3. Xiaohong Jiao, Xin Li, Zhisong Mei, Observer-based Robust Control for Systems with Delayed Output Measurements And Application to Rolling Mill,. ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, August, 18-21, pp1459-1464, 2009(EI).
4. Jiangyan Zhang, Tielong Shen, Xiaohong Jiao. L2-gain Analysis and Feedback Design for Discontinuous Time-delaySystems Based on Functional Differential Inclusion, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, December 16-18, 2009(SCI,EI).
5. Zhang Jiangyan and Jiao Xiaohong, Adaptive Coordinated Control of Engine Speed and Battery Charging Voltage, Control Theory and Applications. Vol.25, No.1, pp69-73, 2008 (EI:082011261782).
8. Li Qiang, Jiao Xiaohong, Yang Jie, Robust Dynamic Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Input Delay, Proceedings of 27th Chinese Control Conference, July, 16-18, pp425-429, 2008. (EI:084011616671)
9. Xiaohong Jiao, Tielong Shen and Yuanzhang Sun, Further Result on Robust Stabilization for Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems,Vol.33, No.2, pp164-169, ACTA Automatica Sinica, 2007(EI:071710571658).
10. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun and Tielong Shen, An Energy-Shaping Approach with Direct Mechanical Damping Injection to Design of Control for Power Systems,Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods, Springer Verlag's "Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", pp353-364, July, 2007. (ISTP:BGR04)
11. Xiaohong Jiao, Tielong Shen and Yuanzhang Sun, Adaptive State Feedback Control of NonlinearlyParameterized Time-Delay Systems,Proceeding of 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, pp990-995, 22-24 Aug., 2007, Pretoria, South Africa.
12. Liping Shao, Xiaohong Jiao and Yan Peng, Robust Coordinated Control for Tension-Looper of Hot Strip Mill, Nonlinear Control Systems with Discontinuity --Theory and Practice, pp.137-151, Tsinghua University Press., Beijing, 2007.
16. Ruan SY, Li GJ, Jiao XH, et al. Adaptive control design for VSC-HVDC systems based on backstepping method, ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH 77 (5-6): 559-565 APR 2007. (SCI:147PZ, EI: 070610410355)
17. Zhang Jiangyan, Shen,Tielong, Junichi Kako and Jiao Xiaohong, Nonlinear feedback speed control of internal combustion engines, Proceedings of 26th Chinese Control Conference, July, 26-31, pp618-622, 2007, Zhangjiajie. (EI: 080211015374,ISTP:BGW84)
18. Xiaohong Jiao and Yuanzhang Sun, Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Governor for Transient Stability Enhancement of Synchronous Generator, Int. J. Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol.1, No.3, pp171-176, 2006.
19. Xiaohong Jiao, Tielong Shen and Yuanzhang Sun, Domination Design of Robust Adaptive Controller of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems based on Lyapunov-Razumikhin Function,The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA06), June 21-23, 2006. (EI: 071510541382, ISTP: BFG71)
20. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun and Tielong Shen, Energy-Shaping Control of Power Systems with Direct Mechanical Damping Assignment, The 3rd Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control(LHMNLC’06), July 19-21, 2006.
21. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun and Tielong Shen, Energy-Shaping-Based Adaptive Coordinated Control of Power Systems via Direct Mechanical Damping Assignment, International Conference, Control2006, United Kingdom, August 30-September 1, 2006.
22. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun and Tielong Shen, Excitation Control Based Energy-Shaping with Direct Mechanical Damping Injection for Transient Stability Improvement of Power Systems, The 25th Chinese Control Conference, Aug. 7-10, pp2165-2170, 2006, Harbin, China. (EI: 080111002978)
23. Xiaohong Jiao and Tielong Shen, Adaptive Feedback Control of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems:the LaSalle-Razumikhin-based Approach, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control., Vol.50, No.11, pp1109-1113,2005. (SCI:986IG , EI:8656001)
24. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun, and Tielong Shen, Adaptive Controller Design for Synchronous Generator with Unknown Perturbation in Mechanical Power, International Journal of Control Automation and Systems,, 3 (2): pp308-314 Sp. Iss. SI, 2005. (SCI:930UM, EI: 05279189455, 8520185)
25. Xiaohong Jiao, Tielong Shen and Katsutoshi Tamura, Adaptive Robust Stabilization of Cascaded Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Time-Delay, Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol.125-C, No.2, pp337-343, February, 2005. (EI: 8520185).
26. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun, and Tielong Shen, Backstepping Design for Robust Stabilizing Control of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Delay, the 16th IFAC World Congress, July 3, Prague, 2005.
27. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun, and Tielong Shen, Nonlinear Adaptive Governor Control of Synchronous Generator, The 24th Chinese Control Conference, July 15, 2005, pp152-157. Guangzhou, China. (ISTP: BEL69)
28. Xiaohong Jiao, Yuanzhang Sun, and Tielong Shen, Recursive Design for Adaptive Stabilizing Controller of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems, Advanced Robust Control and Adaptive Control --Theory and Applications, pp.17-30, Tsinghua University Press - Springer, Beijing, 2005. (China-Japan Joint Workshop on Advanced Robust Control and Adaptive Control --Theory and Applications, Beijing, China, September 22-26, 2004).
29. Sun YZ, Zhang X, Shen TL, Jiao XH, He S, Damping coefficient compensation of generator by novel nonlinear excitation control, 2005 7th INTERNATIONAL POWER ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2 : 740-746, 2005. (EI: 071110490345, ISTP: BET65)