
王才士,男,理學博士。現任西北師範大學教授、博士生導師,美國數學會《數學評論》評論員,甘肅省數學會理事、機率論與數理統計專業委員會主任。 曾應聘擔任華中科技大學兼職教授、博導(2006-2011)。


  • 中文名:王才士
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:隨機分析理論及其套用
  • 職務:西北師範大學機率論與數理統計專業委員會主任






迄今已在《J. Math. Phys.》、《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》、《Quantum Inf. Process.》、《Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.》、《Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top.》、《Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.)》等SCI收錄期刊和《數學學報》、《數學進展》、《數學物理學報》等國內學術期刊發表論文60餘篇。出版著作2部,其中1部屬國家“十五”重點圖書出版規劃項目圖書,另1部為英文著作(World Scientific出版)。主持(參與)完成國家自然科學基金項目4項,主持完成甘肅省自然科學基金項目2項。
曾多次應邀在國際學術會議上作報告。2013年9月應邀在中國數學會學術年會上做邀請報告。 2005年獲“湖北省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎”。2006年獲“湖北省自然科學二等獎”。2008年獲國家留學基金委出國留學全額獎學金(“國家公派訪問學者”項目),同年獲“甘肅省高等學校青年教師成才獎”。2010年被國家科學技術獎勵工作辦公室聘為“國家科學技術獎評審委員”。迄今指導博士研究生15名(3名留學生),其中9人已獲得博士學位。




(6) 國家自然科學基金項目“基於離散時間正規鞅泛函的量子隨機分析模型及其套用”(批准號:11461061;起止年月:2015年1月-2018年12月;本人為負責人)。
(5)國家自然科學基金項目“向量值分式白噪聲泛函” (批准號:11061032;起止年月:2011年1月至2013年12月;本人為負責人)。
(1)國家自然科學基金項目“量子白噪聲分析及套用”(批准編號:10171035;起止年月:2002年1月至2004年 12月;本人為主要成員)。


