



  • 中文名:現代控制理論:英文版
  • 作者:胡健、劉麗娜
  • 出版時間:2012年
  • 出版社:國防工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787118079975
  • 類別:圖書>計算機/網路>人工智慧>機器學習
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




Chapterl State Space Description
 1.1 Definition of State Space
  1.1.1 Exmple
  1.1.3 State Space Description
  1.1.4 Transfer Function Matrix
 1.2 Obtaining State Space Description from I/ODescription
  1.2.1 Obtaining State Space Description from DifferentialEquation
  1.2.2 Obtaining State Space Description from TransferFunction
  1.2.3 Obtaining State Space Description from Block Diagram
 1.3 Obtaining Transfer Function Matrix from'State SpaceDescription
 1.4 Description of Composite Systems
  1.4.1 Basic Connection of Composite Systems
  1.4.2 Description of the Series Composite Systems
  l.4.3 Description of the Parallel Composite Systems
  1.4.4 Description of the Feedback Composite Systems
  1.5.1 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector
  1.5.2 State Transformation
  1.5.3 Invariance Properties of the Stare Transformation
  1.5.4 Obtaining the Diagonal Canonical Formby StateTransformation
  1.5.5 Obtaining the Jordan Canonical Form by StateTtansformation Problems
Chapter2 Time Response of the LTI System
 2.1 Time Response of the LTI Homogeneous System
 2.2 State Transition Matrix
  2.2.2 Properties oi the State Transition Matrix
 2.3 Calculation of the Matrix Exponential Function
  2.3.1 Direct Method
  2.3.2 Laplace Transform Method
  2.3.3 SimdariTy TransfoRation Method
  2.3.4 Cayley Hamihon Theorem Method
 2.4 Time Response of the LTI System
Chapter3 Stability of the control System
 3.1 The Basics of Stability Theory in Mathematics
 3.2 Lyapunov Stability
  3.2.1 Equilibrium Point
  3.2.2 Cocepts of Lyapunov Stability
 3.3 Lyapunov Stability Theory
  3.3.1 Fyapunov First Method
 3.4 Application of Lyapunov 2 Method to the LTISystem
 3.5 Construction of Lyapunov Function to the NonlinearSystem
Chapter4 Controllability and Observability
 4.1 Controllability of The LTI System
  4.1.1 Cntrollability
  4.1.2 Criteria of ControlIabillty
 4.2 Observability of The LTI System
  4.2.1 Observahility
  4.2.2 Criteria of Observability
 4.3 Duality
 4.4 Obtaining the Controllable and Observable Canonical Formby State Transformation
  4.4.1 Obtaining the Controllable Canonical Form by StateTrahsformation
  4.4.2 Obtaining the Obserable Canonical Form by StateTrarlsformation
Chapter5 Synthesis of the System
Chapter6 Discrete Time Control System


