




  • 中文名:王守緒
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1964年9月
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:吉林大學化學系
  • 主要成就:獲電子科技大學教學成果獎3項


1982.09-1986.06 吉林大學大學,無機化學專業,學士學位;


1.Chen, Yuanming; Lin, Jianhui; Qiu, Tianyang; He, Wei; Silberschmidt, Vadim V.; Wang, Shouxu; Tan, Ze. Characterization and application of aggregated porous copper oxide flakes for cupric source of copper electrodeposition. Materials Letters, v 139, p 458-461, January 15, 2015
2. Wang, Chong; Xiang, Lin; Chen, Yuanming; Wang, Shouxu; Xiao, Dingjun; He, Wei. Study on brown oxidation process with imidazole group, mercapto group and heterocyclic compounds in printed circuit board industry. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, v 29, n 12, p 1178-1189, june 2015
3.Ji, Linxian; Wang, Chong; Wang, Shouxu; He, Wei; Xiao, Dingjun; Tan, Ze. Multiphysics coupling simulation of RDE for PCB manufacturing. Circuit World, v 41, n 1, p 20-28, February 2, 2015
4.Chen, Yuanming;Gao, Xing; Wang, Jinling; He, Wei; Silberschmidt, Vadim V.; Wang, Shouxu; Tao, Zhihua; Xu, Huan. Properties and application of polyimide-based composites by blending surface functionalized boron nitride nanoplates. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v 132, n 16, April 1, 2015
5. Wang, Shouxu; Feng, Li; Chen, Yuanming; He, Wei; Tao, Zhihua; Chen, Shijing; Xu, Huan. UV laser cutting of glass-epoxy material for opening flexible areas of rigid-flex PCB.Circuit World, v 40, n 3, p 85-91, July 1, 2014
6.Chen, Yuanming; Wang, Shouxu; He, Xuemei; He, Wei; Silberschmidt, Vadim V.; Tan, Ze. Copper coin-embedded printed circuit board for heat dissipation: Manufacture, thermal simulation and reliability. Source: Circuit World, v 41, n 2, p 55-60, May 5, 2015
7. Yang, Xiaojian; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Zhou, Guoyun; Tang,Yao. Synthesis and characterization of Ag nanorods used for formulating high-performance conducting silver ink. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, v 9, n 6, p 541-550, July 2014
8.Chen, Yuanming; He, Wei; Zhou, Guoyun; Hu, Yongsuan; Wang, Shouxu; Tao, Zhihua. Preparation and thermal effects of polyarylene ether nitrile aluminium nitride composites. Polymer International, v 63, n 3, p 546-551, March 2014
9.Tang, Yao; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Tao, Zhihua; Cheng, Lijuan. The superiority of silver nanoellipsoids synthesized via a new approach in suppressing the coffee-ring effect during drying and film formation processes. Nanotechnology, v 25, n 12, March 28, 2014
10. Tang, Yao; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Tao, Zhihua; Cheng, Lijuan. One step synthesis of silver nanowires used in preparation of conductive silver paste.Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 25, n 7, p 2929-2933, July 2014
11.Chen, Yuanming; He, Wei; Chen, Xianming; Wang, Chong; Tao, Zhihua; Wang, Shouxu; Zhou, Guoyun; Moshrefi-Torbati, Mohamed. Plating uniformity of bottom-up copper pillars and patterns for ic substrates with additive-assisted electrodeposition. Electrochimica Acta, v 120, p 293-301, February 20, 2014
12.Yang, Xiaojian; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Zhou, Guoyun; Tang, Yao. Preparation and properties of a novel electrically conductive adhesive using a composite of silver nanorods, silver nanoparticles, and modified epoxy resin. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 23, n 1, p 108-114, January 2012, Featured Issue: Lead-Free Solder and Packaging
13.Yang,Xiaojian; He,Wei;Wang,Shouxu;Zhou, Guoyun;Tang,Yao. Preparation of high-performance conductive ink with silver nanoparticles and nanoplates for fabricating conductive films. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, v 28, n 1, p 1-4, 2013
14. Tang, Yao; He, Wei; Zhou, Guoyun; Wang, Shouxu; Yang, Xiaojian; Tao, Zhihua; Zhou, Juncheng. A new approach causing the patterns fabricated by silver nanoparticles to be conductive without sintering. Nanotechnology, v 23, n 35, September 7, 2012
15.Yang, Xiaojian; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Zhou, Guoyun; Tang, Yao; Yang, Juanhong. Effect of the different shapes of silver particles in conductive ink on electrical performance and microstructure of the conductive tracks. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 23, n 11, p 1980-1986, November 2012
16.Tao, Zhihua; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Zhou, Guoyun. Electrochemical study of cyproconazole as a novel corrosion inhibitor for copper in acidic solution. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, v 52, n 50, p 17891-17899, December 18, 2013
17.Yang, Xiaojian; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Zhou, Guoyun; Tang, Yao; Yang, Juanhong. Erratum: Effect of the different shapes of silver particles in conductive ink on electrical performance and microstructure of the conductive tracks. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 23, n 11, p 1987, November 2012
18.Zhou, Guoyun; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Chen, Chia-Yun; Wong, Ching Ping. Fabrication of a novel porous Ni-P thin-film using electroless-plating: Application to embedded thin-film resistor. Materials Letters, v 108, p 75-78, 2013
19.Zhou, Guoyun; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Mo, Yunqi; Hu, Ke; He, Bo. A novel nitric acid etchant and its application in manufacturing fine lines for PCBs. IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, v 33, n 1, p 25-30, January 2010
20.Yang, Ying; Wang, Shouxu; He, Wei; Hu, Ke; He, Bo; Mo, Yunqi. Preparation of ultra-fine copper powder and its application in manufacturing conductive lines by printed electronics technology. 2009 International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices, ASEMD 2009, p 131-132, 2009, 2009 International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices, ASEMD 2009
21.Yu, Xiaofei; He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Zhou, Guoyun; Zhu, Meng. Research on etching blind holes and desmear with plasma. Proceedings of Technical Papers - International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, and Circuits Technology Conference, IMPACT, p 304-306, 2011, 2011 6th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference, IMPACT 2011
22.Wang, Shouxu; Xie, Jianzhi. Synthesis of luminous material of SrO-TiO2-SiO2:Eu3+, Bi3+ by sol-gel method. Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, v 29, n 2, p 218-220, Apr 2000 ,Language: Chinese
23.He, Wei; Wang, Shouxu; Wang, Huixiu; Wang, Xieshu. Synthesis and application of nano organic silica sol. Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research, v 20, n 6, p 617-620, December 2006 Language: Chinese


