



  • 中文名:王正寰
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向: 動物生態學
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學





Wang ZH‚ Wang XM‚ He B. 2002. Status of the wild Bactrian camel in China. Reading R‚ Enkhbileg B‚ Galbaatar T. Ecology and Conservation of Wild Bactrian Camels(Camelus bactrianus ferus). Ulaanbaatar: Mongolian Conservation Coalition:


1. 王正寰.冬季關愛鳥類[J].少年科學‚2006(1):
2. 丁由中‚王正寰‚魯慶斌‚陶峰勇.從村民自發保護走到今 天--記浙江省長興揚子鱷保護區[J].野生動物‚2003‚
3. 王正寰‚王小明‚吳巍.太白尋鯢記[J].大自然‚2002(1):
4. 吳巍‚王小明‚王正寰.高束員原之狐[J].野生動物‚2002(1):
5. 丁由中‚王小明‚何利軍‚王正寰.揚子鱷死死地盯著我們[N].南方周末‚ 2001-09
6. 丁由中‚王小明‚何利軍‚王正寰.拯救國寶[N].南方周末. 2001-09





  1. 棘球絛蟲野生與人類環境傳播途徑的相互作用研究.國家自然科學基金委員會面上項目(31470488, 2015-2018).主持
  2. 上海第二次野生陸生動物調查:上海市林綠地野生動物調查專項.上海市綠化和市容管理局項目(2013-2016).主持。
  3. 大型公園綠地植物群落結構與野生動物多樣性的相關性研究.上海市綠化和市容管理局項目(F131508, 2012-2015).主持
  4. 人工綠林地不同生境影響鳥類多樣性狀況研究.浦東新區科技發展基金(PKJ2011-N020, 2011-2013).主持
  5. 藏狐捕食作用對棘球絛蟲在野生動物中傳播機制的影響.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2011-2013).主持
  6. 藏狐個體分子識別機制及群體包蟲感染率研究.上海市科委科技啟明星(2010-2012).主持
  7. 上海市公園鳥類招引的生態凶漏鴉想機制.上海市市容與綠化管理局(2009-2011).主持達跨抹
  8. 藏棗付旋狐棲息地罪堡背空間特徵及其關鍵因素作用機制.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2009).主持
  9. 藏狐的行為生態學及其與人類活動的關係.上海市教育發展基金會晨光計畫(2007-2009).主持
  10. 藏狐的領域行為研究.上海高校選拔培養優秀青年教師科研專項基金(2007 - 2008).主持
  11. 上海市野生動物重要棲息地調查與評估.上海市市容與綠化管理局(2007 - 2008).主持
  12. 上海市城市綠地兩棲爬行動物生物多樣性調查.上海市市容與綠化管理局(2007).主持
  13. 上海世界博覽會地區鳥類多樣性研究.上海市科委(2006).主甩洪漿陵持
  14. 上海市浦東鳥類多樣性研究.上海市市容與綠化管理局(2005 – 2006).主持
  15. 上海市崇明島冬季水鳥多樣性研究.市市容與綠化管理局資助(2005 – 2006).主持
  16. 華東師範大學博士研究生基金.華東師範大學資助(2004-2005).主持


  1. 城市化發展對扁顱蝠遺傳多樣性及種群密度的影響研究.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2014.1-2017.12).第3完成人
  2. 生態系統干擾和多尺度人畜共患病傳播機制研究—藏狐在包蟲病傳播途徑中的生態學作用.美國國立衛生院(NIH)(2006 – 2008).第2完成人
  3. 岩羊交配策略的行為生態學和遺傳學機制.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2005 – 2007).第3完成人
  4. 同域分布物種的生態位格局及其共存機制研究——以岩羊和馬鹿為例.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2007).第3完成人
  5. 中國包蟲病傳播途徑—藏狐的生態學研究.美國國立衛生院(NIH)(2001 – 2004).第2完成人
  6. 中國揚子鱷種群生態學及生存現狀.紐約動物基金會(NYZS)和欠再院野生動物保護聯盟(WCS)(2001 – 2010).第3完成人
  7. 中國5種關鍵物種的種群生態學研究.國家教育部跨世紀人才培養計畫(2003 – 2005).第3完成人
  8. 崇明東灘自然保護區東旺沙濕地恢復和重建.國家林業局(2002 – 2005).第5完成人
  9. 中國大鯢種群生態學研究.野生動物保護聯盟和美國DAVID基金會資助項目(2000 – 2001).第3完成人


