[1] 2006.9-2010.4
伯恩茅斯大學 | 英國國家計算機動畫中心 | 博士學位 | 博士研究生畢業
[2] 2003.9-2006.6
[3] 1999.9-2003.6
西北工業大學 | 計算機學院 | 學士學位 | 大學本科畢業
[1] 2012.7-2013.7
倫斯勒理工(美國) | 醫學模擬仿真與成像中心 | Research Associate
[2] 2010.8-2012.7
伯恩茅斯大學(英國) | 英國國家計算機動畫中心 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
腹腔鏡手術的虛擬訓練系統,其成果獲得BBC電視台、報紙及知名醫學雜誌的採訪與報導。2008年獲得“伯恩茅斯大學學者”榮譽頭銜。美國研究期間,作為軟體組負責人,與哈佛大學醫學院合作參與了美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)資助的世界首台通過天然孔洞的虛擬內窺鏡手術系統的研發。 回國後承擔了
[1] 美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)的專項基金項目,5R01EB010037, 2R01EB005807, 2011/07-2015/07,通過人體天然通道的內窺鏡手術模擬器研究,280萬美元,軟體組組長,已結題,參與。
[3] 虛擬現實技術與系統國家重點實驗室自主課題,VR-2014-ZZ-03,元球模型的器官建模與手術模擬,2014/01-2015/12,20萬元,已結題,主持。
[4] 人社部留學人員科技活動擇優項目,虛擬手術中軟組織、器官物理變形研究,2015/05-2016/05,3萬元,已結題,主持。
[5] 痕跡科學與技術公安部重點實驗室開放課題,2015FMKFKT04, 高鐵事故案件現場三維重建與虛擬互動技術研究,2015/07-2017/07,10萬元,已結題,主持。
[6] 國家自然科學青年基金項目,61402025,基於元球模型的軟組織建模與手術模擬,2015/01-2017/12,26萬元,已結題,主持。
[7] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,61672149,面向數字幾何媒體的數據驅動的HHT研究及套用,2017/01-2020/12,63萬元(直接經費),在研,主要參與。
[8] 國家重點研發計畫項目,混合現實輔助消化內鏡機器人精準微創治療技術研究, 2018/11-2021/12,70萬元,在研,主要參與。
Pan J, Yan S, Qin H, Hao A. Real-time dissection of organs via hybrid coupling of geometric metaballs and physics-centric mesh-free method. The Visual Computer, 2018, 34(1): 105-116.
Bai, J.,Pan J, Yang, Y., Qin, H.. Novel metaballs-driven approach with dynamic constraints for character articulation. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, online, 2018.
Xiangfei Meng;Junjun Pan; Hong Qin; Pu Ge. Real-time Fish Animation Generation by Monocular Camera, Computers and Graphics, 2018.3, 71: 55~65.
Sui Y,Pan J, Qin H, Liu H, Lu Y. Real-time simulation of soft tissue deformation and electrocautery procedures in laparoscopic rectal cancer radical surgery. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2017, 13(4): e1827.
Pan,J.; Chen, L.; Yang, Y.; Qin, H.. Automatic Skinning and Weight Retargeting of Articulated Characters using Extended Position-based Dynamics, T he Visual Computer, online, 2017.
Ming Zhu; Fei Liu; Gang Chai;Jun J. Pan; Taoran Jiang; Li Lin; Yan Zhang, A novel augmented reality system for displaying inferior alveolar nerve bundles in maxillofacial surgery. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2017.2.15, 7(42365).
Jun J. Pan(*); Woojin Ahn; Saurabh Dargar; Tansel Halic; Bai C Li; Ganesh Sankaranarayanan; Kurt Roberts; Steven Schwaitzbererg; Suvranu De, Graphic and haptic simulation for transvaginal cholecystectomy training in NOTES, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2016.4.25, 6(14): 410~421.
Pan J, Chang J, Yang X, Liang H, Zhang J, Qureshi T, Howell R. Hickish T. Virtual reality training and assessment in laparoscopic rectum surgery, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2015, 11(2): 194-209.
Pan J, Bai J, Zhao X, Hao A, Qin H. Real-time haptic manipulation and cutting of hybrid soft tissue models by extended position-based dynamics. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2015, 6:321–335.
Qian K, Bai J, Yang X,Pan J, Zhang J. Essential techniques for laparoscopic surgery simulation. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2015, 28(2): e1724.
Pan J, Zhao C, Zhao X, Hao A, Qin H. Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs for virtual surgery. Visual Computer, 2015, 31(6): 947-957.
Chai, Gang; Tan, Andy; Yao, Caroline A.; Magee, William P., III;Pan Junjun; Zhu, Ming; Bogari, Melia; Hsu, Yulung; Xu, Haisong; Zhang, YanTreating Parry-Romberg Syndrome Using Three-Dimensional Scanning and Printing and the Anterolateral Thigh Dermal Adipofascial Flap, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2015.9, 26(6): 1826~1829.
