- 作者:耿紀永
- ISBN:9787560848020
- 頁數:161
- 定價:25.00元
- 出版社:同濟大學出版社
- 出版時間:2012-3
Chapter Ⅰ
Shaping of Thought of Gary Snyder
1.1 Close Relatiohip to Nature in Childhood
1.2 Chinese Culture
1.3 Zen: Reading and Practice
Chapter Ⅱ
Ecological Philosophy of Gary Snyder
2.1 Ecological Philosophy in the 20th Century
2.1.1 Expaion of the Boundary: from Animal Rights to Land
2.1.2 Ecological Philosophy: from Shallow to Deep Ecology
2.2 Gary Snyder's Deep Ecology:Buddhist Ecological Philosophy
2.2.1 Ecological Wisdom of Buddhism
2.2.2 Indra's Net
2.2.3 Expaion of Sangha and Bioregionalism
Chapter Ⅲ
Ecology and Poetry: Gary Snyder's Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics
3.1 Gary Snyder's Ecopoetry: Poetry of Place and Bioregion
3.2 Strategies of Ecopoetry
3.3 Gary Snyder's Poetics: Poetry and Poets in Ecological Crisis
ChaPter Ⅳ
Zen and Poetry: Zen Poetry of Gary Snyder
4.1 Gary Snyder on Zen and Poetry
4.1.1 Poetry Writing and Zazen
4.1.2 Poetic Language and Zen
4.1.3 Work, Poetry and Zen
4.2 Gary Snyder's Zen Poetry
4.2.1 Enlightenment in Poetry
4.2.2 Koan in Poetry
4.2.3 Illogical Way of Thinking in Snyder's Zen Poetry
Ⅰ Chronology
Ⅱ 斯奈德詩作中譯篇目輯錄
Ⅲ 中國斯奈德研究資料輯錄
Ⅳ 翻譯與生態思想——重讀斯奈德譯寒山詩
Ⅴ “道非道”:美國垮掉派詩人與佛禪
Ⅵ 從生態意識看20世紀美國自然詩的流變
Selected Bibliography