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  • 中文名:王旭
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1985年8月
  • 畢業院校:河海大學、中國科學院大學、哈爾濱工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師



2010 - 2013,中國科學院大學,環境工程專業,獲工學博士學位
2008 - 2010,哈爾濱工業大學,環境科學與工程專業,獲工學碩士學位
2004 - 2008,河海大學,給水排水工程專業,獲工學學士學位


2021.01 - 現在,哈爾濱工業大學(深圳),土木與環境工程學院,教授
2019.03 - 現在,英國埃克塞特大學,榮譽教授
2017.09 - 2019.09,荷蘭屯特大學,訪問教授
2017.03 - 2019.02,英國埃克塞特大學,英國皇家學會牛頓國際學者
2017.01 - 2020.12,中國科學院生態環境研究中心,副研究員
2016.10 - 2016.11,荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學,土木工程與地球科學系,短期訪問學者
2013.07 - 2016.12,中國科學院生態環境研究中心,助理研究員


《National Science Open》副主編
《ACS ES&T Water》顧問編委
《Environmetal Science & Ecotechnology》青年編委
Nature Energy
Nature Sustainability
Nature Climate Change
Nature Communications
Nature Food
One Earth
Energy & Environmental Science
Environmental Science & Technology
Water Research
Environmental Science & Ecotechnology
Chemical Engineering Journal
Bioresource Technology
Science of The Total Environment
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Water Science and Technology


  • 面向碳中和與資源回收的水處理新技術、新模式與新器件研發
(Next generation water technologies towards carbon neutrality and resource recovery)
  • 基於大數據與人工智慧的城市水系統模擬與低碳路徑構建
(Data driven analyses of low carbon pathways in urban water systems management)
  • 水-食物-能源-環境-健康耦合系統建模與全生命周期效益最佳化
(Water-food-energy-environment-health nexus and life cycle impact assessment)
  • “一帶一路”國家水安全分析與多目標情景決策評估
(Water security analyses and multi-objective decision making in belt and road countries)



S. Zhong, K. Zhang, M. Bagheri, J. G. Burken, A. Gu, B. Li, X. Ma, B. L. Marrone, Z. J. Ren, J. Schrier, W. Shi, H. Tan, T. Wang, X. Wang, B. M. Wong, X. Xiao, X. Yu, J.-J. Zhu, H. Zhang* (2021) Machine learning: New ideas and tools in environmental science and engineering. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 19, 12741-12754.
X. Wang (2020). Energy Consumption, Chemical Use and Carbon Footprints of Wastewater Treatment Alternatives. Springer Singapore, ISSN 2190-5053 (Book).
X. Wang*, P. L. McCarty, J. Liu, N.-Q. Ren, D.-J. Lee, H.-Q. Yu, Y. Qian, J. Qu (2015) Probabilistic evaluation of integrating resource recovery into wastewater treatment to improve environmental sustainability. PNAS, 112 (5), 1630-1635.
X. Wang*, G. Daigger, D.-J. Lee, J. Liu, N.-Q. Ren, J. Qu, G. Liu, D. Butler (2018) Evolving wastewater infrastructure paradigm to enhance harmony with nature. Science Advances, 4, eaaq0210.
X. Wang*, G. Daigger, W. Vries, C. Kroeze, M. Yang, N.-Q. Ren, J. Liu, D. Butler (2019) Impact hotspots of reduced nutrient discharge shift across the globe with population and dietary changes. Nature Communications, 10, 2627.
X. Wang*, J. Liu*, N.-Q. Ren, H.-Q. Yu, D.-J. Lee, X. Guo (2012) Assessment of multiple sustainability demands for wastewater treatment alternatives: A refined evaluation scheme and case study. Enviornmental Science & Technology, 46(10), 5542-5549.
X. Wang*, Y. Li, J. Liu*, N.-Q. Ren, J. Qu (2016) Augmentation of protein-derived acetic acid production by heat-alkaline-induced changes in protein structure and conformation. Water Research, 88, 595-603.
X. Wang*, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, Y.-R. Pan, L. Li, J. Liu, D. Butler (2019) Stepwise pH control to promote synergy of chemical and biological processes for augmenting short-chain fatty acid production from anaerobic sludge fermentation. Water Research, 155, 193-203.
Y.-R. Pan, X. Wang*, Z. J. Ren, C. Hu, J. Liu, D. Butler (2019) Characterization of implementation limits and identification of optimization strategies for sustainable water resource recovery through life cycle impact analysis. Environment International, 133, 105266.
X. Wang*, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, Y.-L. Luo, Y.-R. Pan, J. Liu, D. Butler (2021) Alkaline environments benefit microbial K-strategists to efficiently utilize protein substrate and promote valorization of protein waste into short-chain fatty acids. Chemical Engineering Journal, 404, 127147.
B.-C. Huang, W.-W. Li, X. Wang, Y. Lu, H.-Q. Yu (2019) Customizing anaerobic digestion-coupled processes for energy-positive and sustainable treatment of municipal wastewater. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 110, 132-142.
X. Wang*, M. Li, J. Liu, J. Qu (2016) Occurrence, distribution, and potential influencing factors of sewage sludge components derived from nine full-scale wastewater treatment plants of Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Science, 45, 233-239.
X.-H. Wang, X. Wang*, G. Huppes, R. Heijungs, N.-Q. Ren (2015) Environmental implications of increasingly sewage discharge standards in municipal wastewater treatment plants: Case study of a cool area of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 94: 278-283.
X. Wang, J. Liu*, N.-Q. Ren, Z. Duan (2012) Environmental profile of typical anaerobic/anoxic/oxic wastewater treatment systems meeting increasingly stringent treatment standards from a life cycle perspective. Bioresource Technology, 126: 31-40.
X. Wang*, J. Liu*, B. Qu, N.-Q. Ren, J. Qu (2013) Role of carbon substrates in facilitating energy reduction and resource recovery in a traditional activated sludge process: Investigation from a biokinetics modelling perspective. Bioresource Technology, 140: 312-318.
X. Wang, J. Ding*, W.-Q. Guo, N.-Q. Ren* (2010) A hydrodynamics-reaction kinetics coupled model for evaluating bioreactors derived from CFD simulation. Bioresource Technology, 101: 9749-9757.
X. Wang, J. Ding*, W.-Q. Guo, N.-Q. Ren (2010) Scale-up and optimization of biohydrogen production reactor from laboratory-scale to industrial-scale on the basis of computational fluid dynamics simulation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35: 10960-10966.
J. Ding*, X. Wang, X.-F. Zhou, N.-Q. Ren*, W.-Q. Guo (2010) CFD optimization of continuous stirred-tank (CSTR) reactor for biohydrogen production. Bioresource Technology, 101, 7005-7013.
X. Wang, J. Ding*, N.-Q. Ren, B.-F. Liu, W.-Q. Guo (2009) CFD simulation of an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for biohydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34: 9686-9695.
Y. Li, X. Wang*, D. Butler, J. Liu, J. Qu (2017) Energy use and carbon footprints differ dramatically for diverse wastewater-derived carbonaceous substrates: An integrated exploration of biokinetics and life-cycle assessment. Scientific Reports, 7, 243.
X. Guo, X. Wang*, J. Liu (2016) Composition analysis of fractions of extracellular polymeric substances from an activated sludge culture and identification of dominant forces affecting microbial aggregation. Scientific Reports, 6, 28391.
王旭*, 王釗越, 潘藝蓉, 羅雨莉, 劉俊新, 楊敏*. 人工智慧在21世紀水與環境領域套用的問題及對策. 中國科學院院刊, 2020, 35(9), 1-14.
王旭*, 劉玉, 羅雨莉, 劉俊新. 基於高附加值產品的廢水資源化技術發展趨勢與套用展望. 環境工程學報, 2020, 14(8), 2011-2019.
王旭, 靳煒, 劉娟, 嚴岩, 魏源送, 楊敏*. 全球新格局下中國開展水科技國際合作的背景、模式與未來展望. 環境工程學報, 2020, 14(8), 2066-2074.
劉俊新*, 王旭. 城市污水處理的多目標管理. 給水排水, 2015, 41(9), 1-3.
潘藝蓉, 王旭, 羅雨莉, 劉俊新, 王旭*. 義烏市城鎮污水提標處理的環境與經濟效益分析. 環境工程學報, 2021, 15(4), 1188-1198.