1.楊剛,王勇,許潔,丁由中,吳時英,唐海明, 李宏慶,王小明,馬波,王正寰*.2015.城市公園生境類型對鳥類群落的影響.
2. 楊剛,許潔,王勇,丁由中,袁曉,裴恩樂,馬波,王小明,王正寰*.2015.城市公園植被特徵對陸生鳥類集團的影響.生態學報,
3. Yang G, Xu J, Wang Y, Wang XM, Pei EL, Yuan X, Li HQ, Ding YZ,Wang ZH*. 2014. Evaluation of microhabitats for wild birds in a Shanghai urban area park. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, accepted.
4. Yang YY, Liu N, Zuo QQ, Renqing PC, Xie F, Yang G,Wang ZH*. 2014. The screening of microsatellite DNA loci for the identification of individual Tibetan Foxes, using copro-DNA samples. Acta Theriologica Sinica, in press.
5 Zhang GT, Chen J, Yang YY, Liu N, Jiang WB, Gu SL, Wang XM,Wang ZH*. 2014. Utility of DNA barcoding in distinguishing species of the family Taeniidae. Journal of Parasitology,100(4):
6.王勇,楊剛,許潔,李宏慶,吳時英,唐海明,王正寰*. 2014.城市公共綠地常見木本植物組成對鳥類群落的影響.生物多樣性, 22 (2):
7. Jiang TY, Wang XM, Ding YZ, Liu ZS,Wang ZH*. 2013. Behavioral responses of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) to nonlethal human recreational disturbance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(18):
8. 蔣天一,王小明,丁由中,劉振生,王正寰*. 2013.人類遊憩行為對岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)反應行為的影響.科學通報, 58(16):
9. Browne R, Li H,Wang ZH, Hime P, McMillan A, Wu MY, Diaz R, Zhang HX, McGinnity D, Briggler JT. 2013. The giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae): Part B. Biogeography, ecology and reproduction.Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 5(4):
10. Zhang MC, Wang XM, Ding YZ, Zhang ZJ,Wang ZH, Li ZG, Hu TH, Ma B. 2012. Population dynamics of blue sheepPseudois nayaurin Ningxia Helan Mountain National Nature Reserve, China. FoliaZoologica, 61(2):
11. Jiang WB, Liu N, Zhang GT, Renqing PC, Xie Fei, Li TY,Wang ZH*, Wang XM. 2012. Specific detection ofEchinococcusspp. from the Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata) and the red fox (V. vulpes) using copro-DNA PCR analysis. Parasitology Research, 111(4):
12. Browne R, Li H,Wang ZH, Hime P, McMillan A, Wu MY, Diaz R, Zhang HX, McGinnity D, Briggler JT. 2012. The giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae): Part A. palaeontology, phylogeny, genetics, and morphology. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 5(4):
13 Browne RK, Li H, McGinnity D, Okada S,Wang ZH, Bodinof CM, Irwin KJ, McMillan A, Briggler JT. 2011. Survey techniques for giant salamanders and other aquatic Caudata. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 5(4)
14. Li M‚ Wang XM‚ Jiang WB‚ Hua PY‚Wang ZH*. 2011. Isolation and characterization of fifteen microsatellite loci in Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata). Journal of Genetics‚ 90:
