
  12. 同濟大學優秀青年教師培育計畫(英才類),地下結構並發多尺度動力分析方法,項目負責
  13. 中國博士後科學基金資助項目(一等資助),基於巨觀力學模型的沉管隧道接頭抗震性能分析,項目負責
  14. 上海市科委重點支撐項目子課題,長大盾構隧道抗震安全控制技術,項目聯繫人
  15. 國家科技重大專項課題子課題,CAP1400主廠房土-結構共同作用抗震性能分析,項目聯繫人
  16. 國家“十二五”科技支撐計畫,捷運運營突發災害(火災、爆炸和地震)防範處置技術與裝置研發,主要完成人
  17. 國家“十一五”科技支撐計畫,外海厚軟基大回淤超長沉管隧道設計與施工關鍵技術,主要完成人
  18. 國家“十一五”科技支撐計畫,城市地下空間防災減災技術,主要完成人
  19. 上海市科委重點課題,城市地下工程敏感區的結構抗爆安全與防護技術,主要完成人


已在國內外學術刊物發表科研論文144篇,其中以第一或通訊作者發表SCI論文35篇,ESI高被引論文4篇(其中ESI Hot熱點1篇),EI論文40篇,總引用873次,H指數15。
  1. Chen J.T., Yu H.T.*, Bobet A., Yuan Y. Shaking table tests of transition tunnel connecting TBM and drill-and-blast tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 96: 103197. (SCI) IF: 3.942
  2. Yu H.T., Cai C., Bobet A., Zhao X.*, Yuan Y. Analytical solution for longitudinal bending stiffness of shield tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 83: 27-34. (SCI) IF: 3.942 ESI高被引論文(熱點)
  3. Zhang J.H., Yuan Y.*, Bao Z., Yu H.T.* Bilotta E. Shaking table tests on the intersection of cross passage and twin tunnels. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 124: 136-150. (SCI) IF:2.578
  4. Zhao H.L., Yuan Y.*, Ye Z.M., Yu H.T.*, Zhang Z.M. Response characteristics of an atrium subway station subjected to bidirectional ground shaking. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 125: 105737. (SCI) IF: 2.578.
  5. Chen J.T., Yuan Y.*, Yu H.T.* Acceleration response of segmental lined tunnel. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 2019. (In Press) (SCI)
  6. Zhang J.H., Yuan Y.*, Yu H.T.* Shaking table tests on discrepant responses of shaft-tunnel junction in soft soil under transverse excitations. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 120: 345-359. (SCI) IF: 2.578.
  7. Zhao H.L., Yu H.T.*, Yuan Y., Li P.*, Chen J.T. Cyclic loading behavior of a repaired subway station after fire exposure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 84: 210-217. (SCI) IF: 3.942
  8. Lu L.M., Qiu J.N., Yuan Y.*, Tao J., Yu H.T., Wang H., Mang H. Large-scale test as the basis of investigating the fire-resistance of underground RC substructures. Engineering Structures, 2019, 178: 12-23. (SCI) IF:3.084
  9. Zhang J.H., Yuan Y.*, Bilotta E.*, Zhang B., Yu H.T. Analytical solution for dynamic responses of the vertical shaft in a shaft-tunnel junction under transverse loads. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 126: 105779. (SCI) IF:2.578
  10. Zhang Z.M., Bilotta E.*, Yuan Y.*, Yu H.T., Zhao H.L. Experimental assessment of the effect of vertical earthquake motion on underground metro station. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9: 5182. (SCI) IF:2.217
  11. Yuan Y., Luo J.H.*, Yu H.T. Experimental study on vertical shear behaviors of an immersion joint with steel shear keys. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9: 5056. (SCI) IF: 2.217
  12. Yu H.T.*, Zhang Z.W., Chen J.T., Bobet A., Zhao M. Analytical solution for longitudinal seismic response of tunnel liners with sharp stiffness transition. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 77: 103-114. (SCI) IF: 3.942
  13. Yu H.T.*, Yang Y.S. Yuan Y. Analytical solution for a finite Euler-Bernoulli beam with single discontinuity in section under arbitrary dynamic loads. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 60: 571-580. (SCI) IF: 2.841
