發表了“基於疊代學習控制的電動負載模擬器(中國電機工程學報)”,“Design of electric dynamic load simulator based on recurrent neural networks (IEMDC 2003)”,“電機故障的邏輯診斷方法(中國電機工程學報)”,“A New Topology of Capacitor-Clamp Cascade Multilevel Converters (IPEMC 2006)”,“慣量和剛度對電動負載模擬器頻寬影響的分析(電機與控制學報)”等學術論文;
⒌A neutral-point potential balancing technique implemented at the front end in back-to-back-connected three-level converter. 2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications,ICIEA 2008,p 1141-1145 (Ei)
⒍A nine-switch three-level inverter for electric vehicle applications. 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference,VPPC 2008,4677649 (Ei)
⒎單周期控制PWM整流器的研究. 電氣傳動. 2008,38⑹:31-33
⒏Research on loading simulation of DC torque motor for electrical load simulator. 2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications,ICIEA 2008,p 1146-1150 (Ei)
⒐有源逆變器的電流移相多重並聯運行分析. 電力電子. 2008⑵:13-17
⒑基於AT波形重構方法的逆變技術研究. 電子器件. 2008,3⑿:547-554
⒒A three-level rectifier with reduced number of power switches based on one-cycle control. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,ICEMS 2008,p1855-1859 (Ei)
⒓能量回饋型高精度載入電機驅動器拓撲研究. 電力電子技術. 2007,41⑼:29-32
⒔有源前端型三電平逆變器中點電位平衡的一種控制策略. 電子器件. 2007,30⑴:198-201
⒕Research on active front end converter based on one-cycle control. Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,v 22,n SUPPL. 1,p 6-9,December 2007 (Ei)
⒖An evaluation of spectral characteristics of hybrid flying-capacitor-half- bridge 5-level inverter. ICIEA 2007: 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. p 2435-2440 (Ei)
⒗A novel hybrid flying-capacitor-half-bridge cascade 13-level inverter for high power applications. ICIEA 2007: 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. p 2421-2426 (Ei)
⒘Novel hybrid flying-capacitor-half-bridge 9-level inverter. IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference,Proceedings/TENCON.2006,4142375 (EI)
⒙A new topology of capacitor-clamp cascade multilevel converters. Conference Proceedings IPEMC 2006: CES/IEEE 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference. p 1318-1322 (Ei)