15. Wang ZH‚ Yao H‚ Ding YZ‚ Thorbjarnarson J.‚ Wang XM. 2011. Testing reintroduction as a conservation strategy for the critically endangered Chinese alligator: Movements and home range of released captive individuals. Chinese Science Bulletin‚ 56:
16. 蔣天一‚丁由中‚王正寰‚何桂芳‚趙金萍‚馬鳳琴‚王小明. 2011.人為干擾下寧夏賀蘭山岩羊反應的群體差異.動物學研究‚ 32:
17. Jiang WB‚ Wang XM‚ Li Min‚Wang ZH*. 2011. Identification of the Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata) and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) by copro-DNA diagnosis. Molecular Ecology Resources‚ 11(1):
18王力軍,洪美玲,袁曉,裴恩樂,劉振生,王正寰*. 2011.上海市區主要公園兩棲爬行動物多樣性調查.四川動物, 30(1):
19. 馬波‚王小明‚劉曉慶‚王正寰*. 2011.高原鼠兔洞穴數量與其棲息地植被分布格局的GIS分析.生物多樣性‚ 19:
20. 劉曉慶‚王小明‚王正寰*,劉群秀‚馬波. 2010.用固定核空間法和最小凸多邊形法估計藏狐家域的比較.獸類學報‚30:
21.Wang ZH‚ Wang XM. 2008.Echinococcosis inChina‚ a review of the epidemiology ofEchinococcusspp.. Ecohealth‚ 5:
22. Wang ZH‚ Wang XM.2008. Den habitat characteristics of Tibetan foxes (Vulpes ferrilata) in Shiqu county‚Sichuan Province‚ China. Zoological Studies‚ 47:
23.Wang ZH‚ Wang XM‚ Lu Qingbin. 2007. Selection of land cover by the Tibetan foxVulpes ferrilataon the eastern Tibetan Plateau‚ western Sichuan Province‚ China. Acta Theriologica‚ 52:
24.王正寰‚王小明. 2006.資源選擇函式擬合藏狐洞穴生境利用特徵的有效性分析.生物多樣性‚14:
25.王正寰‚王小明. 2006.四川省石渠縣藏狐洞穴的生態特徵分析.動物學研究‚ 27:
26.王正寰‚王小明‚魯慶彬.2004.四川省石渠縣藏狐晝間行為特徵觀察.獸類學報‚ 24:
27. 王正寰‚王小明‚吳巍‚ Giraudoux P‚邱加閩‚高橋健一‚ Craig PS. 2003.四川西部石渠地區夏季藏狐巢穴選擇的生境分析.獸類學報‚ 23:
28.王正寰‚王小明‚丁由中. 2003.狐狸在兩型包蟲病傳播途徑中所起的重要作用.自然雜誌‚ 25:
29. 劉群秀王小明王正寰. 2009.藏狐家域功能分區及其生物學特性.獸類學報‚ 29:
30. 劉群秀王正寰王小明. 2009.青海省都蘭縣幼齡藏狐晝間行為節律.動物學雜誌‚ 44(5):
31.劉群秀‚王正寰‚王小明. 2009.兩種核域估算方法在野生藏狐家域研究中的比較.獸類學報‚ 29:
32. Harris R.‚Wang ZH‚Dukjhaker‚ Liu QX. 2007. Notes on biology of Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata). Canid News‚
33. 劉群秀‚ Harris R‚王小明‚王正寰. 2007.青海省都蘭縣藏狐家域範圍及重疊度.獸類學報‚ 27: 370-375.
34.徐驍俊‚葛振鳴‚裴恩樂‚施文彧‚王正寰‚王天厚. 2007.上海世界博覽會園區內及周邊地區鳥類多樣性及其影響因子.生態學雜誌‚
35. Clark‚ HO Jr.‚ Newman DP‚ Murdoch JD‚ Tseng J‚Wang ZH. 2008.Vulpes ferrilata. Mammalian Species‚
36. 王華‚王正寰‚王震偉‚鞏晉楠‚王小明. 2006.人工飼養條件下揚子鱷的行為體溫調節.動物學雜誌‚
37. 魯慶彬‚王小明‚王正寰. 2006.四川省石渠縣高山血雉繁殖初期的集群和生境需求及其相互關係.動物學研究‚
38. 魯慶彬‚王小明‚胡錦矗‚王正寰. 2005.四川石渠縣夏季藏原羚分布和棲息地特徵.獸類學報‚
39. 魯慶彬‚王小明‚王正寰. 2004.四川石渠縣秋季藏原羚採食行為特徵.動物學研究‚
40. 王淯‚王小明‚王正寰. 2004.高原鼠兔生境選擇的初步研究.四川大學學報‚
41. Wang XM‚ Zhang KJ‚Wang ZH‚ Ding YZ‚ Wu W‚ Huang S. 2004. The decline of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) and implications for its conservation. Oryx‚
42. 丁由中‚王小明‚王正寰‚吳建盛‚ Thorbjarnarson T‚邵民. 2004.人工養殖揚子鱷野放初期的活動觀察.動物學研究‚
43. 丁由中‚王小明‚何利軍‚王正寰‚吳巍‚陶峰勇‚邵民. 2003.野生揚子鱷洞穴的位置選擇.動物學研究‚
44. 章克家‚王小明‚吳巍‚王正寰. 2002.大鯢保護生物學及其研究進展.生物多樣性‚


