



  • 中文名:王樂耘
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:密西根州立大學
  • 主要成就:德國洪堡基金會 Research Fellowship
在2015年美國材料科學與技術大會(簡稱“MS&T”大會)上王樂耘博士與四位合作者一起獲得了美國材料學會(ASM)頒發的2015年度Henry Marion Howe獎。這個獎項以美國著名冶金學家Henry Marion Howe (1848~1922)先生命名,自1923年起每年頒發,以表彰在Metallurgical and Materials Transactions系列期刊上發表的年度最佳論文(註:2014年該系列期刊總計發表論文876篇)。
1. L. Wang*, J. Sabisch, E.T. Lilleodden, “Nucleation of {11-21} twin in Mg-Y alloy under in situ tensile test”, Scripta Materialia, 111(2016) 68-71
2. L. Wang*, J. Lind, H. Phukan, P. Kenesei, J.-S. Park, R.M. Suter, A.J. Beaudoin, T.R. Bieler, “Mechanical twinning and detwinning in pure Ti during loading and unloading  an in situ high energy X-ray diffraction microscopy study”, Scripta Materialia, 92 (2014) 35-38.
3. L. Wang*, M. Li, J.D. Almer, “Investigation of deformation and microstructural evolution in Grade 91 ferritic-martensitic steel by in situ high energy X-rays”, Acta Materialia, 62 (2014) 239-249.
4. L. Wang*, R.I. Barabash, T.R. Bieler, W. Liu, P. Eisenlohr, “Study of {11-21} twinning in -Ti by EBSD and Laue microdiffraction”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 44 (2013) 3664-3674. (Honored as 2013 Editors’ Choice Articles)
5. L. Wang*, M. Li, J.D. Almer, T.R. Bieler, R.I. Barabash, “Microstructural Characterization of Polycrystalline Materials by Synchrotron X-rays”, Frontiers of Materials Science, 7 (2013) 156-169. (invited review)
6. L. Wang*, M. Li, J.D. Almer, “In situ characterization of Grade 92 steel during tensile deformation using high energy X-ray diffraction and small angle X-ray scattering”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 440 (2013) 81-90.
7. L. Wang, R.I. Barabash, Y. Yang, T.R. Bieler*, M.A. Crimp, P. Eisenlohr, W. Liu, G.E. Ice, “Experimental characterization and crystal plasticity modeling of heterogeneous deformation in polycrystalline -Ti”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 42 (2011) 626-635.
8. L. Wang, P. Eisenlohr, Y. Yang, T.R. Bieler*, M.A. Crimp, “Nucleation of paired twins at grain boundaries in titanium”, Scripta Materialia, 63 (2010) 827-830.
9. L. Wang, Y. Yang, P. Eisenlohr, T.R. Bieler*, M.A. Crimp, D.E. Mason, “Twin nucleation by slip transfer across grain boundaries in commercial purity titanium”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 41 (2010) 421-430.


