


  • 中文名:漆淑華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:博士
  • 性別:女






2007年國家科技進步二等獎,排名第五。 2004年海南省科技進步特等獎,排名第四


1. Shu-Hua Qi, Cheng-Hai Gao, Pei-Yuan Qian, Si Zhang. Steroids from the South China Sea gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa. Nat Prod Commun
2. Shu-Hua Qi, Li Miao, Ying Xu, Si Zhang. Steroids and alkaloids from the gorgonian Isis minorbrachyblasta: Structures, cytotoxicity and antilarval activity. Helve. Chim. Acta
3. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang. Steroids and Alkaloids from the South China Sea sponge Axinella sp. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research
4. Shu-Hua Qi, Guo-Chen Su, Yi-Fei Wang, Qiu-Ying Liu, Cheng-Hai Gao. Alkaloids from the South China Sea black coral Antipathes dichotoma. Chem. Pharm. Bull
5. Shu-Hua Qi, Ying Xu, Hai-Rong Xiong, Pei-Yuan Qian, Si Zhang. Antifouling and Antibacterial Compounds from a Marine Fungus Cladosporium sp. F14. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
6. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Bei-Yuan Qian. Antifeedant and antifouling briaranes from the South China Sea gorgonian Junceella juncea. Chemistry of Natural Compounds
7. Shu-Hua Qi, Ying Xu, Hai-Rong Xiong, Pei-Yuan Qian, Si Zhang. Antibacterial and antilarval compounds from marine bacterium Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae. Annals of Microbiology
8. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Hui Huang. Four purine alkaloids from the South China Sea gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa. J. Nat. Prod.
9. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Bei-Yuan Qian. Antifouling and Antibacterial Compounds of the the South China Sea Gorgonians Subergorgia suberosa and Scripearia gracillis. Nat. Prod. Res
10. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Bei-Yuan Qian. Antifeedant, antibacterial and antilarval active secondary metabolites from seagrass Enhalus acoroides. Botan. Mar.
11. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Yi-Fei Wang. Complete 1H and 13C NMR assignments of three new polyhydroxylated sterols from the South China Sea gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa. Magn.Res.Chem
12. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Bei-Yuan Qian, Zhi-Hui Xiao, Ming-Yi Li. Ten new antifouling briarane diterpenoids from the South China Sea gorgonian Junceella juncea. Tetrahedron
13. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Xiang Li, Zhi-Hui Xiao. A New Cytotoxic Sesquiterpene-Alkaloid from the South China Sea gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa. J. Nat.Prod
14. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Zhi-Hui Xiao. New Briaranes from the South China Sea Gorgonian Junceella fragilis. Helve. Chim. Acta
15. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Zhi-Hui Xiao, Jian-She Huang. Complete 1H and 13C NMR assignments of four new steroidal glycosides from a gorgonian coral Junceella juncea. Magn. Res. Chem
16. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Zhi-Hui Xiao, Jian-She Huang. New Briaranes from the South China Sea Gorgonian Junceella juncea. J. Nat. Prod
17. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Jian-She Huang, Zhi-Hui Xiao. Study on the Chemical Constituents of the South China Sea gorgonian Junceella juncea. Chem. Pharm. Bull
18. Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang, Jian-She Huang, Zhi-Hui Xiao, Jun Wu. Glycerol Derivatives and Sterols from Sargassum parvivesiculosum. Chem. Pharm. Bull.
19. Shu-Hua Qi, Li Chen, Xiao-Dong Luo. Novel Tetranortriterpenoid Derivatives from Munronia henryi. Tetrahedron
20. Shu-Hua Qi, Da-Gang Wu, Li Chen, Yun-Bao Ma, Xiao-Dong Luo. Insect Antifeedants from Munronia henryi: Structure of Munroniamide, J. Agric. Food Chem
21. Shu-Hua Qi, Da-Gang Wu, Yun-Bao Ma, Xiao-Dong Luo, A New Tetranortriterpenoid from Dysoxylum lenticellatum. Z. Naturforsch.
22. Shu-Hua Qi, Da-Gang Wu, Yun-Bao Ma, Xiao-Dong Luo. Chemical Constituents of Ailanthus triphys (leaves). Chinese Journal of Chemistry.
23. Shu-Hua Qi, Da-Gang Wu, Yun-Bao Ma, Xiao-Dong Luo. The Chemical Constituents of Munronia henryi. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research
24. Shu-Hua Qi, Da-Gang Wu, Yun-Bao Ma, Xiao-Dong Luo. A new flavane from Carapa guianensis Aubl. (Meliaceae). Acta Botanica Sinica
25. Shu-Hua Qi, Da-Gang Wu, Si Zhang, Xiao-Dong Luo. Constituents of Carapa guianensis Aubl.( Meliaceae). Pharmacies
26. Cheng-Hai Gao,Xin-Peng Tian, Shu-Hua Qi*, Xiong-Ming Luo, Ping Wang, Si Zhang. Antibacterial and antilarval compounds from marine gorgonian-associated bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SCSIO 00856. The Journal of Antibiotics
27. Cheng-Hai Gao, Xu-Hua Nong, Shu-Hua Qi*, Xiong-Ming Luo, Si Zhang, Hai-Rong Xiong. A new nine-membered lactone from a marine fungus Cladosporium sp. F14. Chinese Chemical Letters,2010, in press.
28. Jin Yang, Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang. Three Polyoxygenated Steroids from the South China Sea Gorgonian Coral Subergorgia reticulate, Chinese Journal of Chemistry
29. Yun-Qi Qiu, Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang. New Polyoxygenated Steroids from the South China Sea Gorgonian Echinogorgia aurantiaca, Pharmazie
30. Jin Yang, Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang. Bebrycoside, a new steroidal glycoside from the Chinese gorgonian coral Bebryce indica. Pharmazie
31. Yun-Qi Qiu, Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang. Thiophene Derivatives From the Ariel Part of Pluchea indica. Heterocycles
32. Guang-Chun Gao, Shu-Hua Qi, Si Zhang. Phenolic compounds and iridoids from the stem bark of Chinese mangrove associate Catunaregam spinosa. Pharmazie
33. Xiong-Ming Luo, Shu-Hua Qi, Hao Yin, Cheng-Hai Gao, Si Zhang. Alkaloids from the Stem Bark of Micromelum falcatum. Chem. Pharm. Bull
34. Xiong-ming Luo, Shu-hua Qi, Hao Yin, Zhi-hui Xiao, Si Zhang. Micromelosides A-D, four new coumarins from the stem bark of Micromelum falcatum. Magnetic resonance in chemistry
35. Jin Yang, Si Zhang, Shu-Hua Qi. Briarane-type diterpenoids from the China gorgonian coral Subergorgia reticulate. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology




