20世紀90年代,王家驍教授通過研究生產因素國際流動與貨物流動之關係而一舉成名,研究成果分別發表在Journal of International Economics等國際上最具權威的國際貿易學術期刊上,並被收錄進國際頂尖國際貿易學者JagdishBhagwati主編的優秀國際貿易論文集中,該書在國際上有很大的影響,被世界各大學廣泛採用。王家驍教授對國際貿易理論其他方面的研究成果(包括Quid Pro Quo國際資本流動理論)發表在Journal of Economic Theory,American Economic Review等一流國際學術期刊上。他的領域涵蓋國際貿易、經濟成長等主題,並撰寫和編輯出版多部有關國際貿易、要素轉移和經濟成長的著作。他集中研究亞洲金融危機,WTO與中國,開放最佳時機的選擇,貿易自由化與收入分配,技術吸收、生產規模與貿易政策,WTO、智慧財產權和南北貿易,FDI、過度投資、金融危機與經濟成長等涵蓋國際貿易、國際金融方面的問題。僅在三四年間,王教授已經組織了十多次國際貿易、經濟成長和亞洲的學術會議和研討會。
" Housing Market Bubbles and Currency Crisis: the case of Thailand ," Kar-Yiu Wong.
" Direct Investment Liberalization, Commodity Trade, and Income Distribution; What Can the WTO Do? ," Kar-Yiu Wong.
" A Tale of Two Ports ," Ngo Van Long; Kar-Yiu Wong.
" The Asian Crisis: A Statistical Point of View ," Ming Chien Lo; Kar_Yiu Wong.
" Currency Crises and Capital Control: A Survey ," Sweta Saxena; Kar_Yiu Wong.
" Dynamic Gains from Trade and Industrialization ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Chong Yip.
" Intraindustry Trade, Intraindustry Investment, and Welfare ," Kar-Yiu Wong.
" Growth of Hong Kong Before and After Its Reversion to China: The China Factor ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Yun Wing Sung.
" Optimal Income Transfers and Tariffs ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Sajal Lahiri; Pascalis Raimondo.
" Industrialization, Economic Growth and International Trade ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Chong Yip.
" Education, Economic Growth, and Brain Drain ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Chong Yip.
" The Law of Comparative Advantage without Social Utility Functions ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Koji Shimomura.
" Economic Growth and International Trade: the case of Hong Kong ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Win Lin Chou.
" Specific and Ad Valorem Tariffs are not Equivalent in Trade Wars ," Kar-Yiu Wong; Ben Lockwood.
· Best Paper of the Year! "Firm Failure and Financial Crisis: The Experience of South Korea" in the Journal of Korean Economy in 2000.
· "International Joint Ventures, Moral Hazards, and Technology Spillovers,? (with Wing-Fai Leung), forthcoming in a volume in honor of Murray C. Kemp
· "Direct Investment Liberalization, Commodity Trade, and Income Distribution: What Can the WTO Do??Pacific Economic Review.
· "Optimal Income Transfers and Tariffs,?(with Sajal Lahiri, Pascalis Raimondos-Moller and Alan Woodland), Journal of Development Economics, February 2002: 79 ?99.
· "External Economies of Scale and Theory of International Trade," Tamkang University Monograph, 2001, consisting of the following papers:
·"Externality in the Theory of International Trade: Some Basic Concepts"
·"Fundamental Trade Theorems under External Economies of Scale"
·"External Economies of Scale and International Trade: Further Analysis"
·"International Trade and Factor Mobility under External Economies of Scale"
· "Housing Market Bubbles and Currency Crisis: the case of Thailand? Japanese Economic Review, 2001, 52 (4).
· "Economic Growth and International Trade: The Case of Hong Kong,? (with Win Lin Chou), Pacific Economic Review, October 2001, 6 (3): 313 ?329.
· "Ad Valorem and Specific Tariffs with Competitive Industries Are Not Equivalent in a Trade War? (with Ben Lockwood), Journal of International Economics, 2000, 52: 183-195.
· "Growth of Hong Kong Before and After Its Reversion to China: The China Factor,? (with Yun-Wing Sung), Pacific Economic Review, June 2000, 5 (2): 201 ?228.
"Endognous Growth and International Labor Migration: The Case of a Small, Open Economy," Kar-Yiu Wong.
"Endognous Growth and International Trade: A Survey," Kar-Yiu Wong; Ngo Van Long.
"Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade," Kar-Yiu Wong; Bjarne Jensen.
"Quid Pro Quo Foreign Investment," Kar-Yiu Wong.
"Paradoxes Associated with the Administration of Foreign Aid," Kar-Yiu Wong.
"International Trade in Goods and Factor Mobility," Kar-Yiu Wong.