

滕啟文,女, 漢族。 1997年加入中國民主同盟, 現任浙江大學化學系教授。民盟浙江大學委員會西溪校區總支委員會副主委, 民盟浙江大學委員會委員, 民盟浙江省聯絡委員會副主任, 浙江省政協委員,浙江省人民檢察院特約檢察員。 1983年遼寧師範大學化學系本科畢業, 1986年吉林大學化學系碩士畢業, 同年到長春師範學院工作, 1988年晉升為講師, 1993年晉升為副教授, 1994年吉林大學理論化學研究所博士畢業, 1996年南開大學博士後出站, 到原杭州大學化學系工作, 2000年晉升為教授。 2002年9月到上海外國語大學培訓英語, 2003年1月赴美國伊利諾州立大學作訪問學者, 同年6月回國。


  • 中文名:滕啟文
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:1963年
  • 出生地:遼寧鞍山
  • 畢業院校:遼寧師範大學本科,吉林大學碩博
  • 性別:女


現在分子設計與分子熱力學研究所,從事物理化學教學和科研工作. 擔任物理化學提漿課程負責人,曾主講物理化學(中,英文)及結構化學, 授課思路清晰,重點突出,難點分散,通俗易懂,邏輯性強,教學內容先進,富有啟發性,以學生為拜妹良主體注重互動式教學,教學效果優秀. 同時指導中級化學實驗(2)及大學化學實驗(P),很受學生歡迎.


科研方面主要研究方向有:富勒烯及其衍生物的結構和光譜性質研究,仿生體系對具有生物活性射婆婚的客體分子的分子識別和分子開關研究,有機雜環化合物的環堆積作用和氫鍵組裝研究,有機發光材料及導電高聚物導電性能與結構關聯研究等. 用半經驗及密度泛函和從頭計算法等量子化學計算方法最佳化體系的結構和性質,在已知物計算結果與實驗數據相吻合的前提下,預測未知物的結構和光譜性質. 同時承擔一些橫向科研課題. 在《中國科學》,《化學學報》,《高等學校化學學報》,《結構化學》,《有機化學》,《化學物理學報》,《化學進展》,《浙江大學學報》(英文版),《中國化學》,《Int. J. Quantum Chem.》,《Central European Journal of Chemistry》和《J. Mol. Struc.:Theochem》等國內外著名刊物上,共發表SCI論文52篇,EI論文1篇,其中第一和第二作者的論文有49篇.


  1. 大學化學實驗(P)(普通高校本科生)
  2. 中級化學實驗(2)(普通高校本科生)
  3. 中級化學實驗2(普通高校本科生)
  4. 大學化學實驗(P)(普通高校本科生)
  5. 物理化學(乙)Ⅱ(普通高校本科生)
  6. 物理化學(丙)(普通高校本科生)
  7. 中級化學實驗2(普通高校本科生)
  8. 物理化學(乙)II(普通高校本科生)
  9. 中級化學實驗Ⅱ(普通高校本科生)說棵說
  10. 物理化學(乙)II(普通高校本科生)
  11. 結構化學(普通高校本科生)
  12. 大學化學實驗(P)(普通高校本科生)
  13. 物理化學(甲)1,2-English(普通高校本科生戒姜訂歡)
  14. 物理化學實驗(普通高校本科生)
  15. 物理化學煮市和章(甲)1,2(普通高校本科生)
  16. 物理化學(甲)(英文)上,下(普通高校本科生)
  17. 物理化學(乙)Ⅰ(普通高校本科生)
  18. 物理化學(乙)I(普通高校本科生)
  19. 物理化學(乙)-英文(普通高校本科生)
  20. 物理化學實驗(普通高校本科生)
  21. 物理化學(甲)1,2(普通高校本科生)
  22. 大學化學實驗(P)(普通高校本科生)
  23. 中級化學實驗2(普通高校本科生)
  24. 中級化學實驗2(普通高校本科生)遷寒拒
  25. 大學化學實驗(P)(普通高校本科生)
  26. 物理化學(甲)1,2-English(普通高校本科生)


