

《當代商務英語閱讀教程(2學生用書)》是2008年3月華東師範大學出版社出版的圖書。該書是專門為高職高專商務英語專業學生精心編寫的。由著名英語專家井升華主編,高職商務英語教學一線骨幹教師、本科商務英語教學專家、英語語言教育專家和企業商務英語培訓教師聯袂編寫,由外籍商務英語專家審定把關。 《當代商務英語閱讀教程(2學生用書)》有以下特點: 起點、難度適當,符合高職學生特點; 注重語言基本功,強化閱讀技能訓練; 富有時代特色,商務與語言有機銜接; 重在培養職業能力,適應商務職場需要; 配有光碟、多媒體課件及網站,方便課餘鞏固。


  • 書名:當代商務英語閱讀教程2:學生用書
  • 作者:井升華
  • 出版社:華東師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年3月1日
  • 頁數:333 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787561758229
  • 語種:英語


井升華主編的《當代商務英語閱讀教程(2學生用書)》嘗試以話題為基礎的內容英語教學(Topic—based Content English)。


Unit 1 汽車與交通
Topic—based Content:Automobiles and Transportation
Topic Reading:Extracts of Automobiles and Transportation
Extract 1:Automobile Industry
[相關連結]Related Link:Brands of Cars
Extract 2:Traffic Congestion and Its Solution
[文化連結] Culture Link:Carpool/Vanpool
Extract 3:China’S Drive for Local Car Brands
Extract 4:China Starts Driving in Style
[文化連結] Culture Link:Driving Through
[實例連結]Link to Authentic Document:Car Exchange Agreement
Unit 2 “租”出好生意
Topic-based Content:Leasing
Topic Reading:Extracts of Leasing
Extract 1:How to Choose an Equipment Leasing Company
Extract 2:Equipment Leasing
[實例連結]Link to Authentic Document:Rental Agreement
Extract 3:Leasing Advantages
[相關連結] Related Link:租約小知識
Extract 4:How Do I Buy My Car at the End of the Lease?
[實例連結]Link to Authentic Document:LEASE
Unit 3 觀光“財道”
Topic—based Content:Toufism
Topic Reading:Extracts of Tourism
Extract 1:Tourist Industry
Extract 2:Planning Your Trip
[文化連結] Culture Link:To Be Time Travelers
[相關連結] Related Link:China to Become the Second Largest Tourism Economy with in the Decade
Extract 3:Safety and Security Warning
Extract 4:Cultural Tourism
[實例連結]Link to Authentic Document:A Tourist Promotional Letter
Unit 4 商貿經典路——絲綢之路
Topic-based Content:Silk Route
Topic Reading:Extracts of Silk Route
Extract 1:The Story and Its Significance
Extract 2:Foreign Influence
[相關連結] Related Link:The Region of the Silk Route
Extract 3:Marco Polo on the Silk Route
Extract 4:Living In Silk:Chinese Textiles through 5,000 Years
[文化連結] Culture Link:Digital Silk Road
Unit 5 創意掘金
Topic-based Content:Creative Industry
Topic Reading:Extracts of Creative Industry
Extract 1:Definition and Boundaries of Creative Industry
Extract 2:Significance of Creative Industry
[文化連結]Culture Link:The Best Product Design of 2006
Extract 3:Creative Industry in the World
Extract 4:Creative Industry in UK
[相關連結] Related Link:An 0fflclal Measure of Innovation
Unit 6 服務至上&休閒招財
Topic—based Content:Service&Leisure Industry
Topic Reading:Extracts of Service&Leisure Industry
Extract 1:Leisure Industry
Extract 2:Services
[文化連結] Culture Link:The Forgotten Pioneer of Corporate Design
Extract 3:Service Industries
Extract 4:Leisure Society
[相關連結]Related Link:Public Utilities
Unit 7 商界談吃
Topic—based Content:Eating Culture
Topic Reading:Extracts of Eating Culture
Extract 1:Eating Culture
Extract 2:Eating Disorders&Body Image
[文化連結]Culture Link:The Art of Eating
Extract 3:Cultural Diversity:Eating in America
Extract 4:A Chinese Banquet
[文化連結]Culture Link:Why Are You Overweight?
Unit 8 期中複習
Topic—based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 1 to 7
Topic Reading:Extracts of E—Commerce
Extract 1:Nokia’S Do—Everything Phone