1. 深圳市科技創新委員會,深圳市高層次人才團隊項目,城市水安全智慧管控技術研發團隊,在研,子課題負責人;
2. 國家自然科學基金委員會,優秀青年科學基金項目,污水資源回收與利用效應,在研,主持;
3. 中共北京市委組織部,青年拔尖人才,大數據驅動的城市污水資源可持續管理新理論與新原理,結題,主持;
4. 英國皇家學會,牛頓學者基金,污水資源化利用的環境可持續原理,結題,主持;
5. 北京市科學與技術委員會,科技新星計畫(B類),城市污水再生利用體系評估與決策方法學基礎,結題,主持;
6. 美國地理學會,國家地理水與空氣基金,納米顆粒在城市污水處理設施的賦存特徵和生命周期影響評價,結題,主持;
7. 中國科學院,青年創新促進會會員基金,污水處理與資源化,結題,主持;
8. 國家自然科學基金委員會,青年科學基金項目,基於損害導向的污水處理環境影響機理與工藝最佳化調控研究,結題,主持;
9. 國家生態環境部,環保保護類公益項目,城市污水處理氣態污染物排放特徵與監管技術研究,結題,參加;
10. 環境水質學國家重點實驗室,自主課題,基於污水有機質能源轉化技術的評價方法學基礎,結題,主持;
11. 國家自然科學基金委員會,重點基金項目,基於污染物高效分離與資源化的城市污水深度處理新工藝與原理,結題,參加。


  • Shortlisted Researchers for Nature Research Awards for Driving Global Impact (2021)
  • 國際水協會(IWA)首創水星獎(科學創新金獎,2019)
  • MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 China Award (2017)
  • Royal Society Newton International Fellowship (2016)
  • 中國科學院優秀博士學位論文獎(2015)
  • 中國石油與化學工業聯合會,科技進步二等獎(2014)
  • 教育部,博士研究生學術新人獎(2012)
  • 教育部,博士研究生國家獎學金(2012)
  • 奧加諾(水質與水環境)一等獎(2012)
  • 上海同濟高廷耀環保科技基金會,青年博士生傑出人才獎(2012)
  • 寶鋼優秀學生獎學金(2012)
  • 寶潔研究生獎學金(2012)
  • 2022年4月,榮獲2022年“深圳青年五四獎章”。
  • 2023年5月12日,被授予第二十五屆廣東青年五四獎章。