  1. Theoretical research on effects of substituents and the solvent on quadruple hydrogen bonded complexBulletin Chemical Society of Ethiopia21<3>, 20071018Xu Lingjia; Ding Yuqi; Teng Qiwen
  2. The effect of substituents on the fluorescent properties of para-phenylenevinyleneJournal of Chinese Chemical Society54<8>, 20070818Liang Ding, Yuqi Ding, Qiwen Teng, Ke Wang
  3. A Computational Study on the Hydrogen-bonded Complexes Formed by the Anthyridone and Dialdehyde DeriBulletin Chemical Society of Ethiopia21<2>, 20070618Xiaopeng Chen, Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu, Lingjia Xu
  4. Ab initio Studies on Complexes Formed by Melamine and CyclotrioneJournal of Serbian Chemical Society72<4>, 20070420LIANGLIANG ZHU, Qi-wen Teng, Shi Wu
  5. Theoretical studies on Stabilities and Spectroscopy of C78O5Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics20<2>, 20070418Shi Wu; Qi-wen Teng, Sicong Chen
  6. Theoretical studies on supramolecular complexes of anthyridone with various diaminopyridine derivatiIndian Journal of Chemistry, Section A46A<2>, 20070318Xiaopeng Chen, Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu, Lingjia Xu
  7. Theoretical binding affinities and IR spectra of β-cyclodextrin to non-essential amino acidsJournal of Indian Chemical Society84<3>, 20070315Juexiao Chen; Sicong Chen; Qiwen Teng
  8. Studies on Electronic Structures and Spectra of C78(CH2)3Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry26<3>, 20070310TENG Qi-Wen; WU Shi; CHEN Si-Cong
  9. Semi-empirical and DFT studies on Structures and Spectra for C78(CH2)2Chinese Journal of Chemistry25<2>, 20070210WU Shi; TENG Qi-Wen; CHEN Si-Cong
  10. Hydrogen-Bonded Assembly and binding affinity of the multi-point acceptor and isophthalic acidCentral European Journal of Chemistry4<4>, 20061210Lingjia Xua, Liangliang Zhu, Shi Wu, Xiaopeng Chen, Qiwen Teng
  11. 碳籠氧化物的結構和譜學性質化學進展18<11>, 20061110孫 輝 滕啟文* 吳 師
  12. Electronic Structures and Spectra of Isomers for C78OChinese Journal of Chemical Physics19<3>, 20060610Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu, Minghua Xie
  13. 氫鍵複合物自組裝性質研究進展化學進展18<6>, 20060610朱亮亮 滕啟文? 吳 師 徐凌佳 陳小朋
  14. Investigation on Electronic Structures and Spectra for the Substituted Fullerene C77B-Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry25<6>, 20060608WU Shi TENG Qi-Wen
  15. Investigations on UV and IR spectra for C80On (n=1,2)Indian Journal of Chemistry45A<6>, 20060608H Sun, Q Teng*, S Wu & Z Wang
  16. Theoretical studies on the binding afinities of cyclodextrin to small mollecules and monosaccharidesCentral European Journal of Chemistry4<2>, 20060602Sicong Chen Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu
  17. UV and IR Studies on the Heterofullerene C76BNUV and IR Studies on the Heterofullerene C76BNChinese Journal of Chemical Physics19<4>, 20060410吳 師 滕啟文
