牟益斌經常應在國內外研討會上作專題演講,並發表50多篇文章與專著。主要作品包括:全球金融危機與中國經濟的思考(2009,2010),債券市場發展的十大經驗(Ten Lessons of Debt Market Development, 2008),南亞債券市場:發展長期資金市場 (South Asian Bond Markets: Developing Long-term Finance for Growth ,合著,ISBN-13:978-0-8213-7601,世界銀行出版社2008版),解析中國經濟奇蹟(Unveil China's Economic Miracle 2007),對完善中國銀行監管的六點思考(1999),對外資金融機構監管的研究(1998),關於中國人民銀行轉換職能的思考(1994)。
此前,牟益斌並沒有打算出國學習或工作的念頭。但是1998年,牟益斌作為中國央行兩位代表之一赴南非參加Basle Committee Working Group on Core Principles and Methodologies會議;1999年,他又以中國央行三位代表之一的身分赴馬來西亞EMEAP Working Group on Financial Supervision and Regulation會議。 外國先進的金融經濟管理經驗給牟益斌留下深刻的印象,也是他產生了出國深造的想法。很快,他的想法得到了不少的積極回應:德國最高榮譽洪堡學者獎學金 (Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship) 邀請他到歐洲的大學或研究機構進行博士後研究;英國政府2000年度的旗艦獎學金項目——Chevening學者獎學金支持他到英國留學;哈佛大學也以全額獎學金錄取了他。
孰知命運之神此時為牟益斌開啟了另一扇大門,他被世界銀行青年專業人士項目(The World Bank Young Professional Program)選中,成為世界銀行於2000年在全球萬餘名候選人中選聘的30餘名青年專家中唯一一位華人,也是世界銀行從中國選拔的第一位青年專家,開創了華人從中國直接考入世界銀行總部專家團隊的先河。在哈佛
在世界銀行任職一年後,牟益斌受哈佛大學邀請赴哈佛甘迺迪學院攻讀公共管理碩士學位(Mid-Career Master in Public Administration)。哈佛甘迺迪學院當時教研究生高級總量經濟學的教授發現牟益斌的經濟理論基礎很紮實,就請牟益斌做了他的高級總量經濟學課的助教,這對一個剛到美國才一年,英語還具有挑戰性的中國“土博士”來說,是一個專業上的極大肯定。
1. Paper (2010): Debt Markets: The Post-Crisis Landscape. Co-author.
2. Speech (2010): Reflection of China’s Economy under the Post Global Crisis, delivered in Washington to China’s Delegation for UN Youth Conference.在給聯合國青年大會代表演講
2. Book (2008): South Asian Bond Markets: Develop Long-term Finance for Growth. ISBN-13:978-0-8213-7601. Co-author.
3. Book (2007): Global Economics, New Research. ISBN Nova Science Publishers. Chapter Author.
4. IMF-World Bank Joint Publication (2007): Sri Lanka Financial Sector Stability Assessment Report (2007). Co-author.
5. Report and presentation: Building Consensus on Debt Market Development in Serbia (2009), presented at the closed-door policy dialogue with Assist Finance Minister, Head of Debt Agency, and Director-General of the Central Bank.
6. Presentation: The Impact of Global Finance Crisis on China’s Economy, delivered to the Chinese Delegate led by the first deputy governor of Hunan Province at the World Bank. (2009).
7. Paper and Presentation: Global Experience on Government Bond Market Development, delivered at the Asia Debt Market Policy Dialogue Conference (2009 Hong Kong, organized by the World Bank, Asian Development, and Hong Kong Money Market Association), and South Asia Debt Market Policy Dialogue Conference (2008, Seoul, organized by the World Bank and Korea Authorities) and the International Capital Market Seminar (2007, organized by the International Institute of Law).在2008 US-China Forum & Gala演講
8. Speech: China’s Financial Sector Reform and Opening-up Over the Past Three Decades (2008), delivered at the 2008 Sino-US Forum and Gala in Washington. (2008).
9. Presentation: New Markets for Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprises) at International Access to Finance Conference organized by the World Bank and Asia Pacific Finance Center. (Shanghai, June 2008).
10. Presentation: Placing Debt with Pubic Sector Investors, Delivered at Debt Strategy Implementation Workshop (Paris, June 2008), organized by the World Bank.
12. Lecture: The Lessons of China’s Financial Sector Reforms. Business School of American University (2007).
13. Paper: Issuance Mechanism of Fixed-income Securities (2006).
14. Report: El Salvador Debt Market Development and Debt Management Assessment Report (2006). Co-author.
15. Paper: Government Securities, Money Market and Cash Management in Serbia--Key Issues and Recommendations for Development (2006), Published by the Bank.
16. Paper: Review of China’s Financial Sector Reform over the Past Half Century (2006).