



  • 中文名:王詩平
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校山東大學哈爾濱工程大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:水下爆炸氣泡動力學、瞬態流固耦合動力學、高精度計算方法
  • 職務:研究生院副院長
  • 任職院校:哈爾濱工程大學
  • 教學職稱:教授






[1] 工信部民機科研專項子課題,2019.07-2021.12,150萬,主持
[2] 黑龍江省自然科學基金優秀青年項目,JJ2019YX0919,2019.06-2022.06,10萬,主持
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51879052,2019.01-2022.12,60萬,主持
[4] 國防基礎科研項目,JCKY2018604C010,2019.01-2021.12,260萬,主持
[5] 國家重點研發計畫重點專項課題,2018YFC0308902,2018.09-2021.12,294萬,主持
[6] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,11272082,2017.01-2020.12,66萬,主持


1、Bubble bursting at a free surface in a closed domainThe Sixth International Symposium on Physics of Fluids, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, 2015.07, Xining, China, 分會報告
2、The bubble dynamics near a solid boundary in a compressible fluid, The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015.08, Beijing, China, 分會報告
3、3D model of an acoustic cavitation in a weak compressible fluid, III China-Brazil Symposium on Applied and Computational MathematicsShanghai University, 2015.08, Shanghai, China, 特邀報告
4、Experimental study on bubble collapse near a solid boundary35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic EngineeringBusan National University, 2016.06, Busan, Korea, 分會報告
5、Numerical modeling of bubbles near rigid boundary using OpenFOAM, 8th International Conference on Computational Methods, 湖南大學, 2017.07, Guilin, Guangxi, China, 分會報告
6、Far field pressure waves generated by underwater air-gun, International Workshop on Fluid-Structure Interaction 2017, Harbin Engineering University, 2017.01, 大會報告
7、基於OpenFOAM的水翼空化數值模擬, 第二十八屆全國水動力學研討會, 吉林大學, 2017.08, 長春, 分會報告
8、Dynamics of Airgun Bubbles, China-Singapore Symposium on Advances in Computational Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2018.12, Wuhan, China, 大會報告