  14. Yu H.T.*, Yan X., Bobet A., Yuan Y.*, Xu G.P., Su Q.K. Multi-point shaking table test of a long tunnel subjected to non-uniform seismic loadings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 16(2): 1041-1059. (SCI) IF:2.406 ESI高被引論文
  15. Yuan Y. Yu H.T.*, Li C., Yan X. Yuan J.Y. Multi-point shaking table test for long tunnels subjected to non-uniform seismic loadings - Part I: theory and validation. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 108: 177-186. (SCI) IF: 2.578. ESI高被引論文
  16. Yu H.T., Yuan Y.*, Xu G.P., Su Q.K., Yan X., Li C. Multi-point shaking table test for long tunnels subjected to non-uniform seismic loadings - Part II: application to the HZM immersed tunnel, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 108: 187-195. (SCI) IF: 2.578. ESI高被引論文
  17. Li C., Yuan Y.*, He P.F., Yuan J.Y., Yu H.T. Improved equivalent mass-spring model for seismic response analysis of two-dimensional soil strata. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 112: 198-202. (SCI) IF:2.578
  18. Fabozzi S.*, Bilotta E., Yu H.T., Yuan Y. Effects of the asynchronism of ground motion on the longitudinal behavior of a circular tunnel. Effects of the asynchronism of ground motion on the longitudinal behavior of a circular tunnel, 2018, 82: 529-541. (SCI) IF:3.942
  19. Li C., Yuan J.Y., Yu H.T., Yuan Y.* Mode-based equivalent multi-degree-of-freedom system for one-dimensional viscoelastic response analysis of layered soil deposit. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2018, 17(1): 103-124. (SCI)
  20. Yu H.T.*, Cai C., Yuan Y., Jia M.C. Analytical Solutions for Euler-Bernoulli Beam on Pasternak Foundation Subjected to Arbitrary Dynamic Loads. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, 41(8): 1125-1137. (SCI) IF: 2.342.
  21. Yu H.T.*, Xiao W.H., Yuan Y., Taerwe L. Seismic mitigation for immersion joints: design and validation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 67: 39-51. (SCI) IF: 2.192
  22. Bao Z., Yuan Y.*, Yu H.T.*. Multi-scale physical model of shield tunnels applied in shaking table test. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 100: 465-479. ( SCI) IF: 1.545.
  23. Xiao W.H., Yu H.T.*, Yuan Y.*, Taerwe L., Xu G.P. Compression-shear behavior of a scaled immersion joint with steel shear keys. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 70: 76-88.(SCI) IF: 2.192
  24. Li C., Yuan J.Y., Yu H.T., Yuan Y. Mode-based equivalent multi-degree-of-freedom system for one-dimensional viscoelastic response analysis of layered soil deposit. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2017. (In Press, SCI)
  25. Yu H.T., Cai C., Guan X.F., Yuan Y. Analytical solution for long lined tunnels subjected to travelling loads. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 58: 209-215. (SCI) IF: 2.192
  26. Yu H.T., Chen J.T., Bobet A., Yuan Y. Damage observation and assessment of the Longxi tunnel during the Wenchuan earthquake. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 54: 102-116. (SCI) IF: 2.192
  27. Yu H.T., Wang Z.B., Yuan Y., Li W.T. Numerical analysis of internal blast effects on underground tunnel in soils. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016, 12(9): 1090-1105.(SCI)IF: 2.805
  28. Yu H.T., Chen J.T., Yuan Y., Zhao X. Seismic damage in mountain tunnels due to the Wenchuan strong earthquake. Journal of Mountain Sciences, 2016, 13(11): 1958-1972. (SCI) IF: 1.017.
