

《猴子和鱷魚的故事》是1987年Houghton 出版的圖書,作者是PaulGaldone。本書主要講述了小猴子和小鱷魚鬥智鬥勇的故事。


  • 書名:猴子和鱷魚的故事
  • 作者PaulGaldone
  • ISBN:9780899195247
  • 出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • 出版時間:1987-8-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本::大16開


Twice the clever little monkey foils the attempts of the crocodile to capture him. The Jatakas are Indian fables relating the former births of the Buddha in various animal guises. In this retelling, he is a clever little monkey who twice foils the attempts of the crocodile to capture him. Full-color illustrations.
Twice the clever little monkey foils the attempts of thecrocodile to capture him.


Paul Galdone was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1914 andemigrated to the United States in 1928. After finishing his studiesat the Art Student League and the New York School of IndustrialDesign, Mr. Galdone worked in the art department of a majorpublishing house. There he was introduced to the process ofbookmaking, an activity that was soon to become his lifelongcareer. Before his death in 1986, Mr. Galdone illustrated almost300 books, many of which he himself wrote or retold. He is fondlyremembered for his contemporary style, bright earthy humor, andaction-filled illustrations, which will continue to delight forgenerations to come.