1. Wang ZH. 2014. Understanding the sylvatic transmission cycle of echinococcosis on the eastern Tibetan plateau. In: 6Asian Network of Research Resource Center Meeting, Shanghai.
2.王正寰. 2014.藏狐群體棘球絛蟲感染率研究.全國包蟲病學術研討會,四川,康定.
3. Wang ZH. 2012. Predator – prey spatial interaction influencing the prevalence of Echinococcus in wildlife species: an ecological study on infection rates in Tibetan fox and small mammals. In: International Symposium on Cestode Zoonosis Control, Shanghai.
4. Wang ZH. 2010. Habitat analysis and spatial behaviour of the giant salamander - implications for its conservation. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
5. Wang ZH. 2010. Genetic variability among localized populations of Chinese giant salamanders. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
6. Wang ZH. 2006. Echinococcusis, wildlife related zoonoses --- a research example from Western Sichuan Province, China. In: 2nd AREVA-Pasteur Forum “Impact of Behavioral Ecology on Emerging Diseases”, Shanghai.
7. Wang ZH. 2006. Understanding echinococcosis transmission in Western Sichuan Province, China ---- results based on research from 2001 to 2006. In: EcoHealth ONE: Forging collaboration between ecology and health, Madison.


1. 王正寰,仁青彭措,謝飛,楊應遠,陳珏,劉楠,蔣韋斌,張高天. 2014.藏狐群體棘球絛蟲感染率研究.全國包蟲病學術研討會,四川,康定:18.
2. Wang ZH, Jiang WB, Liu N, Zhang GY, Yang YY, Chen J. 2012. Echinococcosis in wildlife species on the Eastern Tibetan plateau, a study on the infection rates in Tibetan fox and its prey small mammal species. In: International Symposium on Cestode Zoonosis Control, Shanghai, 38.
3. Wang ZH. 2010. Habitat analysis and spatial behaviour of the giant salamander - implications for its conservation. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
4. Wang ZH. 2010. Genetic variability among localized populations of Chinese giant salamanders. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
5. Wang ZH. 2006. Echinococcusis, wildlife related zoonoses --- a research example from Western Sichuan Province, China. In: 2nd AREVA-Pasteur Forum “Impact of Behavioral Ecology on Emerging Diseases”, Shanghai.
6. Wang ZH. 2006. Understanding echinococcosis transmission in Western Sichuan Province, China ---- results based on research from 2001 to 2006. In: EcoHealth ONE: Forging collaboration between ecology and health, Madison, 112.
7. Wang ZH‚ Wang X‚ Takahashi K. 2005. The field ecology of Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata) in Serxu county in western Sichuan province from 2001 to 2004. Roles of mammalogy on coezistence of wild mammals and human‚ the ninth international mammalogical congress‚ Sapporo‚ 429.
8. Giraudoux P‚ Raoul F‚ Quéré J-P‚ Rieffel D‚ Pleydell D‚ Takahashi K‚ Wang J‚ Wang ZH‚ Wang X‚ Graham A‚ Qiu J‚ Yang W‚ Teng J‚ Ito A‚ Craig PS. 2004. Transmission ecology of Echinococcus multilocularis in western China: can the Tibetan plateau be a source of infection to unstable peripheral foci. XXIst International Congress of Hydatidology‚ Nairobi‚ 16-21.
9. Wang ZH. 2006. Understanding echinococcosis transmission in Western Sichuan Province‚ China ---- results based on research from 2001 to 2006. EcoHealth ONE: Forging collaboration between ecology and health‚ Madison‚ 112.