Extract 2:E—Shopping Hits New Highs in Britain
Extract 3:The$4,017 Hair Dryer
[閱讀連結]Link to Reading Attack Skill
Unit 9 商界英雄記
Topic-based Content:Corporations and the Entrepreneurs
Topic Reading:Extracts of Corporations and the Entrepreneurs
Extract 1:Corporations and Entrepreneurs
Extract 2:Large Corporations
[相關連結]Related Link:Multinational Corporation
Extract 3:How Companies Go International
Extract 4:Women Entrepreneurs and Risk
[相關連結]Related Link:Lenovo
[閱讀連結]Link to Reading Attack Skill
Unit 10 企業及其系統
Topic-based Content:Business and Its Components
Topic Reading:Extracts of Business and Its Components
Extract 1:Business Administration
Extract 2:Businesses Components
[相關連結]Related Link:Business Education
Extract 3:Management Information Systems(MIS)
Extract 4:0ffice System
[文化連結] Culture Link:From Business Owner to Business Leader
Unit 11 管理科學管窺
Topic—based Content:Management
Topic Reading:Extracts of Management
Extract 1:Defining Management
Extrat 2:Management Functions
[文化連結]Culture Link:Managers Must Learn“Change Hats”
Extract 3:Efficiency all Effectiveness
Extract 4:Excellence in Management
[相關連結]Related Link:About Kodak
[閱讀連結]Link to Reading Attack Skill
Unit 12 聚焦企業文化
Topic—based Content:Organizational Culture
Topic Reading:Extracts of Organizational Culture
Extract l:Organizational Culture
Extract 2:Shared Things
[相關連結]Related Link:Some Characteristics of Culture
Extract 3:Organizational Culture Changes
Extract 4:Organizational Culture and Leadership
[文化連結]Culture Link:Symbols in Organizational Culture
Unit 13 “交往”手段制勝
Topic—based Content:Communication
Topic Reading:Extracts of Communication
Extract l:Media and Communications
Extract 2:The Importance of Communication
[文化連結]Culture Link:Some Selected Extracts
Extract 3:Communication and~dvanced Information Technology
Extract 4:Information Superhighway in the US
[相關連結]Related Link:Some Extracts about Development History of Communication
Unit 14 兼併浪潮
Topic-based Content:Mergers and Their Influence on Organizational Culture
Topic Reading:Extracts of Mergers and Organizational Culture
Extract 1:Mergers
Extract 2:Examples of Actions that May Help in a Merger Process
[相關連結]Related Link:Recent World’S Top Corporate Mergers
Extract 3:Mergers and Organizational Culture
Extract 4:Possible Objectives of the Merger Process
[文化連結]Culture Link:Elegant Use of Symbol
Unit 15 證券英語趣談
Topic—based Content:Securities English
Topic Reading:Extracts of Securities Industry
Extract 1:Stock Business
Extract 2:Buying and Selling
[文化連結] Culture Link:The Old Lady and the Salami Slicer
[相關連結] Related Link:A History of Stock Exchanges
Extract 3:Stock Exchanges in United States
Extract 4:Stock Indexes
[文化連結]Culture Link:Dow Jones History
[實例連結]Link to Authentic Document:Listing Agreement
[相關連結]Related Link:Dow Jones Average
Unit 16 期末複習
Topic-based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 9 to Unit 15
Topic Reading:Extracts of Climate Change and Economic Development
Extract 1:“The Day After Tomorrow”and Abrupt Climate Change
Extract 2:A Report of Abrupt Climate Change
Extract 3:Executive Summary of the Report
Extract 4:Climate Exchange
[相關連結] Related Link:Impacts of Climate Change on Washington's Economy


