研究方向為連續變數壓縮態以及糾纏態光場製備與套用,量子信息感測領域等研究。 |
榮譽情況: 山西大學2017屆優秀博士畢業生稱號。 科研項目: 山西大學光電研究所 1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,12174234,基於複合干涉儀的量子增強相位及振幅信息精密測量研究,2022/01/01-2025/12/31,62萬元,在研,主持。 2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,11804207,利用高壓縮度壓縮態光場進行突破量子噪聲極限磁場測量的實驗研究,2019/01/01-2021/12/31,27萬元,在研,主持。 3. 科技部重點研發項目課題,2020YFC2200402,星載雷射放大器強度噪聲抑制與評估,2021/1-2025/12,797萬元,在研,參與。 4. 國家自然科學基金,重點項目,62035015,千瓦單頻光纖雷射關鍵技術,2021/1-2025/12,296萬元,在研,參與。 5. ***創新特區省市推薦項目,量子**項目,2020.12-2022.11,200萬,在研,參與 6. 國家自然科學基金, 面上項目,11874250,基於寬頻帶壓縮態光場的量子雷射雷達亞散粒噪聲相干探測研究,2019/01/01--2022-12-31,64萬元,在研,參與。 7. 山西省重點研發計畫,量子信息關鍵器件攻關研究,2019-2021,100萬,在研,參與。 8. 裝備預研航天科工聯合基金,量子XX項目,100萬,已結題,參與。 代表性論文: 1. S. Shi, L. Tian, Y. Wang, Y. Zheng, C. Xie, and K. Peng, "Demonstration of Channel Multiplexing Quantum Communication Exploiting Entangled Sideband Modes," Physical Review Letters 125, 070502 (2020). 2. S. Shi, Y. Wang, L. Tian, J. Wang, X. Sun, and Y. Zheng, "Observation of a comb of squeezed states with a strong squeezing factor by a bichromatic local oscillator," Optics Letters 45, 2419 (2020). 3. J. R. Wang, Q. W. Wang, L. Tian, J. Su, and Y.H. Zheng, "A low-noise, high-SNR balanced homodyne detector for the bright squeezed state measurement in 1–100 kHz range," Chinese Physics B 29, 034205 (2020). 4. X. Sun, Y. Wang, L. Tian, S. Shi, Y. Zheng, and K. Peng, "Dependence of the squeezing and anti-squeezing factors of bright squeezed light on the seed beam power and pump beam noise," Opt Lett 44, 1789-1792 (2019). 5. X. Sun, Y. Wang, L. Tian, Y. Zheng, and K. Peng, "Detection of 13.8 dB squeezed vacuum states by optimizing the interference efficiency and gain of balanced homodyne detection," Chinese Optics Letters 17, 072701 (2019). 6. L. Tian, X. Sun, Q. Wang, J. Wang, W. Yao, J. Wang, Y. Zheng, and K. Peng, "Utilizing Sequential Control Scheme to Stabilize Squeezed Vacuum States," Applied Sciences 9, 1861 (2019). 7. Q. Wang, L. Tian, W. Yao, Y. Wang, and Y. Zheng, "Realizing a high-efficiency 426nm laser with PPKTP by reducing mode-mismatch caused by the thermal effect," Opt. Express 27, 28534 (2019). 8. Jinrong Wang, Wenhui Zhang, Long Tian, Yajun Wang, Rongcao Yang, Jing Su, and Yaohui Zheng, "Balanced Homodyne Detector With Independent Phase Control and Noise Detection Branches," IEEE ACCESS 7, 5 (2019). 9. Long Tian, Zhongxiao Xu, Shujing Li, Yaohui Zheng*, Yafei Wen, Hai Wang,Enhanced-generation of atom-photon entanglement by using FPGA-based feedback protocol,Optics Express 26, 20160 (2018). 10. Long Tian, Zhongxiao Xu, Lirong Chen, Wei Ge, Haoxiang Yuan, Yafei Wen, Shengzhi Wang, Shujing Li and Hai Wang*, Spatial multiplexing of atom-photon entanglement sources using feed-forward controls and switching networks, Phys. Rev. Lett., 119 130505 (2017). 11. Long. Tian, Shujing. Li, Haoxiang. Yuan, Hai. Wang*, Generation of Narrow-Band polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs at a Rubidium D1 Line, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85, 124403 (2016). 12. Y. Wu, L. Tian, Z. Xu, W. Ge, L. Chen, S. Li, H. Yuan, Y. Wen, H. Wang, C. Xie, K. Peng, Simultaneous generation of two spin-wave–photon entangled states in an atomic ensemble, Phys. Rev. A, 93, 052327 (2016). 13. Y. Wu, S. Li, W. Ge, Z. Xu, L. Tian, H. Wang, Generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs in a cold atomic ensemble, Science Bulletin, 61, 302-306 (2016). 14. Long. Tian, Shujing. Li, Zhiying. Zhang, Hai. Wang*, Suppressing decoherence of spin waves in a warm atomic vapor by applying a guiding magnetic field, J. Phys. At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 48 035506 (2015). 15. Zhongxiao Xu, Yuelong Wu, Long. Tian, Lirong Chen, Zhiying Zhang, Zhihui Yan, Shujing Li, Hai Wang*, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng, Long lifetime and high-fidelity quantum memory of photonic polarization qubit by lifting zeeman degeneracy, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111 240503 (2013). 授權專利情況: 1. 田龍,鄭耀輝,姚文秀,王雅君,一種光柵外腔反饋半導體雷射器及其調節方法, ZL 2019 1 0300590.2,中國,發明專利 2. 田龍,鄭耀輝,田宇航,王雅君,一種準連續量子壓縮真空態光場產生裝置,ZL 2019 1 0349725.4,中國,發明專利 3. 鄭耀輝,李志秀,田龍,一種穩定的連續變數量子糾纏源產生裝置,ZL 2019 1 0588722.6,中國,發明專利 4. 徐忠孝,田龍,溫亞飛,王海,單光子的倍增方法及裝置,017.5.5-2037.5.4,中國,107121872 B。發明專利 聯繫方式: 地址:山西省太原市小店區塢城路92號,山西大學光電研究所 030006 |