[1] 張阿漫;王詩平;張帥;姚熊亮. 一種可調式高電壓大尺度氣泡生成裝置. 申請號: ZL201310563606.1, 發明專利, 授權時間: 2016-03-16.
[1] Qi-Qing Liu, Shi-Ping Wang*, Xin Lin, Pu Cui, Shuai Zhang. Numerical Simulation on the Anti-penetration Performance of Polyurea-Core Weldox 460 E Steel Sandwich Plates. Composite Structures, 2019, accepted.
[2] Chen Guo-qing, Huang Xiao, Wang Shi-ping*, Kang You-wei. Study on the bubble growth and departure with a Lattice Boltzmann Method. China Ocean Engineering, 2020, 34(1):1-11.
[3] Liang Ge, A-Man Zhang*, Zhong-Yu Zhang, Shi-Ping Wang. Numerical simulation of compressible multifluid flows using an adaptive positivity-preserving RKDG-GFM approach. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 2019, 91: 615-636.
[4] Xiao Huang, Shiping Wang*, Yunlong Liu, Haibao Hu. Dynamic interaction of a bubble and discontinuous boundaries: A three-dimensional study with the fast multipole boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2020, 110: 1-15.
[5] Shai Zhang, Shi-Ping Wang*, Yun-Long Liu, A-Man Zhang, Pu, Cui. Interaction of clustered air gun bubbles in marine prospecting. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 191: 106507.
[6] Yu-Xiang Peng, A-Man Zhang*, Fu-Ren Ming, Shi-Ping Wang. A meshfree framework for the numerical simulation of elasto-plasticity deformation of ship structure. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 192: 106507.
[7] Tong Li, A-Man Zhang*, Shi-Ping Wang, Guo-Qing Chen, Shuai Li. Nonlinear interaction and coalescence features of oscillating bubble pairs: Experimental and numerical study. Physics of Fluids, 2019,
[8] Shi-Ping Wang, Qianxi Wang*, A-Man Zhang, Eleanor Stride. Experimental observations of the behaviour of a bubble inside a circular rigid tube. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 121: 103096.
[9] H.J. Wang, Q. Zhang, S. P. Wang, Chi-Wang Shu*. Local discontinuous Galerkin methods with explicit-implicit-null time discretizations for solving nonlinear diffusion problems. Science China Mathematics, 2019,
[10] Shi-Ping Wang, A-Man Zhang*, Yun-Long Liu, Shuai Zhang, Pu Cui. Bubble dynamics and its applications, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2018, 30(6): 975-991.
[11] Chenliang Li, Shi-Ping Wang*, A-Man Zhang*, Yunlong Liu. Dynamic behavior of two neighboring nanobubbles induced by various gas-liquid-solid interactions, Physical Review Fluids, 2018, 3, 00360.
[12] T. Li, S.P.Wang*, A.M. Zhang. Numerical investigation of an underwater explosion bubble based on FVM and VOF. Applied Ocean Research, 2018, 74: 49-58.
[13] S. Zhang, S.P. Wang*, A.M. Zhang, P. Cui. Numerical study on motion of the air-gun bubble based on boundary integral method. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 154: 70-80.
[14] P. Cui, A.M. Zhang*, S.P. Wang, B.C. Khoo. Ice Breaking by a Collapsing Bubble. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 841: 287-309.
[15] S.F. Ren, Y. Song, A.M. Zhang, S.P. Wang, P.B. Li. Experimental study on dynamic buckling of submerged grid-stiffened cylindrical shells under intermediate-velocity impact. Applied Ocean Research, 2018, 74: 237-245.
[16] S.P. Wang, Q.X. Wang, D.M. Leppinen, A.M. Zhang, Y.L. Liu. Acoustic bubble dynamics in a microvessel surrounded by elastic material. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30: 012104.
[17] S. Zhang, A.M. Zhang*, S.P. Wang, J. Cui. Dynamic characteristics of large scale spark bubbles close to different boundaries. Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29: 092107.
[18] S. Zhang, S.P. Wang*, A.M. Zhang, Y.Q. Li. Numerical study on attenuation of bubble pulse through tuning the air-gun array with the particle swarm optimization method. Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 66: 13-22.
[19] P. Cui, A. M. Zhang, S. P. Wang. Small-charge underwater explosion bubble experiments under various boundary conditions. Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28, 117103.
[20] Z. F. Zhang, L. K. Wang, V. V. Silberschmidt, S. P. Wang*. SPH-FEM simulation of shaped-charge jet penetration into double hull: a comparison study for steel and SPS. Composite structures, 2016, 155: 135-144.
[21] L. K. Wang, Z. F. Zhang, S. P. Wang*. Pressure characteristics of bubble collapse near a rigid wall in compressible fluid. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 59: 183-192.
[22] Y. L. Liu, S. P. Wang, A. M. Zhang*. Interaction between bubble and air-backed plate with circular hole. Physics of Fluids. 2016, 28: 062105.
[23] S. Zhang, S. P. Wang*, A. M. Zhang. Experimental study on the interaction between bubble and free surface using a high-voltage spark generator. Physics of Fluids. 2016, 28: 032109.
[24] Haijin Wang, Shiping Wang, Qiang Zhang, Chi-Wang Shu, Local discontinuous Galerkin methods with implicit-explicit time-marching for multi-dimensional convection-diffusion problems. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 2016, 50: 1083-1105.
[25] Han Rui, Wang Shiping*, Yao Xiongliang. Dynamics of an air bubble induced by an adjacent oscillating bubble. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2016, 62: 65-77.
[26] Y. L. Liu, Q. X. Wang, S. P. Wang*, A. M. Zhang. The motion of a 3D toroidal bubble and its interaction with a free surface near an inclined boundary, Physics of Fluids. 2016, 28: 122101.
[27] Shiping Wang, Wenyang Duan, Qianxi Wang*. The bursting of a toroidal bubble at a free surface, Ocean Engineering, 2015, 109: 611-622.
[28] F. R. Ming, A. M. Zhang, S. P. Wang*. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for the Linear and Nonlinear Analyses of Elastoplastic Damage and Fracture of Shell. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 7(2), 1550032.
[29] Wang Shi-ping, Chu Wen-hua, Zhang A-man. Experimental Study on Bubble Pulse Features Under the Combined Action of Horizontal and Vertical Walls. China Ocean Engineering, 2014, 28(3):293-301.




2013年獲得黑龍江省自然科學技術二等獎, 排名第4
2016年論文《Influences of initial and boundary conditions on underwater explosion bubble dynamics》入選“Highly Cited Research in European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluid”