  29. Bobet A., Yu H.T.* Full Stress and Displacement Fields for Steel-Lined Deep Pressure Tunnels in Transversely Anisotropic Rock. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 56: 125-135. (SCI)IF: 2.192
  30. Yan X., Yuan J.Y., Yu H.T.*, Bobet A., Yuan Y. Multi-point Shaking Table test design for long tunnels under non-uniform seismic loading. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 59: 114-126. (SCI) IF: 2.192
  31. Li W.T., Jiang Z.W., Yang Z.H., Yu H.T.* Effective mechanical properties of self-healing cement matrices with microcapsules. Materials and Design, 2016, 95: 422-430. (SCI) IF: 4.0
  32. Guan X.F., Yu H.T.*, Tian X. A stochastic second-order and two-scale thermo-mechanical model for strength prediction of concrete materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2016, 108(8): 885-901. (SCI) IF: 2.162
  33. Niu W.J., Yu H.T.* A new analytic solution to determine internal load of small span suspension bridge. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2016, 20(4): 1419-1428. (SCI) IF: 0.6
  34. Zhao H.L., Yu H.T.*, Yuan Y., Zhu H.B. Blast mitigation effect of the foamed cement-base sacrificial cladding for tunnel structures. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 94: 710-718. (SCI) IF: 2.296.
  35. Li M.G., Yu H.T.*, Wang J.H., Xia X.H., Chen J.J. A multiscale coupling approach between discrete element method and finite difference method for dynamic analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2015, 102(1): 1-21. (SCI) IF: 2.162
  36. Bobet A., Yu H.T.* Stress field near the tip of a crack in a poroelastic transversely anisotropic saturated rock. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 141: 1-18.(SCI) IF: 2.024.
  37. Yan X., Yu H.T.*, Yuan Y., Yuan J.Y. Multi-point shaking table test of the free field under non-uniform earthquake excitation. Soils and Foundations, 2015, 55(5): 985-1000. (SCI) IF: 1.238
  38. Xiao W.H., Yu H.T., Yuan Y., Taerwe L., Chai R. Compression-bending behavior of a scaled immersion joint. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2015, 49: 426-437. (SCI) IF: 2.192
  39. Yu H.T., Yuan Y. Analytical solution for an infinite Euler-Bernoulli beam on a visco-elastic foundation subjected to arbitrary dynamic loads. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2014, 140(3): 542-551.(SCI) IF: 1.764.
  40. Yu H.T., Yuan Y., Yu G.X., Liu X. Evaluation of influence of vibrations generated by blasting construction on an existing tunnel in soft soils. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2014, 43: 59-66. (SCI) IF: 2.192
  41. Chen Z.Y., Yu H.T., Yuan Y., Full 3D seismic analysis of a long-distance water conveyance tunnel, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014, 10(1): 128-140. (SCI) IF: 2.805
  42. Yu H.T., Yuan Y., Qiao Z.Z., Gu Y., Yang Z.H., Li X.D. Seismic analysis of a long tunnel based on multi-scale method. Engineering Structures, 2013, 49: 572-587.(SCI)IF: 2.258
  43. Yu H.T., Yuan Y., Bobet A. Multiscale method for long tunnels subjected to seismic loading, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2013, 37(4): 374-398.(SCI)IF: 2.342
  44. Yu H.T., Yuan Y., Liu X., Li Y.W., Ji S.W. Damages of the Shaohuoping road tunnel near the epicenter, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2013, 9(9): 935-951.(SCI)IF: 2.805
  45. Yu H.T.*, Yuan Y., Bobet A. Seismic analysis of long tunnels: a review of simplified and unified methods. Underground Space, 2017, 2: 73-87.
  46. Bobet A., Yu H.T.* Seismic distortions of a deep circular tunnel in elastic slightly anisotropic ground. Underground Space, 2017, 2: 134-147.
  47. Yu H.T.*, Wang J.H., Yuan Y. An improved dynamic hysteretic model for soils. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) (English Version), 2013, 18(6): 655-659.
  48. 禹海濤*, 吳胤翔,塗新斌,張曉陽,李峰. 盾構隧道縱向地震回響的多尺度分析方法. 中國公路學報, 2019.
