莊園於1882年接待了維多利亞女王的造訪。曾拜訪該園的名人亦囊括康諾特公爵皇太子亞瑟(Prince Arthur,Duke of Connaught 1850-1942)偕夫人普魯士的露易絲·瑪格麗特公主(Princess Louise Margaret 1860-1917)、阿爾巴尼公爵皇子利奧波德(Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany 1853-1884)及其妹碧翠絲公主(Princess Beatrice)1857-1944)、薩克森國王阿爾伯特偕夫人卡羅拉、拿波里王子、清朝駐歐公使郭嵩燾等。丹尼爾·漢璧禮(Daniel Hanbury)
二戰期間,盟軍轟炸義大利,莊園遭受嚴重損毀。戰後,漢璧禮莊園一度成為無人區。1960年,桃樂絲·漢璧禮女士將莊園售予義大利政府。起初,莊園由利古里亞國際協會(International Institute of Ligurian Studies )託管,後因該組織資金緊張故於1983年轉交熱那亞大學管理。熱那亞大學遂於1987年開始莊園的修復工作,並逐步進行至今日。2000年,漢璧禮莊園被宣布為自然保護區。
Gustav Cronemeyer (1889).Alphabetical Catalogue of plants growing in the open air in the garden of Thomas Hanbury, Palazzo Orengo, La Mortola near Ventimiglia, Italy. Erfurt: G.A. Koenig.
——— (1889).Systematic catalogue of plants growing in the open air in the garden of Thomas Hanbury F.L.S., Knight of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, and Officer of the Cross of the Crown of Italy: Palazzo Orengo, La Mortola near Ventimiglia, Italy. Erfurt: G.A. Koenig.
Kurt Dinter (1897).Alphabetical Catalogue of plants growing in the open air in the garden of Thomas Hanbury, Palazzo Orengo, La Mortola near Ventimiglia, Italy. Genoa: Waser.
Alwin Berger (1905).Florula Mortolensis. An enumeration of the plants growing wild at La Mortola. Ventimiglia: Billi.
——— (1912).Hortus Mortolensis: enumeratio plantarum in horto Mortolensi cultarum: Alphabetical catalogue of plants growin in the garden of the late Sir T. Hanbury at La Mortola, Ventimiglia, Italy. London: West, Newman.