Pan J, Zhang J. Theoretical design of vascular imaging based on Hall Effect. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 23: 85-96, 2013.
Pan J(*), Yang X, Chang J, Qureshi T, Howell R, Hickish T, Zhang J. Graphic and haptic simulation system for virtual laparoscopic rectum surgery. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 7:304-317, 2011
Pan J(*), Zhang J. Sketch-based skeleton-driven 2D animation and motion capture. Transactions on Edutainment (VI), Springer, 164-181, 2011.
Pan J, Yang X, Xie X, Willis P, Zhang J(*). Automatic rigging for animation characters with 3D silhouette. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2009, 20 (2-3): 121-131.
1.潘俊君,白雋瑄,張艷寧,龍麗華,周洪,基於三維雷射掃描技術的頜面三維測量與直接測量法的比較,組織工程與重建外科, 2014, 1:14-18.
2.白雋瑄,潘俊君,趙鑫,郝愛民,基於四面體格線的軟組織位置動力學切割仿真算法,北京航空航天大學學報, 2015, 41(7): 1343-1352.
3.Ahn W, Dargar S, Halic T, Lee J, Li B,Pan J, Sankaranarayanan G, Roberts K, De S. Development of a virtual reality simulator for natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) cholecystectomy procedure. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2014, 196:1-5.
4.Chang J, Yang X,Pan J, Li W, Zhang J. A fast hybrid computation model for rectum deformation.Visual Computer, 2010,27: 97- 107.
XiangF Meng,JunJ. Pan(*), Hong Qin. Motion Capture and Retargeting of Fish by Monocular Camera,CYBERWORLDS 2017, 20th - 22nd September,UK, Chester.
Pan, J.; Yan, S; Qin, H, Interactive Dissection of Digital Organs based on Metaballs. Computer Graphics International Conference 2016 (CGI 2016), 2016.6.27-2016.7.2.
Qian K, Bai J, Yang X,Pan J, Zhang J. Virtual reality based laparoscopic surgery simulation, VRST Proceedings of the 21th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology November 13, 2015.
Pan, J.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, X.; Hao, A.; Qin, H. Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs for virtual surgery. Computer Graphics International 2015 (CGI2015), 2015.6.29-2015.7.1.
Junjun Pan, Junxuan Bai, Xin Zhao, Aimin Hao and Hong Qin, Real-time haptic manipulation and cutting of hybrid soft tissue models by extended PBD, The 28th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2015), Singapore, May 2015.
Pan J, Bai J, Zhao X, Hao A, Qin H.Dissection of hybrid soft tissue models using position-based dynamics,VRST Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and TechnologyNovember 13, 2014.
Wang M, Chang J,Pan J, Zhang, J. Image-based bas-relief generation with gradient operation. In: The Eleventh IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, 17-19 February 2010, Innsbruck, Austria.
Pan J, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou H. X-ray-based craniofacial visualization and surgery simulation. Recent Advances in the 3D Physiological Human(Chapter 13). Eds.: Magnenat-Thalmann N, Zhang J, Feng D. Springer-Verlag, New York. ISBN: 1848825641, August 2009, pp.208-224.
(5)趙鑫;潘俊君; 郝愛民; 秦洪, 一種基於元球模型的軟組織形變算法, 2015.11.06, 中國
(6)潘俊君;趙成凱; 郝愛民; 秦洪, 基於GPU並行計算的軟組織器官元球模型自動生成與碰撞檢測的方法, 2015.11.09, 中國
(7)潘俊君;陳莉娟, 角色動畫中基於擴展位置動力學的蒙皮技術及權重重定位的方法, 2016.11.2, 中國
(8)潘俊君;顏世增; 趙沁平, 一種基於元球模型和混合驅動方法的實時數字器官切割方法, 2017.1.22, 中國
(9)潘俊君;隋願; 郝愛民, 一種基於位置動力學和生物熱傳導方程的實時軟組織灼燒仿真方法, 2017.8.5, 中國
(10)Junjun Pan; Shizeng Yan; Qinping Zhao, Method for real-time cutting of digital organs based on metal ball model and hybrid driving method, 2017.10.2,美國
(11)Junjun Pan; Lijuan Chen, Method for skinning technology based on extended position based dynamics and for weight retargeting in character animation, 2017.9.6,美國
(2)Pan J,Virtual laparoscopic rectum surgery, 2015中國-瑞士醫工交叉技術雙邊研討會, 中國, 上海, 2015年10月18-21日
(1)潘俊君,英國海外留學生全額獎學金 (三年), 英國教育部頒發,2006
(2)潘俊君,"Bournemouth University Scholar"(“伯恩茅斯大學學者”榮譽頭銜),伯恩茅斯大學頒發, 2008
(3)潘俊君,Queen's Anniversary Prize (“女王紀念獎”,英國國家計算機動畫中心全體教員集體榮譽),英國皇室頒發, 2012