  49. 禹海濤, 張正偉,李攀*,賀維國,趙旭. 土岩變化地層長隧道縱向地震回響解析解. 岩土工程學報, 2019, 41(7): 1244-1250.
  50. 禹海濤, 蕭文浩,趙旭*,袁勇,柴瑞,劉洪洲. 沉管隧道柔性接頭壓縮性能研究. 中國公路學報, 2019, 32(5): 115-122, 180.
  51. 禹海濤,張正偉,李攀*. 地下結構抗震設計的改進等效反應加速度法. 岩土力學, 2019.
  52. 禹海濤*,蔡創.任意動載作用下長隧道縱向回響解析解.同濟大學學報(自然科學版), 2018, 46(1): 1-6.
  53. 禹海濤*, 袁勇. 長大隧道地震回響分析與試驗方法新進展. 中國公路學報, 2018, 31(10): 19-35.
  54. 禹海濤,張敬華,袁勇*,季倩倩. 盾構隧道-工作井複雜節點振動台試驗設計與分析. 中國公路學報, 2017, 30(8): 183-192.
  55. 袁勇,包蓁,禹海濤*, 季倩倩. 考慮行波效應的盾構隧道多點振動台試驗研究. 中國公路學報, 2017, 30(8): 174-182.
  56. 袁勇,禹海濤*,蕭文浩,徐國平,蔣至彥.沉管隧道管節接頭混凝土剪力鍵壓剪破壞試驗研究.工程力學, 2017, 34(3): 149-154.
  57. 袁勇,禹海濤*,燕曉,徐國平,蘇權科. 超長沉管隧道多點振動台試驗模擬與分析.中國公路學報, 2016, 29(12): 157-165.
  58. 禹海濤*,蕭文浩,袁勇,劉洪洲,蔣至彥.沉管隧道接頭減震耗能裝置設計與試驗驗證. 中國公路學報, 2016, 29(12): 142-148.
  59. 禹海濤*,李翀,袁勇,柴瑞,劉洪洲. 用於長隧道多點振動台試驗的節段式模型箱及其適用性研究. 中國公路學報, 2016, 29(12): 166-174.
  60. 禹海濤*,蕭文浩,袁勇,蘇權科,徐國平.沉管隧道接頭與管節本體剛度比試驗.中國公路學報, 2016, 29(12): 134-141.
  61. 禹海濤*,張敬華,季倩倩,袁勇,劉小方,左鋒.基於3D列印技術的盾構隧道模型設計與製作. 鐵道科學與工程學報, 2017.
  62. 燕曉,禹海濤*,袁勇,袁聚雲.沉管隧道基槽邊坡振動台試驗及動力特性.中國公路學報, 2016, 29(12): 149-156.
  63. 李明廣,禹海濤*,王建華,袁勇,陳錦劍.離散-連續多尺度橋域耦合動力分析方法.工程力學, 2015, 32(6): 92-98.
  64. 袁勇,申中原,禹海濤.沉管隧道縱向地震回響分析的多體動力學方法.工程力學, 2015, 32(5): 76-83.
  65. 禹海濤,袁勇,劉洪洲,李貞新,陳之毅.沉管隧道接頭力學模型及剛度解析表達式.工程力學, 2014, 31(6): 145-150.
  66. 魯嘉星,禹海濤*,賈堅.軟土地區捷運車站橫斷面抗震設計方法適用性研究.建築結構, 2014, 44(23): 80-84.
  67. 禹海濤,袁勇,顧玉亮,楊志豪.非一致激勵下長距離輸水隧道地震回響分析.水利學報, 2013, 44(6): 718-725.
  68. 禹海濤,袁勇.地下結構多尺度動力分析方法,力學學報, 2012, 44(6): 1028-1036.
  69. 禹海濤,袁勇,朱毅敏,王建華, 施工振動下基於黏彈性邊界的地下結構動力特性模擬, 上海交通大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, 46(1): 64-68.
  70. 禹海濤,袁勇,徐國平,陳越, 超長沉管隧道抗震設計及其關鍵問題分析, 上海交通大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, 46(1): 94-98.
