1984.09--1987.07 碩士
1982.02--1984.08 湖南省區域地質隊助理工程師
1987.09--1990.09 中國地質大學(北京)地質系助教
1997.01-- 北京大學地質系副研究員,地球與空間科學學院教授
1、 義敦褶皺區三疊系復理石的甚低級變質作用研究,
2、 巴顏喀拉造山帶三疊系復理石的甚低級變質作用研究,國家自然科學基金,2010/01-2012/12
3、 粘土礦物混層X射線衍射圖的理論計算與套用,國家自然科學基金,2009/01-2009/12
4、 川西北三疊系復理石的甚低級變質作用研究,國家自然科學基金,2006/01-2008/12
5、 粘土礦物HW-IR圖解的定量化研究,
6、 碎屑岩類的初始變質作用, 以湘中北元古宇~古生界為例, 國家自然科學基金,1999/01-2001/12
(1) Hejing Wang, Nan Zheng, Ang Ji, Erping Fan, Ting Li, Ling Wang, Zhao Zhou and Lei Yuan, Air Pollution on the Eve of Chinese Spring Festive 2008 in Beijing. In Heijng Wang ed., "Air pollution and pollutants", Academy Publish, WYOMING 82001, USA, 2014, PP19-38. ISBN:978-1-941249-02-4
(2) Hejing Wang, Meinert Rahn, Jian Zhou, Xiaofeng Tao. Tectonothermal evolution of the Triassic flysch in the Songpan–Garzê orogen, eastern Tibetan plateau. Tectonophysics, 608, 505–516, 2013.
(3) Hejing Wang, Yongsheng Ma, Jian Zhou, Tingjing Xu. Diagenesis and very low grade metamorphism in a 7,012 m-deep well Hongcan 1, eastern Tibetan plateau. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 105(2), 249-261, 2012
(4) Hejing Wang, Jian Zhou. Numerical conversion between the Pearson VII and pseudo-Voigt functions. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 38, 830-832, 2005
(5) Hejing Wang, Jian Zhou. Data smoothing and distortion of X-ray diffraction peaks. I. Theory. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 33, 1128-1135, 2000
(6) Hejing Wang, Jian Zhou. Data smoothing and distortion of X-ray diffraction peaks. II. Application. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 33, 1136-1142, 2000
(7) Hejing Wang, Jian Zhou. The relationships between the Kübler index, Weaver index and Weber index of illite crystallinity and their applications. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 80, 187-198, 2000
(8) Heijing Wang, Martin Frey, Willem B. Stern. Diagenesis and metamorphism of clay minerals in the Helvetic Alps of eastern Switzerland. Clays and Clay Minerals, 44, 96-112, 1996.
(9) Hejing Wang, Willem B. Stern, Martin Frey. Deconvolution of the X-ray “illite” 10 A complex: a case study of Helvetic sediments from eastern Switzerland. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 75, 187-199, 1995
(10) Hejing Wang. Step size, scanning speed and shape of X-ray diffraction peak. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 27, 716-721, 1994