[40] Caishi Wang and Xiaojuan Ye, Quantum walk in terms of quantum Bernoulli noises, Quantum Information Processing 15 (2016), 1897-1908. (SCIE檢索)
[39] Caishi Wang and Jinshu Chen, Quantum Markov semigroups constructed from quantum Bernoulli noises, Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (2016), Issue 2, 023502. (SCIE檢索)
[38] Caishi Wang, Wenling Wang and Xiangying Lu, Limit theorem for a time-inhomogeneous three-state quantum walk on the line, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 12 (2015), 5164-5170. (IE檢索)
[37] Caishi Wang, Xiangying Lu and Wenling Wang, The stationary measure of a space-inhomogeneous three-state quantum walk on the line, Quantum Information Processing 14 (2015), 867-880. (SCIE檢索)
[36] Caishi Wang and Jinshu Chen, Convergence theorems for generalized functional sequences of discrete-time normal martingales, Journal of Function Spaces 2015 (2015), Article ID 360679. (SCIE檢索)
[35] Yuanbao Kang and Caishi Wang, Quantum stochastic integral representations on interacting Fock space, Journal of Theoretical Probability 28 (2015), 1007-1027. (SCIE檢索)
[34] Caishi Wang and Jinshu Chen, Characterization theorems for generalized functionals of discrete-time normal martingale, Journal of Function Spaces 2015 (2015), Article ID 714745. (SCIE檢索)
[33] Yuanbao Kang and Caishi Wang, Asymptotic spectral distributions of Manhattan products of Cn#Pm, Quantum Information Processing 13 (2014), 2499-2511. (SCIE檢索)
[32] Yuanbao Kang and Caishi Wang, Ito formula for one-dimensional continuous-time quantum random walk, Physica A 414 (2014), 154-162. (SCIE檢索)
[31] Yuanbao Kang and Caishi Wang, Quantum random walk polynomial and quantum random walk measure, Quantum Information Processing 13 (2014), 1191-1209. (SCIE檢索)
[30] Caishi Wang and Jihong Zhang, Wick analysis for Bernoulli noise functionals, Journal of Function Spaces, 2014 (2014), Article ID 727341.(SCIE檢索)
[29] Caishi Wang and Jihong Zhang, Localization of quantum Bernoulli noises, Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (2013), 103502.(SCIE檢索)
[28] Qi Han, Caishi Wang and Yulan Zhou, Convolution of functionals of discrete-time normal martingales, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 86 (2012), 224-231.(SCIE檢索)
[27] Caishi Wang, Yanchun Lu and Huifang Chai, An alternative approach to Privault's discrete-time chaotic calculus, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 373 (2011), 643-654.(SCIE檢索)
[26] Caishi Wang and Qi Han, Coherent states in Bernoulli noise functionals, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 84 (2011), 116-126.(SCIE檢索)
[25] Yulan Zhou and Caishi Wang, Quantum Tanaka formula in terms of quantum Brownian motion, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 83 (2011), 401-412.(SCIE檢索)
[24] Caishi Wang, Huifang Chai and Yanchun Lu, Discrete-time quantum Bernoulli noises, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010), 053528.(SCIE檢索)
[23] Caishi Wang, Yulan Zhou, Decheng Feng and Qi Han, Fock factorization of B-valued analytic mappings on a Hilbert inductive limit, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 81 (2010), 236-250.(SCIE檢索)
[22] Caishi Wang, Delta functions of observables and Radon-Nikodym derivatives of spectral measures, Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics 12 (2009), 427-437. (SCIE檢索)
[21] Caishi Wang, Properties of delta functions of a class of observables on white noise functionals, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 329 (2007), 913-921.(SCIE檢索)
[20] Caishi Wang, Jinshu Chen and Mingshuang Qu, An analytic characterization of B-valued generalized functionals of white noise, 數學物理學報 27 (2007), 322-330.
[19] Caishi Wang, Mingshuang Qu and Jinshu Chen, A white noise approach to infinitely divisible distributions on Gelʹfand triple, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 315 (2006), 425-435.(SCIE檢索)
[18] Caishi Wang and Zhiyuan Huang, A moment characterization of B-valued generalized functionals of white noise, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 22 (2006), 57-168.(SCIE檢索)
[17] Caishi Wang, A new idea to define the δ-function of an observable in the context of white noise analysis, Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics 8 (2005), 659-668.(SCIE檢索)
[16] Caishi Wang, Zhiyuan Huang and Xiangjun Wang, δ-function of an operator: a white noise approach, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 133 (2005), 891-898.(SCIE檢索)
[15] Caishi Wang,Zhiyuan Huang and Xiangjun Wang, Analytic characterization for Hilbert-Schmidt operators on Fock space, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 21 (2005), 787-796.(SCIE檢索)
[14] Caishi Wang, S-integral and Gronwall's inequality, 數學研究與評論 25 (2005), 407-413.
[13] Caishi Wang and Zhiyuan Huang, A filtration of Wick algebra and its application to quantum SDE's, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 20 (2004), 999-1008.(SCIE檢索)
[12] Chow Tuan-Seng, Huang Zhiyuan and Wang Cai Shi, The non-uniform Riemann approach to anticipating Stochastic integrals, Stochastic Analysis and Applications 22 (2004) , 429-442. (SCIE檢索)
[11] Xiangjun Wang and Caishi Wang, A characterization of the differentiability of generalized operator-valued functions, 數學物理學報 24 (2004), 454-458.
[10] Caishi Wang, Chaotic decompositions of B-valued generalized functionals of white noise, 套用數學17 (2004), 165-171.
[9] Caishi Wang, Zhiyuan Huang and Xiangjun Wang, A W-transform-based criterion for the existence of bounded extensions of E-operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 288 (2003), 397-410.(SCIE檢索)
[8] Zhiyuan Huang, Xiangjun Wang and Caishi Wang, Generalized operators and operator-valued distributions in quantum field theory, Acta Mathematica Scientia 23 (2003), 145-154. (SCIE檢索)
[7] Caishi Wang, Zhiyuan Huang and Xiangjun Wang, Quantum stochastic differential equations in terms of generalized operators, 數學進展 32 (2003), 53-62.
[6] Caishi Wang and Zhiyuan Huang, A white noise approach to quantum stochastic cable equations, 數學學報 45 (2002), 851-862.
[5] Zhiyuan Huang, Caishi Wang and Xiangjun Wang, Quantum cable equations in terms of generalized operators, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 63 (2000), 151-164. (SCIE檢索)
[4] Zhiyuan Huang, Caishi Wang and Xiangjun Wang, Quantum integral equations of Volterra type with generalized operator-valued kernels, Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics 3 (2000), 505-517. (SCIE檢索)
[3] Zhiyuan Huang and Caishi Wang, Preservation of positivity by differential second quantization, 套用數學 11 (1998), no. 4, 31-32.
[2] Caishi Wang, Change of variables in the Henstock integral, 數學實踐與認識1994, no. 2, 61-63.
[1] Caishi Wang and Chuansong Ding, An integral involving Thomson's local systems, Real Analysis Exchange 19 (1993/94), no. 1, 248-253.


[2] Jinqiao Duan, Shunlong Luo, Caishi Wang, Recent Development in Stochastic Dynamics and Stochastic Analysis, World Scientific (2010).
[1] 黃志遠、王才士、讓光林, 量子白噪聲分析, 湖北科學技術出版社 (2004).


