



  • 書名:研究生英語(下)
  • 作者:趙璉、魯人、王敬華、郭素娟
  • ISBN:9787301004029
  • 頁數:371
  • 定價:16.0
  • 出版社北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:1996-2
  • 裝幀:精裝




Unit One
Text:The Million-Pound Note by Mark Twain
Section 1 Aids to Study
Section 2 General Exercises
Section 3 Reading Exercises
Section 4 Writing Exercises
Unit Two
Text:The Killer Lake'of Cameroon by S.Weisburd
Section 1 Aids to Study
Section 2 General Exercises
Section 3 Reading Exercises
Section 4 Writing Exercises
Unit Three
Text:The Unsinkable Titanic Compiled by the Editors of Reader's Digest
Section 1 Aids to Study
Section 2 General Exercises
Section 3 Reading Exercises
Section 4 Writing Exercises
Unit Four
Text:Who Am I?by Marya Mannes
Section 1 Aids to Study
Section 2 General Exercises
Section 3 Reading Exercises
Section 4 Writing Exercises
Unit Five
Text:Challenger:Reflections on a Tragedy by Mlcolm McConnell
Section 1 Aids to Study
Section 2 General Exercises
Section 3 Reading Exercises
Section 4 Writing Exercises
Unit Six
Text:The World House by Martin Luther King,Jr.
Section 1 Aids to Study
Section 2 General Exercises
Section 3 Reading Exercises
Section 4 Writing Exercises
Unit Seven
Text:Inteligence,the University and Society by Kenneth B.Clark
Section 1 Aids to Study
Section 2 General Exercises
Section 3 Reading Exercises
Section 4 Writing Exercises
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten


