




  • 中文名:畢軍
  • 外文名:Jun Bi
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:北京
  • 出生日期:1972年3月21日 
  • 逝世日期:2019年2月18日 
  • 職業:教授、博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:清華大學
  • 主要成就:國家“十二五”863“未來網路體系結構和創新環境”首席專家 
  • 代表作品:網際網路真實源地址驗證關鍵技術及其套用 



工學學士 (計算機科學與技術), 清華大學, 中國, 1995
工學碩士 (計算機系統結構), 清華大學, 中國, 1999
工學博士 (計算機系統結構), 清華大學, 中國, 1999




亞洲未來網際網路學會(AsiaFI Forum)主席
IEEE/CIC China Communications, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management等期刊編委或Guest Editor
IEEE Senior Member、ACM Senior Member




主要從事新型網際網路協定(IPv6協定、網際網路源地址驗證、網際網路路由等)和新型網路體系結構(軟體定義網SDN和內容中心網NDN等)領域的研究工作。近年主持二十餘項新一代網際網路領域的國家863、國家自然科學基金、教育部博士點基金、國際合作研究基金、國家科技支撐計畫、國家發改委下一代網際網路CNGI專項等資助的科研項目,其中“網際網路真實源地址驗證關鍵技術及其套用”(排名第2)、“支持IPv6源地址驗證的交換機關鍵技術”(排名第1)、“IPv6核心路由器”等成果經教育部或工信部鑑定有多項國際首創,達到國際領先水平,並獲得大規模推廣套用。2013年英國新科學家雜誌發表題為“China's next-generation internet is a world-beater”的報導,其中對此成果(SAVA)予以高度評價。在未來網際網路和軟體定義網路SDN領域有較高國際影響力,其中域間SDN領域的成果獲得美國Internet2報導,並獲得網際網路先驅Internet2 CTO Stephen Wolff的高度評價。
入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才”,先後獲得國家科技進步二等獎、教育部技術發明一等獎、中國通信學會科學技術一等獎和二等獎、中國高校十大科技進展等獎勵、獲北京市“優秀青年知識分子”稱號。獲得IEEE ICCCN2014傑出領導獎。所指導的學生獲得頂級國際學術會議ACM SIGCOMM 2014研究競賽獎(Student Research Completion Award)、美國Internet2套用研究獎(2013 Internet2 Innovative Application Award)等。
近年來以第一作者或所指導學生第一作者時本人為第二作者(通訊作者),發表SCI 收錄的學術論文三十餘篇、EI 收錄的學術論文百餘篇;在國外出版的2本SDN學術著作中撰寫章節,並出版在業界有影響力的SDN譯著一部;以第一發明人獲得國家發明專利授權二十餘項;以第一作者或第二作者制定國際標準草案近三十項,已獲得頒布或工作組批准四項(其中2項第1作者的標準為重要的Standard Track)。


中國高等學校十大年度科技進展:下一代網際網路核心技術國際標準RFC5210 (2008)
中國通信學會科學技術一等獎:IPv6核心路由器 (2004)
中國計算機學會“王選獎”一等獎:IPv6核心路由器 (2006)
IEEE ICCCN Outstanding Leadership Award(2015)
入選信息安全領域頂級期刊IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security的封面文章(2015)
頂級國際學術會議 ACM SIGCOMM 2014學生研究競賽獎(2014)
一流國際學術會議IEEE ICNP最佳論文提名獎(2015)
重要國際學術會議IEEE ICPP 最佳論文提名獎(2015)
IEEE ICUFN國際學術會議最佳論文獎(2016)


[1] Chen Sun*, Jun Bi, Haoxian Chen*, Hongxin Hu, Zhilong Zheng*, Shuyong Zhu*, Chenghui Wu*, SDPA: Towards a Stateful Data Plane in Software-Defined Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 25, No.6, 2, No.6, pp3294-3308, 2017 (SCI Impact Factor 3.4/4.0) (top journal in Computer Networks)
[2] Sen Wang*, Jun Bi, Jianping Wu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, CPHR: In-network Caching for Information-Centric Networking with Partitioning and Hash-Routing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol.24, No.5, pp2742-2755, 2016 (SCI Impact Factor 3.4/4.0) (top journal in Computer Networks)
[3] Guang Yao*, Jun Bi, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Passive IP Traceback: Disclosing the Locations of IP Spoofers from Path Backscatter, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Vol.10, No.3, pp471-484, 2015 (featured on the cover page of March/April, 2015 Issue) (SCI Impact Factor 4.3/4.8) (top #1 journal in Computer Security & Cryptography)
[4] Bingyang Liu*, Jun Bi, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Toward Incentivizing Anti-spoofing Deployment, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Vol.9, No.3, pp436-450, 2014 (SCI Impact Factor 4.3/4.8) (top #1 journal in Computer Security & Cryptography)
[5] Dohyung Kim, Jun Bi, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Ikjun Yeom, Security of Cached Content in NDN, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Vol.12, published online on July 11, 2017, published (SCI Impact Factor 4.3/4.8) (top #1 journal in Computer Security & Cryptography)
[6] Chen Sun*, Jun Bi, Zhilong Zheng*, Hongxin Hu, HYPER: A Hybrid High-Performance Framework for Network Function Virtualization, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.35, No.11, pp2490-2500, 2017 (SCI Impact Factor 8.1/7.6) (top journal in Communications)
[7] Chongfeng Xie, Jun Bi, Heng Yu*, Chen Li, Chen Sun*, Qing Liu, Zhilong Zheng*, Shucheng Liu, ARPIM: IP Address Resource Pooling and Intelligent Management System for Broadband IP Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.55, No.6, pp55-61, 2017 (SCI Impact Factor 10.1/9.1) (top #1 journal in Computer Networks & Wireless Communication)
[8] Pingping Lin*, Jun Bi, Stephen Wolff, Yangyang Wang*, Anmin Xu*, Ze Chen*, Hongyu Hu, Yikai Lin*, A West-East Bridge Based SDN Inter-Domain Testbed, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.53, No.2, pp190-197, 2015 (SCI Impact Factor 10.1/9.1) (top #1 journal in Computer Networks & Wireless Communication)
[9] Jun Bi, Shuyong Zhu*, Guang Yao*, Chen Sun*, Hongxin Hu, Supporting Virtualized Network Functions with Stateful Data Plane Abstraction, IEEE Network, Vol. 30, No.3, pp40-45, 2016 (SCI Impact Factor 7.2/6.4)
[10[ You Wang*, Jun Bi, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, An Identifier-based Approach to Internet Mobility: A Survey, IEEE Network, Vol.30, No.1, pp72-79, 2016 (SCI Impact Factor 7.2/6.4)
[11] Bingyang Liu*, Jun Bi, On the Deployability of Inter-AS Spoofing Defenses, IEEE Network, Vol.29, No.3, pp82-87, 2015 (SCI Impact Factor 7.2/6.4)
[12] Yonghong Fu*, Jun Bi, Ze Chen*, Kai Gao*, Baobao Zhang*, Guanxu Chen*, Jianping Wu, A Hybrid Hierarchical Control Plane for Flow-Based Large-Scale Software-Defined Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 12, No.2, pp117-131, 2015 (SCI Impact Factor 3.1)
[1] Chen Sun*, Jun Bi, Zhilong Zheng*, Heng Yu*, Hongxin Hu, NFP: Enabling Network Function Parallelism in NFV, in proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM17, pp43-56, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2017 (full paper acceptance ratio: 14.4%) (top #1 conference in Computer Networks)
[2] Yuliang Li*, Guang Yao*, Jun Bi, FlowInsight: Decoupling Visibility from Operability in SDN Data Plane, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol.44, No.4, pp137-138, 2014; also in proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM14 (demo), Chicago, USA, 2014 (SIGCOMM2104 Student Research Competition Award) (SCI Impact Factor 2.0/3.0)
[3] Zhaogeng Li*, Jun Bi, Yiran Zhang*, Abdul Basit Dogar*, Chengwei Qin*, VMS: Traffic Balancing Based on Virtual Switches in Datacenter Networks, in proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP17), Toronto, Canada, 2017 (full paper acceptance ratio: 18.66%)
[4] Cheng Zhang*, Jun Bi, Yu Zhou*, Jianping Wu, Bingyang Liu*, Zhaogeng Li*, Abdul Basit Dogar*, Yangyang Wang*, P4DB: On-the-fly Debugging of the Programmable Data Plane, in proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP17), Toronto, Canada, 2017 (full paper acceptance ratio: 18.66%)
[5] Shuyong Zhu*, Jun Bi, Chen Sun*, Chenghui Wu*, Hongxin Hu, SDPA: Enhancing Stateful Forwarding for Software-Defined Networking, in proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP15), San Francisco, USA, 2015 (Best Paper Nominees) (full paper acceptance ratio: 20.3%)
[6] Bingyang Liu*, Jun Bi, DISCS: a DIStributed Collaboration System for Inter-AS Spoofing Defense, the 44th IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP15), Beijing, China, 2015 (Best Paper Finalists)
[7] Kai Gao*, Jingxuan Zhang, Y. Richard Yang, Jun Bi, Prophet: Fast, Accurate Throughput Prediction with Reactive Flows, the 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM18), Honolulu, USA, 2018 (full paper acceptance ratio: 19.2%)
[8] Anmin Xu*, Jun Bi, Baobao Zhang*, Tianran Xu*, Jianping Wu, A High-performance Traffic Engineering Approach for the Failed Link, the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS18), Vienna, Austria, 2018 (full paper acceptance ratio: 20.6%)
[1] Jun Bi, Jianping Wu, Guang Yao*, Fred Baker, Source Address Validation Improvement (SAVI) Solution for DHCP, RFC7513, 2015 (Standards Track)
[2] Jun Bi, Guang Yao*, Joel M. Halpern, Eric Levy-Abegnoli, Source Address Validation Improvement (SAVI) for Mixed Address Assignment Methods Scenario, RFC 8074, 2017 (Standards Track)
[3] Jianping Wu, Jun Bi, Marcelo Bagnulo, Fred Baker, Christian Vogt, Source Address Validation Improvement Framework, RFC7039, 2013
[4] Jianping Wu, Jun Bi, Xing Li, Gang Ren, Ke Xu, Mark Williams, A Source Address Validation Architecture (SAVA) Testbed and Deployment Experience, RFC5210, 2008 (Experimental Track)
[5] Will Liu, Chongfeng Xie, John Strassner, Georgios Karagiannis, Maxim Klyus, Jun Bi, Ying Cheng, Dacheng Zhang, Policy-Based Management Framework for the Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions (SUPA), RFC 8328, 2018
[6] Jun Bi, You Wang*, Software Defined Mobility Management for Mobile Internet, Book Chapter as Chapter 15 at Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN): Concepts and Challenges, pp265-288, ISBN-13: 978-1118900284, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, August, 2015
[7] Jun Bi, IP Source Address Validation Solution with OpenFlow Extension and OpenRouter, Book Chapter as Chapter 3 at Network Innovation through OpenFlow and SDN: Principles and Design, pp41-70, ISBN-13: 978-1466572096, Publisher: CRC Press, New York, USA, February, 2014
[8] 畢軍(主譯),《軟體定義網路:SDN與OpenFlow解析》(譯著), 370頁, ISBN: 978-7115351470, 人民郵電出版社, 2014年5月