  1. 城市化發展對扁顱蝠遺傳多樣性及種群密度的影響研究.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2014.1-2017.12).第3完成人
  2. 生態系統干擾和多尺度人畜共患病傳播機制研究—藏狐在包蟲病傳播途徑中的生態學作用.美國國立衛生院(NIH)(2006 – 2008).第2完成人
  3. 岩羊交配策略的行為生態學和遺傳學機制.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2005 – 2007).第3完成人
  4. 同域分布物種的生態位格局及其共存機制研究——以岩羊和馬鹿為例.國家自然科學基金面上項目(2007).第3完成人
  5. 中國包蟲病傳播途徑—藏狐的生態學研究.美國國立衛生院(NIH)(2001 – 2004).第2完成人
  6. 中國揚子鱷種群生態學及生存現狀.紐約動物基金會(NYZS)和野生動物保護聯盟(WCS)(2001 – 2010).第3完成人
  7. 中國5種關鍵物種的種群生態學研究.國家教育部跨世紀人才培養計畫(2003 – 2005).第3完成人
  8. 崇明東灘自然保護區東旺沙濕地恢復和重建.國家林業局(2002 – 2005).第5完成人
  9. 中國大鯢種群生態學研究.野生動物保護聯盟和美國DAVID基金會資助項目(2000 – 2001).第3完成人


