



  • 中文名:石建黨
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


1990.09 ~ 1994.07 南開大學生物系生物化學專業 本科
1994.07 ~ 1999.09 天津醫科大學分子生物學中心實驗室助教,承擔天津醫科大學博士、碩士研究生《醫學分子生物學實驗技術》部分課程
1996.09 ~ 1999.07 天津醫科大學生化與分子生物學專業碩士研究生
1999.09 ~ 2002.07 天津醫科大學分子病毒學專業博士研究生
2002.11 ~ 2005.01 南開大學分子生物學研究所博士後
2005年至今 南開大學生命科學學院教師,副研究員。


1.張立國、石建黨、馮劍利、李鐘、張琚. Type IV collagenase (matrix metalloproteinase-2 and-9) in prostate cancer. PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES
2.吳荃,周穎,陳林峰,石建黨,王春雨,苗琳,Mocker, H; Park, I;李鐘,張琚. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) epithelial cell line BPH-1 induces aromatase expression in prostatic stromal cells via prostaglandin E2. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY
3.王春雨,石建黨,閆春和,吳荃,Klocker, H; Park, I; 李鐘,張琚. Development of a cell-isolation method for human prostatic smooth muscle cells based on cell type-specific activation of the SM22 gene promoter. BJU INTERNATIONAL
4.張智松 王亮 梅玫 朱彥 杜小玲 李鐘 Irwin Park 張琚 石建黨. Both nongenomic and genomic effects are involved in estradiol’s enhancing the phenotype of smooth muscle cells in cultured prostate stromal cells. The Prostate 7
5.周穎 肖向茜 陳林鋒 楊睿 石建黨 杜小玲 Helmut Klocker, Irwin Park 李鐘 張琚. Proliferation and phenotypic changes of stromal cells in response to varying estrogen/androgen levels in castrated rats. Asian Journal of Andrology
6.張立國 王春雨 楊睿 石建黨 符蓉 陳林鋒 Helmut Klocker 張琚. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR assay of prostate-specific antigen and prostate-specific membrane antigen in peripheral blood for detection of prostate cancer micrometastasis. Urol Oncol
7.張智松 段磊 杜小玲 馬洪順 Irwin Park 李鐘 張琚 石建黨. The proliferative effect of estradiol on human prostate stromal cells is mediated through activation of ERK. The Prostate
8.吳荃 石建黨 陳林鋒 王春雨 Irwin Park 李鐘 張琚. Regulation of proliferation and differentiation of prostatic stromal cells by estradiol through prostateic epithelial cells (BPH-1) in a paracrine manner. The BJU International
9.楊睿,張立國,符蓉,王春雨,劉樹業,石建黨,張琚. 實時定量PCR技術檢測前列腺癌微小轉移的研究. 南開大學學報
10.於林,王春雨,楊睿,王亮,石建黨*,張琚. TAT-GFP-ERB融合蛋白的原核表達與鑑定. 南開大學學報
11.周穎, 楊睿, 石建黨*, 劉傑, 杜小玲, 王克明, 張琚*. BPH間質細胞增殖和表型轉化與雌激素受體α表達的關係. 解剖學報
12.苗琳,石建黨*, 周穎, 杜小玲, 吳荃, 王克明, 張琚*. BPH-1通過分泌PGE2上調前列腺間質細胞ERR?的表達. 中國生物化學與分子生物學報
13.張智松, 劉傑, 杜小玲, 段磊, 張琚*, 石建黨. 雌激素快速激活MAPK 途徑促進前列腺間質細胞的增殖. 中國生物化學與分子生物學報
14.Rui Yang, Yu-Xia Ma, Lin-Feng Chen, Ying Zhou1, Zhan-Po Yang, Yan Zhu, Xiao-Ling Du, Jian-Dang Shi*, Hong-Shun Ma, Ju Zhang*. Antagonism of estrogen-mediated cell proliferation by raloxifene in prevention of ageing-related prostatic hyperplasia. Asian Journal of Andrology
15.苗琳; 周穎; 石建黨; 杜小玲; 焦鴻麗; 張琚. 雌二醇通過TGFβ1促進前列腺間質細胞MMP-2的表達. 中國生物化學與分子生物學報 25-8-712-718. 2009-8-1
16.Lin Miao, Jiandang Shi , Chun-Yu Wang, Yan Zhu, Xiaoling Du, Hongli Jiao, Zengnan Mo, Helmut Klocker, Chung Lee, Ju.Zhang. Estrogen receptor-related receptor alpha mediates up-regulation of aromatase expression by prostaglandin E2 in prostate stromal cells. Mol Endocrinol
17.Rui Yang, Da Xu, Jiandang Shi*, Helmut Klocker, Chung Lee, Ju Zhang*. Tanshinone IIA inhibits estrogen/androgen induced prostatic stromal hyperplasia. The Journal of Urology --. 2010-5-28
18,Lin Yu, Jiandang Shi, Chun Yu Wang, Helmut klocker, Doris Mayer*, Ju Zhang*. Estradiol promotes the invasive potency of prostate cancer cells in a paracrine manner through stimulation of prostatic stromal cells. The Journal of Urology --. 2010-5-28
19.Z.S. Zhang, L. Wang, H.S. Ma, X.L. Du, J. Zhang*, J.D. Shi* . nongenomic and genomic effects are involved in estradiol’s enhancing the phenotype of smooth muscle cells in cultured prostate stromal cells
23.Y Lin; Wang Chunyu; Shi Jiandang; Miao Lin; Du Xiaoling; Mayer Doris; Ju Zhang*. Estrogens Promote Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells in a Paracrine Manner through Up-Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 in Prostatic Stromal Cells. Endocrinology
24.彭雁飛,師瑩,王亮,石建黨*,楊小麗,張琚*. 用腺病毒載體包裝不同分化程度平滑肌細胞特異性啟動子的策略分離鑑定人前列腺間質細胞亞群. 南開大學學報
Lin Yu, Jiandang Shi, Sa Cheng, Yan Zhu, Xiulan Zhao, Kuo Yang, Xiaoling Du,Helmut klocker,Xiaoli Yang,Ju Zhang*. Estrogen promotes prostate cancer cell migration via paracrine release of ENO1 from stromal cells. Molecular Endocrinology
25,杜小玲,寧召臣,王春雨,石建黨,張琚*. 類固醇激素受體輔助調節因子ARA55和TGFβ1在前列腺癌細胞中作用分子機制的研究. 南開大學學報(自然科學版)
26.Lin Miao, Sina Grebhardt, Jiandang Shi, Isabelle Peipe, Ju Zhang, Doris Mayer. Prostaglandin E2 stimulates S100A8 expression by activating protein kinaseA and CCAAT/enhancer-binding-protein-beta in prostate cancer cells . The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology --


