科研工作:近五年(截止2011年10月份)在《Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application》(SCI源,EI源)、《Applied Mathematics Letters》(SCI源,EI源)、《Applied Mathematic Modelling》(SCI源,EI源)、《Journal of Mathematical Physics》(SCI源, EI源)、《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》(SCI源)、《Advances In Difference Equations》(SCI源)、《Boundary Value Problems》(SCI源)、《數學物理學報》(A輯)、《控制工程》、《生物數學學報》、《套用數學》、《高校套用數學學報》、《數學雜誌》等國內外重要刊物及國際EI級會議發表相關學術論文48篇,其中
省部級科研項目”三項,主持並完成“重慶市教委科技項目” “重慶市自然科學基金項目”及“北京工業大學博士研究生科技創新基金項目”各一項、正主持“重慶市教委科技項目”一項,主研“重慶市教委科技項目” 及“重慶市自然科學基金項目”各一項。
1. Changyou Wang(王長有), Existence and Stability of Periodic Solutions for Parabolic Systems with Time Delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 2008, 339(2):1354-1361 (SCI: 250FS, EI: 9739494)
2. Changyou Wang (王長有), Shu Wang, Xiangping Yan., Linrui Li. Oscillation of A Class of Partial Functional Population Model.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 2010, 368(1): 32-42. (SCI: 586QQ,).
3. Changyou Wang (王長有),Shu Wang . Oscillation of partial population model with diffusion and delay. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2009, 22(12):1793-1797.(SCI: 511AQ, EI: 200 940123)
4.Changyou Wang (王長有),Shu Wang, Wei Wang . Global asymptotic stability of equilibrium point for a family of rational difference equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011, 24(5):714-718.(SCI: 724GL, EI: 20110513641572)
5. Changyou Wang (王長有), Shu Wang, Fuping Yang, Linrui Li, Global asymptotic stability of positive equilibrium of three-species Lotka-Volterra mutualism models with diffusion and delay effects. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2010, 34 (12): 4278-4288. ( SCI: 628RR, EI 20102613046721).
6. Changyou Wang (王長有), Shu Wang, Xiangping Yan. Global asymptotic stability of 3-species mutualism models with diffusion and delay effects. Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2009, Article ID 317298, 20pages.(SCI: 503KQ)
7. Changyou Wang (王長有), Shu Wang, Lin-rui LI, Qi-hong Shi. Asymptotic behavior of equilibrium point for a class of nonlinear difference equation. Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2009, Article ID 214309. 8pages. (SCI: 538WQ)
8. Changyou Wang (王長有), Shu Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Fei Gong, Ruifang Wang. Asymptotic stability for a class of nonlinear difference equation.Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2010, Article ID 791610, 10pages. (SCI: 602OA).
9. Changyou Wang (王長有), Qihong Shi, Shu Wang. Asymptotic behavior of equilibrium point for a family of rational difference equation. Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2010, Article ID 505096. 11pages. (SCI:698OH)
10. Changyou Wang (王長有), Ruifang Wang, Shu Wang, Chunde Yang. Positive Solution of Singular Boundary Value Problem for a Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation. Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2011, Article ID 297026, 12pages.(SCI: 744KY).
11. Changyou Wang (王長有),Ruifang Wang, Ming Yi, Rui LI . Stability analysis of three- species almost periodic competition models with grazing rates and diffusions. Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2011, Article ID 783136, 14pages.(SCI待收錄)
12. Qihong Shi, Shu Wang, Yong Li, and Changyou Wang (王長有). Well-posedness for the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger Equation with Hetero-interactions. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2010, 51( 3): 032102 (17pages), 2010.(SCI: 577GL, EI: 11208318).
13.王長有, 王術, 李林銳. 非單調時滯反應擴散方程的周期解和概周期解. 數學物理學報(中文版), 2010,30A(2):517-524.(全國中文核心), (數學類權威核心期刊).
14 王長有,楊春德,王術,劉玉記.一類具連續時滯的三種群互助模型正平衡態的漸近穩定性. 生物數學學報, 2008,23(4):30-37 (全國中文核心), (生物數學類權威核心期刊)
15. Changyou Wang (王長有), Shu Wang. Global Behavior of Equilibrium Point for A Class of Fractional Difference Equation. Proceeding of the 7th Asian Control Conference. HongKong, China, August 27-29,2009,288-291. (EI:10904270)
16. Changyou Wang (王長有). Oscillation in a Partial Population Equation with Diffusion and Delay, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference,196-199. (EI:084011615887).
17. Changyou Wang (王長有), Linlin Li, Fuping Yang, Hui Gong, A new kind of adaptive weighted median filter algorithm,International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010) . Accepted (EI:11641375).
18.王長有, 龔輝. 一類不確定奇異攝動系統的全局魯棒控制, 控制工程[J]. 2011, 18(3): 462-465. (全國中文核心), (控制類重要核心期刊).
19.王長有, 李林林, 龔輝, 王術. 一類分數階微分方程正解的存在唯一性[J].套用數學,2009,22(4): 858-862.(全國中文核心), (數學類重要核心期刊).
20. 王長有, 王術, 李林銳.. 含時滯的反應擴散方程組周期解的存在穩定性[J]. 數學雜誌, 2010, 29(2):308-314. (全國中文核心), (數學類重要核心期刊).
(1) 含時滯的反應擴散方程(組)定性理論研究及套用 (北京工業大學博士創新基金項目, bcx-2009-057) 已結題;
(2) 含時滯的偏微分方程若干問題的研究及套用 (重慶市教委科學技術研究項目, KJ080511) 已結題;
(3) 時滯反應擴散方程(組)定性理論及其在種群動力學中的套用(重慶市自然科學基金, CSTC,2008BB7415),2008.9-2011.9(已提前結題);
(4) 分數階微分方程(組)的定性理論及其在控制工程中的套用 (重慶市教委科學技術研究項目, KJ110501),2011.1-2012.12。