  18. 三聚氰胺和環三酮氫鍵複合物的理論研究高等學校化學學報27<4>, 20060408朱亮亮,滕啟文,吳師
  19. Investigation on UV and IR spectra of C74(BN)2中國化學24<3>, 20060310滕啟文,吳師
  20. Study on UV, IR and NMR spectra of double hydrogen-bonded complexes結構化學25<2>, 20060208朱亮亮,滕啟文,吳師
  21. Hydrogen bonding-mediated assembly of perelene dianhydride and pyridine derivativesChinese Journal of Chemical Physics19<1>, 20060208吳師,滕啟文
  22. Studies of equilibrium geometries and electronic spectra of C78O4International Journal of Quantum Chemistry106<2>, 20060129Wu Shi, Teng Qiwen
  23. The Stability and electronic spectroscopy of the isomers of C74Si2The Stability and electronic spectroscopy of the isomers of C74Si2756<3>, 20051209
  24. 富勒烯離子Jahn-Teller畸變和光譜研究進展化學進展17<6>, 20051124滕啟文,吳師
  25. Stability and electronic spectroscopy of isomers for C74Si2Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem756<>, 20051108Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu
  26. C80n(D2,Ih)的Jahn-Teller畸變和電子光譜化學物理學報18<5>, 20051008吳師,滕啟文
  27. 30-冠-10對生物極性客體的分子識別和分子開關高等學校化學學報26<10>, 20051008戚麗雅 滕啟文① 吳師 劉錚錚
  28. Stabilities and electronic spectra of C77N+ isomerC77N+異構體的穩定性和電子光譜研究化學物理學報18<4>, 20050809滕啟文, 吳師
  29. Stabilities and Electronic Spectra for C78O2 IsomersChinese J. Struct. Chem.24<8>, 20050808TENG Qi-Wen, WU Shi
  30. Stability and electronic spectra of C76N2 isomersC76N2異構體的穩定性和電子光譜Journal of Zhejiang University, Science6B<6>, 20050610滕啟文, 吳師
  31. Stability and electronic spectra of C76N2Stability and electronic spectra of C76N26B<6>, 20050606
  32. Study on Molecular Recognition of Crown Ethers to Aniline and MonosaccharidesStudy on Molecular Recognition of Crown Ethers to Aniline and Monosaccharides24<5>, 20050510
  33. Study on molecular recognition of crown ethers to aniline and monosaccharides冠醚對苯胺及單糖的分子識別研究結構化學24<5>, 20050510戚麗雅, 滕啟文, 吳師, 劉錚錚
  34. Electronic structures and spectra for triepoxides of fullerene C78O3富勒烯三氧化物C78O3的電子結構和光譜International Journal of Quantum Chemistry104<3>, 20050420滕啟文, 吳師
  35. An INDO study on electronic structures and spectra of C79H2C79H2電子結構和光譜的INDO研究Journal of molecular structure: Theochem719<1>, 20050414滕啟文,吳師
  36. Electronic Structures and Spectra for Triepoxides of Fullerene C78O3Electronic Structures and Spectra for Triepoxides of Fullerene C78O3International Journal of Quantum Chemistry104<2>, 20050210Teng Qiwen, Wu Shi
  37. Theoretical studies on electronic structures and spectra for C80n (D5d,C2v) singletC80n (D5d,C2v)單態電子結構和光譜的理論研究Chin. J. Struct. Chem.24<1>, 20050110吳師,滕啟文
  38. The Stability and electronic spectroscopy of the isomers of C74Si2Journal of Molecular Structure:THEOCHEN756<3>, 2005-12-09
  39. 富勒烯離子Jahn-Teller畸變和光譜研究進展化學進展17<6>, 2005-11-10
  1. 30-冠-10對生物極性客體的分子識別和分子開關高等學校化學學報26<10>, 2005-10-10


