1. Niu, Yongge, Lily Dong, Yixuan Niu, and Fumin Deng. Resident-definedmeasurement scale for a city's products. Landscape and Urban Planning (SSCI,5-year impact factor: 5.023), 2017, 167: 177-188.
2. Niu, Yongge, Cheng Lu Wang, and Lily C. Dong. Firm resourcesand entry-related advantages: An empirical study in China. Industrial MarketingManagement (SSCI, 5-year impact factor: 4.402), 2013,42(4): 595-607.
3. Niu, Yongge, Lily C. Dong, and Rong Chen. Marketentry barriers in China. Journal of Business Research (SSCI, 5-year impact factor: 4.108), 2012, 65(1): 68-76.
4. Niu, Yongge, Cheng Lu Wang, Shimin Yin, and YixuanNiu. How do DMO-led postings facilitate word-of-mouth communications in onlinetourist communities? A content analysis of China’s5A-class tourist resort websites. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (SSCI, 2015 impact factor: 1.741), 2016, 33(7): 929-948.
5. Niu,Yongge, Cheng Lu Wang. Revised unique selling proposition: Scale development,validation and application. Journal of Promotion Management(International top journal), 2016,22(6): 874-896.
6. Zhu, Bing, Yongge Niu (corresponding author), JinXiao, Bart Baesens. A new transferred feature selection algorithm for customeridentification. Neural Computing and Applications (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor:1.57), 2017, 28: 2593-2603.
7. Niu,Yongge, Fumin Deng. Marketentry barriers in China’s industrial markets. In Xu et al. (Ed.), LectureNotes in Electrical Engineering, 2014, Vol2: 1487-1497. (EI: Accessionnumber: 20140917366981; DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-40081-0_127)
8. Yin S., Niu, Yongge, Li W.. Advertising information contentof web forums and message boards official posts in China national 5A rated tourismattractions. In Xu et al. (Ed.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015, Vol 362: 459-470.(EI: Accession number: 20153001065187; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-47241-5_39.)
9. Wang, X., Niu, Yongge, Li W.. Research on negative effectof controversial slogans on tourism marketing. In Xu et al. (Ed.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015, Vol 362:1477-1485. (EI: Accession number: 20153001065418; DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-47241-5_123)
10. Zhu, Bing, Changzheng He, and Yongge Niu. Using groupmethod of data handling to model customer choice behavior. Scientia Iranica (SCI,5-year impact factor: 0.703), 2014, 21(3): 1051-1060.
6. Niu, Yongge, Cheng Lu Wang. Appellation of Origin Brands in China, in Wang, Cheng Lu and He, Jiaxun editor, Brand Management in Emerging Markets: Theories and Practices. Hershey: IGI Global, 2014, Chapter 15: 239-248.
現擔任《行銷科學學報》(JMS)編委,國家自然科學基金項目同行評議專家,Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing、《管理科學學報》、《管理評論》、《管理學報》、中國行銷科學年會論文評審專家,多屆中國行銷科學年會專題學術小組主持人。