1.楊剛,王勇,許潔,丁由中,吳時英,唐海明, 李宏慶,王小明,馬波,王正寰*.2015.城市公園生境類型對鳥類群落的影響.
2. 楊剛,許潔,王勇,丁由中,袁曉,裴恩樂,馬波,王小明,王正寰*.2015.城市公園植被特徵對陸生鳥類集團的影響.生態學報,
3. Yang G, Xu J, Wang Y, Wang XM, Pei EL, Yuan X, Li HQ, Ding YZ,Wang ZH*. 2014. Evaluation of microhabitats for wild birds in a Shanghai urban area park. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, accepted.
4. Yang YY, Liu N, Zuo QQ, Renqing PC, Xie F, Yang G,Wang ZH*. 2014. The screening of microsatellite DNA loci for the identification of individual Tibetan Foxes, using copro-DNA samples. Acta Theriologica Sinica, in press.
5 Zhang GT, Chen J, Yang YY, Liu N, Jiang WB, Gu SL, Wang XM,Wang ZH*. 2014. Utility of DNA barcoding in distinguishing species of the family Taeniidae. Journal of Parasitology,100(4):
6.王勇,楊剛,許潔,李宏慶,吳時英,唐海明,王正寰*. 2014.城市公共綠地常見木本植物組成對鳥類群落的影響.生物多樣性, 22 (2):
7. Jiang TY, Wang XM, Ding YZ, Liu ZS,Wang ZH*. 2013. Behavioral responses of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) to nonlethal human recreational disturbance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(18):
8. 蔣天一,王小明,丁由中,劉振生,王正寰*. 2013.人類遊憩行為對岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)反應行為的影響.科學通報, 58(16):
9. Browne R, Li H,Wang ZH, Hime P, McMillan A, Wu MY, Diaz R, Zhang HX, McGinnity D, Briggler JT. 2013. The giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae): Part B. Biogeography, ecology and reproduction.Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 5(4):
10. Zhang MC, Wang XM, Ding YZ, Zhang ZJ,Wang ZH, Li ZG, Hu TH, Ma B. 2012. Population dynamics of blue sheepPseudois nayaurin Ningxia Helan Mountain National Nature Reserve, China. FoliaZoologica, 61(2):
11. Jiang WB, Liu N, Zhang GT, Renqing PC, Xie Fei, Li TY,Wang ZH*, Wang XM. 2012. Specific detection ofEchinococcusspp. from the Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata) and the red fox (V. vulpes) using copro-DNA PCR analysis. Parasitology Research, 111(4):
12. Browne R, Li H,Wang ZH, Hime P, McMillan A, Wu MY, Diaz R, Zhang HX, McGinnity D, Briggler JT. 2012. The giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae): Part A. palaeontology, phylogeny, genetics, and morphology. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 5(4):
13 Browne RK, Li H, McGinnity D, Okada S,Wang ZH, Bodinof CM, Irwin KJ, McMillan A, Briggler JT. 2011. Survey techniques for giant salamanders and other aquatic Caudata. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 5(4)
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1. Wang ZH. 2014. Understanding the sylvatic transmission cycle of echinococcosis on the eastern Tibetan plateau. In: 6Asian Network of Research Resource Center Meeting, Shanghai.
2.王正寰. 2014.藏狐群體棘球絛蟲感染率研究.全國包蟲病學術研討會,四川,康定.
3. Wang ZH. 2012. Predator – prey spatial interaction influencing the prevalence of Echinococcus in wildlife species: an ecological study on infection rates in Tibetan fox and small mammals. In: International Symposium on Cestode Zoonosis Control, Shanghai.
4. Wang ZH. 2010. Habitat analysis and spatial behaviour of the giant salamander - implications for its conservation. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
5. Wang ZH. 2010. Genetic variability among localized populations of Chinese giant salamanders. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
6. Wang ZH. 2006. Echinococcusis, wildlife related zoonoses --- a research example from Western Sichuan Province, China. In: 2nd AREVA-Pasteur Forum “Impact of Behavioral Ecology on Emerging Diseases”, Shanghai.
7. Wang ZH. 2006. Understanding echinococcosis transmission in Western Sichuan Province, China ---- results based on research from 2001 to 2006. In: EcoHealth ONE: Forging collaboration between ecology and health, Madison.


1. 王正寰,仁青彭措,謝飛,楊應遠,陳珏,劉楠,蔣韋斌,張高天. 2014.藏狐群體棘球絛蟲感染率研究.全國包蟲病學術研討會,四川,康定:18.
2. Wang ZH, Jiang WB, Liu N, Zhang GY, Yang YY, Chen J. 2012. Echinococcosis in wildlife species on the Eastern Tibetan plateau, a study on the infection rates in Tibetan fox and its prey small mammal species. In: International Symposium on Cestode Zoonosis Control, Shanghai, 38.
3. Wang ZH. 2010. Habitat analysis and spatial behaviour of the giant salamander - implications for its conservation. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
4. Wang ZH. 2010. Genetic variability among localized populations of Chinese giant salamanders. In: International Conservation and Breeding Workshop for the Chinese Giant Salamander, Xi’an.
5. Wang ZH. 2006. Echinococcusis, wildlife related zoonoses --- a research example from Western Sichuan Province, China. In: 2nd AREVA-Pasteur Forum “Impact of Behavioral Ecology on Emerging Diseases”, Shanghai.
6. Wang ZH. 2006. Understanding echinococcosis transmission in Western Sichuan Province, China ---- results based on research from 2001 to 2006. In: EcoHealth ONE: Forging collaboration between ecology and health, Madison, 112.
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9. Wang ZH. 2006. Understanding echinococcosis transmission in Western Sichuan Province‚ China ---- results based on research from 2001 to 2006. EcoHealth ONE: Forging collaboration between ecology and health‚ Madison‚ 112.


