



  • 中文名:田紀景
  • 出生日期:1985年9月
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學





2007.09 - 2012.06 博士,中國農業大學動物醫學院,導師:佘銳萍 教授
2003.09 - 2007.06 學士,山東農業大學動物科學技術學院


2017.06 - 至 今 講師,中國農業大學動物醫學院
2015.06 - 2017.06 助理研究員,中國疾病預防控制中心病毒病預防控制所
2013.07 - 2014.11 訪問學者,美國加州大學戴維斯分校醫學院
2012.07 - 2015.06 博士後,中科院生態環境研究中心環境化學與生態環境毒理學國家重點實驗室


1.Tian J, Feng Y, Fu H, Xie HQ, Jiang JX, Zhao B. (2015) The aryl hydrocarbon receptor: a key bridging molecule of external and internal chemical signals. Environ Sci Technol. 49(16): 9518-9531. (IF: 6.198)
2.Tian J, Yang G, Chen HY, Hsu DK, Tomilov A, Olson KA, Dehnad A, Fish SR, Cortopassi G, Zhao B, Liu FT, Gershwin ME, Torok NJ, Jiang JX. (2016) Galectin-3 regulates inflammasome activation in cholestatic liver injury. FASEB J. 30(12): 4202-4213. (IF: 5.498)
3.Tian J, Xia K, She R, Li W, Ding Y, Wang J, Chen M, Yin J. (2012) Detection of hepatitis B virus in serum and liver of chickens. Virol J. 9(2). (IF: 2.139)
4.Tian J, Ding Y, She R, Ma L, Du F, Xia K, Chen L. (2016) Histologic study of testis injury after bisphenol A exposure in mice: direct evidence for impairment of the genital system by endocrine disruptors. Toxicol Ind Health. (Epub ahead of print, PMID: 27573348) (IF: 1.378)
5.Tian J, Luo D, She R, Liu T, Ding Y, Yue Z, Xia K. (2014) Effects of bisphenol A on the development of central immune organs of specific-pathogen-free chick embryos. Toxicol Ind Health. 30(3): 199-205. (IF: 1.378)
6.Feng Y, Tian J, Xie HQ, She J, Xu SL, Xu T, Tian W, Fu H, Li S, Tao W, Wang L, Chen Y, Zhang S, Zhang W, Guo TL, Zhao B. (2016) Acute exposure to chlorinated flame retardant Dechlorane 602 suppressed Th1 and enhanced Th2 immune responses in mice. Environ Health Perspect. 124(9): 1406-1413. (IF: 9.776)
7.Serizawa N, Tian J, Fukada H, Baghy K, Scott F, Chen X, Kiss Z, Olson KA, Hsu D, Liu FT, Torok NJ, Zhao B, Jiang JX. (2015) Galectin 3 regulates HCC cell invasion by RhoA and MLCK activation. Lab Invest. 95(10): 1145-1156. (IF: 4.857)
8.Feng Y, Tian J, Kryloca I, Xu T, Xie HQ, Guo TL, Zhao B. (2016) Chronic TCDD exposure results in the dysregulation of gene expression in splenic B-lymphocytes and in the impairments in T-cell and B-cell differentiation in mouse model. J Environ Sci (China). 39: 218-227. (IF: 2.937)
9.Liang R, Tian J, She R, Meng H, Xiao P, Chang L. (2013) Airborne microbial composition in a high-throughput poultry slaughtering facility. J Food Prot. 76: 413-419. (IF: 1.417)
10.Guo Z, Hu Q, Tian J, Yan L, Jing C, Xie HQ, Bao W, Rice RH, Zhao B, Jiang G. (2016) Proteomic profiling reveals candidate markers for arsenic-induced skin keratosis. Environ Pollut. (Epub ahead of print, PMID: 27552035) (IF: 5.099)


