皇家特許語言家學會(Chartered Institute of Linguists,簡稱CIOL)是一個享譽全球的國際權威學術組織。該學會成立於1910年,總部設在倫敦,現有會員6000多名。其宗旨是:
The Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) is the pre-eminent UK-based professional membership body for language practitioners. It aims to enhance and promote the value of languages and language skills in the public interest.
Founded in 1910, the Institute has almost 6,000 Fellows, Members, Associates and Student members. It aims to:
1.Serve the professional interests of its members
2.Set standards and provide nationally accredited and other professional qualifications through its associated charity and Ofqual-recognised Awarding Organisation, the IoL Educational Trust (IoLET)
3.Be an authoritative voice promoting the learning and use of languages, and the professional status of language work
4.Advise on policy and strategy affecting languages