
王秀芳(1977.04-),博士,教授,碩士生導師。 2006年博士畢業於華南理工大學,同年7月到廣東藥學院任教。廣東藥學院“重點培養青年教師”; 廣東藥學院“優秀科技工作者”;廣東省高等學校“千百十工程”第六批省級培養對象。


  • 中文名:王秀芳
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:女



(2)“磁靶向、溫度回響有序介孔炭的設計合成及溶菌酶可控釋放作用機制”, 廣東省自然科學基金,2012.10-2014.10,5萬,主持。




(帶 * 者表示通訊作者)
[1] Yong Tian, Xiufang Wang*, Yufang Pan. Simple synthesis of Ni-containing ordered mesoporous carbons and their adsorption/desorption of methylene orange. J. Hazard. Mater., 213-214(30): 361-368, 2012. (SCI 一區Top Journal, IF: 4.173)
[2] Yong Tian, Ping Liu, Jia Wang, Xiufang Wang*, Hansen Lin. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic FeNi mesoporous carbon by simple one pot method. Mater. Lett., 82,19-21, 2012 (SCI 二區Top Journal, IF: 2.307)
[3] Xiufang Wang, Ping Liu, Yong Tian*, Linquan Zang. Novel synthesis of Fe-containing mesoporous carbons and their release of ibuprofen. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 145, 98-103, 2011 ( IF:3.285)
[4] Xiufang Wang, Ping Liu, Yong Tian*. Ordered mesoporous carbons for ibuprofen drug loading and release behavior. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 142,334-340, 2011 ( IF:3.285)
[5] Yong Tian, Ping Liu, Xiufang Wang*, Hansen Lin. Adsorption of malachite green from aqueous solutions onto ordered mesoporous carbons. Chem. Eng. J.,171, 1263-1269, 2011 (SCI 二區, IF :3.461)
[6] Xiufang Wang, Ping Liu, Yong Tian*. Preparation and drug release behavior of temperature- responsive mesoporous carbons. J. Solid State Chem., 184, 1571- 1575, 2011 ( IF : 2.159)
[7] Xiufang Wang, Yong Tian*, Hansen Lin, Linquan Zang. Preparation and characterization of PEGylated terlipressin. J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,116, 3220-3224, 2010. ( IF:1.240)
[8] Xiufang Wang, Yong Tian*, Linquan Zang. Synthesis and characterization of bimodal rod-like mesoporous carbons from raffinose by SBA-15 templates. J. Mater. Sci., 45, 2958- 2966, 2010 ( IF:2.015)
[9] Yong Tian, Ping Liu, Xiufang Wang*, Guoying Zhong, Guanke Chem. Offgas analysis and pyrolysis mechanism of activated carbon from bamboo sawdust by chemical activation With KOH. J. Wuhan Univer Tech.-Mater. Sci. Ed.,26(1): 10-14, 2011.(SCI )
[10] Xiufang Wang, Yong Tian*. Templated synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbons with tailored structures and morphologies. Chin.J.Chem.,28, 858-862, 2010. (SCI )
[11] Xiufang Wang, Yong Tian*, Guoying Zhong, Guanke Chen. A Simple Method for Controlling the Degree of PEGylation of Dynorphin A (1-13). Chin.J.Chem.,27, 2090-2092, 2009. (SCI )
[12] Yong Tian, Xiufang Wang, Jianji Wang. Densities and viscosities of 1-butyl-3- methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid + molecular solvents binary mixtures. J. Chem. Eng. Data., 53 (9): 2056-2059, 2008. ( IF:1.693 )
[13] Xiufang Wang, Yong Tian*, Yan Lu. Calorimetric and volumetric studies of the interactions of propionamide in aqueous Alkan-1-ol solutions at 298.15 K. J. Solution Chem., 37:35-44, 2008
[14] Xiufang Wang, Yong Tian*, Yan Lu. Enthalpic and volumetric studies of the interactions of butanamide in aqueous alkan-1-ol solutions at 298.15K. Thermochim. Acta,462:76-79, 2007.
[15] 田勇,鐘國英,王秀芳 *,林漢森. 高比表面磁性有序介孔炭的合成及對亞甲基藍的吸附性能. 化工學報,63(12):4082-4088,2012. (EI)
[16] 田勇, 王加, 鐘國英, 林漢森, 王秀芳*.磁性有序介孔炭的合成及新套用. 化學進展, 24(8):1270-1276,2012. (SCI )
[17] 王秀芳, 田勇 *, 鐘國英,張會平,潘育方. 氯黴素在活性炭上的吸附平衡與動力學. 高 校 化 學 工 程 學 報,24(1):162-166, 2010. (EI )
[18] 王秀芳, 田勇*, 盧雁. 胺基酸-醇-水體系的密度與表觀摩爾體積.化學學報, 67(8):716-722, 2009. (SCI )
[19] 王秀芳, 田勇*, 張會平.高比表面積煤質活性炭的製備與活化機理. 化工學報,60(3): 733-737, 2009. (EI)


王秀芳, 田勇.一種糖基雙孔型炭材料及其製備方法和套用. 2012.3,中國。


[1] 王秀芳,田勇,載藥磁性有序納米微系統的製備及回響釋放規律,廣東藥學院,科技成果獎,二等獎,2012.
[2] 陳梁儼,活性碳對養殖漁業中濫用孔雀石綠等違禁藥物的吸附處理研究,共青團廣東省委員會,第十屆“挑戰杯”廣東大學生課外學術科技作品競賽三等獎,指導老師:王秀芳,2009.


