- 中文名:王宏
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1960年
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:德國馬格德堡大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:機械電子工程研究所所長
(2) Wang Qiaoxiu, Wang Hong*, Qi Zuoqiu, An application of nonlinear fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in safety, Safety Science, 2016, 86: 78-87
(3) Hong Wang,Chi Zhang, Tianwei Shi, Fuwang Wang, Shujun Ma, Real-time EEG-based detection of fatigue driving danger for accident prediction, International Journal of Neural Systems, 2015, 25(2):1550002-(14 pages)
(4) Tianwei Shi, Hong Wang*, Chi Zhang, Brain computer interface system based on indoor semi-autonomous navigation and motor imagery for unmanned aerial vehicle control, Expert System With Applications, 2015, 42: 4196-4206
(5) Guangbin Sun, Hong Wang*, Zhiguo Lu, A Novel biped pattern generator based on extended ZMP and extended cart-table model, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015, 12(94), doi:10.5772/60783 (14 pages)
(6) Rongrong Fu, Hong Wang*, Detection of driving fatigue by using noncontact EMG and ECG signals measurement system, International Journal of Neural Systems, 2014, 24(3),1450006- (15 pages)
(7) Chi Zhang, Hong Wang*, Rongrong Fu, Automated detection of driver fatigue based on entropy and complexity measures, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15(1), 168-177
(8) Chi Zhang, Hong Wang*, Hong Wang, Mianhong Wu, EEG-based expert system using complexity measures and probability density function control in alpha sub-band, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2013, 20(4), 391-405
(9) 常文文,王宏*,基於P300副值幾何差和腦網路特徵的測謊方法研究,儀器儀表學報,2015,(04):822 ~ 829
(10) 孫廣彬,王宏*,陸志國,王福旺,史添瑋,王琳,仿人足底肌電特徵的機器人行走規劃,自動化學報,2015,(05):874 ~ 884
(2) 王宏、李春勝、劉沖,《生物機械電子工程》,高等教育出版社,2014