瓷磚拋光機,結合市場上各種型號的圓弧機優缺點而改進設計生產的一種新型機器。該機結構牢固可靠,由於在大軸、搖擺機構、拋光磨頭及機械手部件等關鍵部位均採用了進口的高質量軸承,致使整機各部件運轉平穩、剛性好、搖擺位置精確、噪音低。該機可對任何級別的拋光磚、石材進行圓弧面或45度斜面加工,使其成為靚麗的階梯磚和地腳線,生產過程全自動,操作簡便,且加工成本極低,用於裝飾工程效果極佳。當今市面上流行的圓弧拋光機大多數都是14個磨頭的,因為這種型號效果最佳,速度也快。瓷磚拋光機是辦瓷磚加工廠必不可少的設備!The circular arc polishing machine, is the quzhou red ceramic mechanical in recent years on the market with various types of circular arc machine design improvement of production and advantages and disadvantages and a new type of machine. The structure is strong and reliable, because in the shaft, rocking institutions, polishing and grinding head manipulator parts key parts adopted the imported high quality bearing, cause the machine parts smooth operation, rigid, swing position accurate, low noise. This machine can be on any level of polishing brick, stone material to undertake arc surface or 45 degrees of inclined plane processing, to make it a beautiful beautiful ladder brick and lower margin line, automatic production process, simple operation, and the processing costs are extremely low, used for decoration engineering excellent results.多功能瓷磚拋光機