王德忠 先後主持國家自然科學基金、高等院校博士學科點基金、教育部重點項目和國際合作、973項目子項等科研項目30餘項。
- 中文名:王德忠
- 職業:上海交通大學教授
- 畢業院校:上海交通大學
- 任教專業:工學-能源動力類
2、Wang Dezhong,Wang Songping,Sun Shan,Liu Yingzheng,Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow With Surfactant Additives Using PIV and PDA, Heat Transfer—Asian Research,2005,Vol.34,No.2,P99-107。
3、ZHANG Hong-xia,WANG De-zhong, GUO Wei-guo CHEN Han-ping. Effects of temperature and concentration on rheological characteristics of surfactant additive solutions[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2008, Vol. 20,No. 5,P603-610。
4、ZHANG Hongxia, WANG Dezhong, CHEN Hanping. Experimental study on the effects of shear induced structure in a drag-reducing surfactant solution flow[J].Archive of Applied Mechanics,2009, Vol.79,No.8,P773-778。
5、BAI Yunfei,WANG Dezhong,MAUERHOFER Eric,KETTLER John,MC simulation of thermal neutron flux of large samples irradiated by 14 MeV neutrons[J].Nuclear Science and Techniques,2010, Vol.21,No.1,P11-15。
6、LIU Cheng,WANG Dezhong,BAI Yunfei,QIAN Nan,An improved segmented gamma scanning for radioactive waste drums[J].Nuclear Science and Techniques,2010, Vol.21,No.4,P204-208。
7、Weiguo GU, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Dezhong Wang, Saito Akihito, Experimental study of turbulence transport in a dilute surfactant solution flow investigated by PIV[J], Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2010, Vol.132,No.5。
8、Bai, Y F; Mauerhofer, E; Wang, D Z, et al. An improved method for the non-destructive characterization of radioactive waste by gamma scanning[J]. Applied Radiation Isotopes, 2009, Vol.67, No.10, P1897-1903。