  71. 袁勇,禹海濤,陳之毅.軟土淺埋框架結構抗震計算方法評價.振動與衝擊, 2009, 28(8):50-56.
  72. 禹海濤,柳獻,袁勇,王慶國,程國榮,吳曉峰.地下牆施工爆破對既有隧道的振動測試與分析.爆炸與衝擊, 2009, 29(6): 566-572.


  1. 國家自然科學基金、中國博士後科學基金等項目評審專家
  2. 美國普渡大學博士生Eimar Sandoval博士學位論文答辯委員會成員(Appointment ID is C10233)  The topic of his thesis is: Performance of Underground Structures during Undrained Seismic Loading
  3. 比利時根特大學(Ghent University)博士生Wenhao Xiao博士學位論文答辯委員會成員;The topic of his thesis is: Experimental assessment of the mechanical behavior of immersion joints and a seismic mitigation method in immersed tunnels
  4. 中國岩石力學與工程學會水下隧道工程技術分會理事
  5. 中國土木工程學會隧道及地下工程分會建設管理與青年工作者專業委員會會員
  6. 上海市土木工程學會會員
  7. 第六屆土木工程全壽命國際研討會International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE2018),分會組織者
  8. GeoShanghai 2014、GeoShanghai 2018國際會議,組織委員會委員
  9. 第三屆全國岩土本構理論研討會,組織委員會委員
  10. 第12屆世界計算力學大會(WCCM XII) & 第6屆亞洲-太平洋計算力學大會(APCOM VI),韓國首爾,分會組織者(MS Organizer 編號MS912):Frontiers of Computational Modeling in Underground Engineering,以及分會主席
  11. 第27屆亞洲土木工程高校聯盟會議(27th KKHTCNN),組織委員會委員、分會主席
  12. 《Chemistry of Materials》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering》、《Engineering Structures》、《Engineering Geology》、《Soils and Foundations》、《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》、《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》、《Acta Geotechnica》、《Acta Mechanica Sinica》、《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、《Structural Concrete》、《Structure and Infrastructure Engineering》、《Advances in Structural Engineering》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Composites Part B》、《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》、《International Journal of Computational Methods》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Journal of Mountain Science》、《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《Steel and Composite Structures》、《The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》、《the Proceedings of ICE journal - Structures and Buildings》、《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》等國際學術期刊審稿人
  13. “American Rock Mechanics Association”, “15th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering & 8th South American Congress on Rock Mechanics & 6th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials”, “GeoShanghai International Conference”等系列國際會議特邀審稿人


  1. 禹海濤;張敬華;包蓁;袁勇. 一種用於盾構隧道模型試驗的管環模型設計方法, 國家發明專利. (專利號:ZL201610380054.4)
  2. 禹海濤,蕭文浩,袁勇. 一種用於沉管隧道接頭的減震耗能裝置,實用新型.(專利號:ZL201520116635.8)
  3. 袁勇,禹海濤,等.一種沉管隧道接頭抗彎剛度的測量方法,國家發明專利.(專利號:ZL201210421333.2)
  4. 袁勇,蕭文浩,禹海濤,等. 一種大型門式通用反力架系統,實用新型.(專利號:ZL201420008829.1)
  5. 章勇;郭俊;萬超;余小強;楊銳銳;姚旭朋;禹海濤. 一種用於沉管隧道接頭的預應力限位拉索裝置, 國家發明專利. (專利號:CN201710022462.7)
  6. 鄭學平;李九福;黃小彬;鄒文清;房玲明;姚旭朋;禹海濤. 一種多維多向自平衡載入反力裝置, 國家發明專利. (專利號:CN201710022391.0)
  7. 禹海濤,蔡雪松,張正偉,袁勇. 地下結構地震回響快速分析方法(S2O), 軟體著作權, 2017.(登記號:2017SR466807)
  8. 禹海濤,袁勇. 連續-離散多尺度動力分析軟體(CDMDAS Version 1.0), 軟體著作權, 2014. (登記號:2014SR189735)


