



  • 書名:研究生英語核心教材—綜合教程(上)
  • 作者:余靜嫻
  • ISBN:9787811341867
  • 定價:24.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008.9
  • 裝幀:平
  • 開本:16/膠紙
  • 適用層次:研究生
  • 字數/頁數:234
  • 版次/印次:1/1


《非英語專業碩士/博士學位研究生英語教學基本要求(試行)》大綱明示,“基礎英語課一般以人文、科技內容為教材”。以此為原則,《研究生英語核心教材 ——綜合教程(上)》的課文基本上選自近年出版的英、美書籍報刊,廣泛涉及到西方國家社會的經濟、政治、文化、科技、教育、生活等領域,雖然有的材料略作刪節,但大體保持了作品的原汁原味。教程十個單元內容涵蓋:短篇小說(《黑鬱金香》等);經濟與金融(香港經濟的復甦、經濟學家、中國人民幣匯率浮動及意義等);科技(幹細胞、腦功能研究、克隆技術);天文科學和科幻(外星人、地外生命、不明飛行物等);人物故事(百年愛因斯坦、迪斯尼、麥克唐納等);信息網路科技(分散式系統、網路通訊科技新發展等);生活(幸福婚姻的科學觀、幸福的概念等);青少年教育(馬克吐溫對青年的演說);科學與戰爭;環境保護諸題材。這些選材時代性和知識性強,反映了在政治、經濟、科技、生活、教育、環保等領域的現狀和最新研究成果,不僅具有語言教學的價值和社會文化生活的內涵,而且具有很大的可讀性和思辨性。


Unit 1
Text The Black Tulip
Extensive Reading
Passage One The Boarded Window
Passage Two Shark Attack on Land
Unit 2
Text The Science of a Happy Marriage
Extensive Reading
Passage One I Will Wait for You
Passage Two Love around the World
Unit 3
Text Hong Kong: It's Back!
Extensive Reading
Passage One Economist
Passage Two Will We Be Richer than Our Kids?
Unit 4
Text What Are Little Boys Made Of?
Extensive Reading
Passage One Demystifying Stem Cells
Passage Two Theory of Sexual Selection Needs Updating
Unit 5
Text Advice to Youth
Extensive Reading
Passage One Teaching Teachers
Passage Two SUNY -- The State University of New York
Unit 6
Text Science and War
Extensive Reading
Passage One Stuck in the Middle
Passage Two The Singles Business
Unit 7
Text Mazes
Extensive Reading
Passage One How Aliens Travel Great Distances Through Space
Passage Two Are We Alone in the Universe?
Unit 8
Text What If Einstein Had Been a Better Violinist?
Extensive Reading
Passage One The Man Who Saved Your Life -- Maurice R. Hiileman
Passage Two Walt Disney
Unit 9
Text Characterization of Distributed Systems
Extensive Reading
Passage One Come Fly with Me
Passage Two Come Together, Right Now
Unit 10
Text A Need for Full Awareness of Planet's Fragility
Extensive Reading
Passage One 2004, Tsunami in South-east Asia
Passage Two An American Tragedy --The Nightmare After Katrina


