- 中文名:潘貴軍
- 職業:教師
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:物理學
- 任職院校:湖北大學
教育背景:1992-1996 湖北大學,獲物理學理學學士學位
1996-1999 湖北大學,獲系統分析與集成理學碩士學位
2002-2006 華中科技大學,獲物理學理學博士學位
工作履歷:1999-至今 湖北大學物理與電子科學學院
從事統計物理與複雜系統的科研工作,主持和參加國家級、省部級科研項目和煉墓少拒教學研究項目近十項,在Physical review E、Physics Letters A、 Physica A、 Physica Scripta、 Chinese Physics Letter等雜誌發表SCI收錄的學術論文30餘篇。主要代表作為:
1、Complex network comparison based on communicability sequence entropy. Physical review E 98 2018 Dan Chen (碩喇擊料士研究生) , Gui-JunPan (通訊作者)
2、 Biased random walks on kleinberg’s spatial networksPhysica A 463 2016 (509) , Gui-JunPan, Rui-Wu Niu (碩士研去套究生).
3、 Biased random walks in spatially embedded networks with total cost ConstraintPhysica A 461 2016 (9), Rui-Wu Niu (碩士研究生), Gui-JunPan (通訊作者)
4、 Self-organized optimization of transport on complex networksChinese. Physics. Letter. 33 2016 (068901) , Rui-Wu Niu (碩士研究生),Gui-JunPan (通訊作者)
5、 Transport optimization on complex gradient networksChinese Journal of Physics 54 2016 (278), Rui-Wu Niu (碩士研究生), Gui-JunPan (通訊作者)
6、 Jamming in complex weight gradient networksPhysica A, 2011, 390:3178-3182,Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
7、 Gradient networks on uncorrelated random scale-free networksPhys. Scr. 2011,83:(1-4),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
8、 Effects of a driving mechanism on Oslo modelsPhys. Scr. 2010,81:(1-4),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
9、 Scaling properties of a random walk on small-world networks with an open boundaryPhys. Scr. 2010,82:065009(1-3),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
10、Effects of degree correlation on scale-free gradient networksPhys. Scr. 2010,81:(1-4),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
11、Directed scale-free transport networks inducing by rank-based routing strategyChinese Journal of Physics 49 2011 (745),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
12、Sandpile on Directed Small World Networks,Physica A 2007,383:435-442,Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
13、Avalanche Dynamics in Quenched Random Directed Sandpile Models,Chin. Phys. Lett., 2006, 23: 2811-2814,Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
13、Critical Behavior in non-Abelian Deterministic Directed Sandpile,Phys. Lett. A , 2005,338: 163-168, Pan Gui-jun, et al,
14、Moment Analysis of Different Stochastic Directed Sandpile Model,Phys. Lett. A, 2005, 337: 285-291,Zhang Duan-Ming, Pan Gui-jun*,et al
15、Universality Class in Abelian Sandpile Models with Stochastic Toppling Rules,Commun. Theor. Phys, 2005, 44: 483-486,Pan Gui-jun, et al,
16、 Multiple Partial Attacks on Complex Networks,Chin. Phys. Lett., 2008, 25: 769-782,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, Tan Jin, Pan Gui-Jun, and He Min-Hua
17、 Continuous Weight Attack on Complex Network,Commun. Theor. Phys. 2008,49:797-800,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, Tan Jin, Pan Gui-Jun, and He Min-Hua,
18 Mechanisms of Avalanche Dynamics in a Stochastic Four-State Sandpile Model,Chin. Phys. Lett, 2003, 20: 2122-2115,Zhang Duan-Ming, Pan Gui-Jun*,et al,
19、Sandpile on Scale-Free Networks With Assortative Mixing,Phys. Scr. 2007,76:606–612,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, and Pan Gui-Jun, et al,
20、Sandpile Dynamics Driven by Degree on Scale-Free Networks, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2007, 24: 2200-2203,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, and Pan Gui-Jun, et al,
21、Corrections to Scaling and Probability Distribution of Avalanches for the Stochastic Zhang Sandpile Model,Physica A, 2006, 363: 299-306,Zhang Duan-Ming,Yin Yan-Ping, and Pan Gui-Jun, et al
2、2004年9月, 獲湖北大學十佳青年教師;
4、2007年9月, 獲湖北大學優秀教師
5、2011年9月, 獲湖北大學優秀教師
6、2018年9月, 獲湖北大學十佳師德標兵
6、 Jamming in complex weight gradient networksPhysica A, 2011, 390:3178-3182,Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
7、 Gradient networks on uncorrelated random scale-free networksPhys. Scr. 2011,83:(1-4),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
8、 Effects of a driving mechanism on Oslo modelsPhys. Scr. 2010,81:(1-4),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
9、 Scaling properties of a random walk on small-world networks with an open boundaryPhys. Scr. 2010,82:065009(1-3),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
10、Effects of degree correlation on scale-free gradient networksPhys. Scr. 2010,81:(1-4),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
11、Directed scale-free transport networks inducing by rank-based routing strategyChinese Journal of Physics 49 2011 (745),Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
12、Sandpile on Directed Small World Networks,Physica A 2007,383:435-442,Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
13、Avalanche Dynamics in Quenched Random Directed Sandpile Models,Chin. Phys. Lett., 2006, 23: 2811-2814,Pan Gui-Jun, et al.
13、Critical Behavior in non-Abelian Deterministic Directed Sandpile,Phys. Lett. A , 2005,338: 163-168, Pan Gui-jun, et al,
14、Moment Analysis of Different Stochastic Directed Sandpile Model,Phys. Lett. A, 2005, 337: 285-291,Zhang Duan-Ming, Pan Gui-jun*,et al
15、Universality Class in Abelian Sandpile Models with Stochastic Toppling Rules,Commun. Theor. Phys, 2005, 44: 483-486,Pan Gui-jun, et al,
16、 Multiple Partial Attacks on Complex Networks,Chin. Phys. Lett., 2008, 25: 769-782,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, Tan Jin, Pan Gui-Jun, and He Min-Hua
17、 Continuous Weight Attack on Complex Network,Commun. Theor. Phys. 2008,49:797-800,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, Tan Jin, Pan Gui-Jun, and He Min-Hua,
18 Mechanisms of Avalanche Dynamics in a Stochastic Four-State Sandpile Model,Chin. Phys. Lett, 2003, 20: 2122-2115,Zhang Duan-Ming, Pan Gui-Jun*,et al,
19、Sandpile on Scale-Free Networks With Assortative Mixing,Phys. Scr. 2007,76:606–612,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, and Pan Gui-Jun, et al,
20、Sandpile Dynamics Driven by Degree on Scale-Free Networks, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2007, 24: 2200-2203,Yin Yan-Ping, Zhang Duan-Ming, and Pan Gui-Jun, et al,
21、Corrections to Scaling and Probability Distribution of Avalanches for the Stochastic Zhang Sandpile Model,Physica A, 2006, 363: 299-306,Zhang Duan-Ming,Yin Yan-Ping, and Pan Gui-Jun, et al
2、2004年9月, 獲湖北大學十佳青年教師;
4、2007年9月, 獲湖北大學優秀教師
5、2011年9月, 獲湖北大學優秀教師
6、2018年9月, 獲湖北大學十佳師德標兵