《生存年代(Age of Survival)》是由seattletek通過Unity5引擎開發的一款沙盒類生存遊戲,遊戲於2015年第四季度發布於Steam青睞之光。在遊戲中,玩家需要通過砍伐樹木、採礦、獵殺各種動物等方式在淒涼的世界中生存下來,也可以同其他玩家進行戰鬥。
- 中文名:生存年代
- 外文名:Age of Survival
- 發布平台:Steam
- 發售時間:2015年第四季度
- 遊戲作者:seattletek
- 遊戲類型:沙盒、生存、冒險
- 遊戲畫面:3d、寫實
- 遊戲引擎:Unity、Unity5
- 遊戲語言:英文
- 遊戲版本:0.52.3H(內部測試)
- 遊戲人數:多人
NOTE : this is NOT a zombie based survival game. You will encounter creatures like boar, elephant, lions, hippos, crocs, and tons of sea life, as well as the ever smelly "other player"
Age of Survival is a multiplayer survival horror crafting game by Seattletek. Keep your player alive by gathering resources, and fighting the danger of death from thirst and hunger, dangerous creatures, and the most dangerous of all : Your peers.
Work together, or work against each other in a beautiful environment based on real life heightmap and image data. Interact with trees, ores, creatures, structures, explore the ocean, and travel to new environments!
Your player is also able to build structures anywhere on the map, make sure to protect your valuable resources!
Age of Survival is a truely immersive survival experience that will constantly be updated, and is always adding new features and awesomeness!