a) 研究封閉空間內聲場近場聲全息(Near-field Acoustic Holography)方法與技術,實現複雜結構(大飛機、高端船舶、潛艇、高鐵、汽車等)內部3D聲場全息成像及可視化,以進行內部聲場及結構表面聲源識別定位及噪聲控制(Interior Noise Sourse Localization and Identification);
b) 研究外輻射聲場的近場聲全息方法與技術,重構結構表面及外輻射聲場的3D聲學量全息圖像,實現結構表面聲源定位以及預測聲源近場/遠場的輻射特性(Exterior Noise Sourse Localization and Identification);
c) 研究平面和球面波束成形方法和技術,實現遠場/近場聲源的識別定位及3D聲場全息成像(Beamforming Technology);
2)研究3D傳聲器陣列理論及聲圖像處理方法與技術,最佳化3D陣列硬體拓撲結構對聲波的採集與空間濾波,實現近場與遠場聲源的精確定位與識別(Array Signal Processing);
6)研究特種裝備所用動力電池的聲發射特性,實現長效電池的實時壽命預報與監測(Battery Health Monitoring);
7)研究近場聲全息圖像逆向映射時,系統逆問題求解過程中的正則化方法和技術,以及正則化參數自動尋優方法(Inverse Problem & Regularization);
8)結構振動與噪聲控制,Vibration & Noise Control and Treatment.
Invited Speech, "Numerical study on sound transmission loss of porous rubber plate," Inter-Noise 2011, September 4-8, 2011 Osaka Japan
Keynote Speech,"Near-field Acoustic Holography—Seeing Sound as 3D Image," The 1st Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control, July 28-30, 2011 Yinchuan Ningxia
Keynote Speech,"Near-field Acoustic Holography—Approaches and Applications," International Auto NVH Control Conference,December 10-12,2010 Tianjing
1) Huaicai Lu,S. F. Wu and D. B. Keele Jr,Reconstructing Acoustic Radiation Patterns of an elongated baffled plate at High Frequencies with the Nyquist Spatial Sampling Rate Significantly Relaxed, Journal of Computational Acoustics, in press,2012.
2) Huaicai Lu,Shenshun Ying,Wei Jiang,Lei Yao,and Jiangming Jin,“Numerical study on sound transmission loss of porous rubber plate,” Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka Japan (2011)
3) Huancai Lu and Sean F. Wu, “Reconstruction of vibro-acoustic responses of a highly non-spherical structure using Helmholtz equation least squares method,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 No.3 (2009)
4) Sean F. Wu, Huancai Lu, and Manjit S. Bajwa, “Reconstruction of transient acoustic radiation from a sphere,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117 2065 (2005)
5) Huancai Lu, “Reconstruction of vibroacoustic responses using Helmholtz equation least squares method”, ETD Collection for Wayne State University. Paper AAI3280679. (2007)
6) Huancai Lu and Sean F. Wu, “Reconstruction of normal surface velocities of a simply-supported baffled plate using Helmholtz equation least square method” in Proceedings of NCAD2008, NoiseCon2008-ASME NCAD, July 28-30, 2008, Dearborn, MI 48202
7) Huancai Lu, “Reconstruction of vibroacoustic responses using Helmholtz equation least squares method”, Ph.D. Thesis published in ProQuest/UMI. Publication No. 3280-679, Vol. 68-09B, 2007.
8) Huancai Lu, Sean F. Wu and D. B. (Don) Keele, Jr., “High-Accuracy Full-Sphere Electro-Acoustic Polar Measurements at High Frequencies Using the HELS Method,” in AES E-Library, 121st Convention of Audio Engineering Society, October 5-8, 2006, San Francisco, CA 94103
9) Huancai Lu and Jie Han, “Automatic test system based on interchangeable virtual instrument for torque converter,” Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, Vol. 22. No.4, 331~336, (2001)
10) Huancai Lu and Sean Wu, “On vibroacoustic modal analysis of arbitrarily shaped vibrating structures,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 2726 (2009)
11) Huancai Lu, Sean Wu, and Donald Keele, Jr., “High-frequency reconstruction of radiation patterns from a rectangular baffled plate using the Helmholtz equation least squares method,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 3069 (2007)
12) Huancai Lu and Sean F. Wu, “Reconstruction of vibro-acoustic response of a plate using Helmholtz equation least-squares method,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 3344 (2006)
13) Huancai Lu and Sean Wu, “Reconstructing transient acoustic field resulting from an explosion,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116 2626 (2004)
14) Huancai Lu and Sean Wu, “Helmholtz equation least squares method for transient nearfield acoustic holography,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114 2443 (2003)
15) Zhi Ni, Huancai Lu, Sean Wu, and Yang Zhao, “Prediction of acoustic radiation via 3D particle velocity measurements,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114 2362 (2003)
16) Qiang Hu, Zhi Ni, Huancai Lu, Sean Wu, and Yang Zhao, “Prediction of acoustic radiation based on particle velocity measurements,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111 2474 (2002)
17) Huancai Lu, “Visual engineering environment based on interchangeable virtual instrument for acoustic pressure field,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108 2529 (2000)
18) Huancai Lu and Minzong Li,Reconstruction of Sound Field Based on Near-field Acoustic Holography with a Rigid Spherical Microphone Array,J Acoust Soc Am 131(4):3258 (2012),the 163rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), the 8th meeting of the Acoustical Society of China (ASC), the 11th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference (WESPAC) and the Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA),May 13-18,2012
19)Huancai Lu and Yulai Song,Study on Suppression of Background Noise Using Near-field Acoustic Holography with Single Layer Microphone Array,J Acoust Soc Am 131(4):3258 (2012), the 163rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), the 8th meeting of the Acoustical Society of China (ASC), the 11th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference (WESPAC) and the Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA),May 13-18,2012