  1. Theoretical research on effects of substituents and the solvent on quadruple hydrogen bonded complexBulletin Chemical Society of Ethiopia21<3>, 20071018Xu Lingjia; Ding Yuqi; Teng Qiwen
  2. The effect of substituents on the fluorescent properties of para-phenylenevinyleneJournal of Chinese Chemical Society54<8>, 20070818Liang Ding, Yuqi Ding, Qiwen Teng, Ke Wang
  3. A Computational Study on the Hydrogen-bonded Complexes Formed by the Anthyridone and Dialdehyde DeriBulletin Chemical Society of Ethiopia21<2>, 20070618Xiaopeng Chen, Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu, Lingjia Xu
  4. Ab initio Studies on Complexes Formed by Melamine and CyclotrioneJournal of Serbian Chemical Society72<4>, 20070420LIANGLIANG ZHU, Qi-wen Teng, Shi Wu
  5. Theoretical studies on Stabilities and Spectroscopy of C78O5Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics20<2>, 20070418Shi Wu; Qi-wen Teng, Sicong Chen
  6. Theoretical studies on supramolecular complexes of anthyridone with various diaminopyridine derivatiIndian Journal of Chemistry, Section A46A<2>, 20070318Xiaopeng Chen, Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu, Lingjia Xu
  7. Theoretical binding affinities and IR spectra of β-cyclodextrin to non-essential amino acidsJournal of Indian Chemical Society84<3>, 20070315Juexiao Chen; Sicong Chen; Qiwen Teng
  8. Studies on Electronic Structures and Spectra of C78(CH2)3Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry26<3>, 20070310TENG Qi-Wen; WU Shi; CHEN Si-Cong
  9. Semi-empirical and DFT studies on Structures and Spectra for C78(CH2)2Chinese Journal of Chemistry25<2>, 20070210WU Shi; TENG Qi-Wen; CHEN Si-Cong
  10. Hydrogen-Bonded Assembly and binding affinity of the multi-point acceptor and isophthalic acidCentral European Journal of Chemistry4<4>, 20061210Lingjia Xua, Liangliang Zhu, Shi Wu, Xiaopeng Chen, Qiwen Teng
  11. 碳籠氧化物的結構和譜學性質化學進展18<11>, 20061110孫 輝 滕啟文* 吳 師
  12. Electronic Structures and Spectra of Isomers for C78OChinese Journal of Chemical Physics19<3>, 20060610Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu, Minghua Xie
  13. 氫鍵複合物自組裝性質研究進展化學進展18<6>, 20060610朱亮亮 滕啟文? 吳 師 徐凌佳 陳小朋
  14. Investigation on Electronic Structures and Spectra for the Substituted Fullerene C77B-Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry25<6>, 20060608WU Shi TENG Qi-Wen
  15. Investigations on UV and IR spectra for C80On (n=1,2)Indian Journal of Chemistry45A<6>, 20060608H Sun, Q Teng*, S Wu & Z Wang
  16. Theoretical studies on the binding afinities of cyclodextrin to small mollecules and monosaccharidesCentral European Journal of Chemistry4<2>, 20060602Sicong Chen Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu
  17. UV and IR Studies on the Heterofullerene C76BNUV and IR Studies on the Heterofullerene C76BNChinese Journal of Chemical Physics19<4>, 20060410吳 師 滕啟文
  18. 三聚氰胺和環三酮氫鍵複合物的理論研究高等學校化學學報27<4>, 20060408朱亮亮,滕啟文,吳師
  19. Investigation on UV and IR spectra of C74(BN)2中國化學24<3>, 20060310滕啟文,吳師
  20. Study on UV, IR and NMR spectra of double hydrogen-bonded complexes結構化學25<2>, 20060208朱亮亮,滕啟文,吳師
  21. Hydrogen bonding-mediated assembly of perelene dianhydride and pyridine derivativesChinese Journal of Chemical Physics19<1>, 20060208吳師,滕啟文
  22. Studies of equilibrium geometries and electronic spectra of C78O4International Journal of Quantum Chemistry106<2>, 20060129Wu Shi, Teng Qiwen
  23. The Stability and electronic spectroscopy of the isomers of C74Si2The Stability and electronic spectroscopy of the isomers of C74Si2756<3>, 20051209
  24. 富勒烯離子Jahn-Teller畸變和光譜研究進展化學進展17<6>, 20051124滕啟文,吳師
  25. Stability and electronic spectroscopy of isomers for C74Si2Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem756<>, 20051108Qiwen Teng, Shi Wu
  26. C80n(D2,Ih)的Jahn-Teller畸變和電子光譜化學物理學報18<5>, 20051008吳師,滕啟文
  27. 30-冠-10對生物極性客體的分子識別和分子開關高等學校化學學報26<10>, 20051008戚麗雅 滕啟文① 吳師 劉錚錚
  28. Stabilities and electronic spectra of C77N+ isomerC77N+異構體的穩定性和電子光譜研究化學物理學報18<4>, 20050809滕啟文, 吳師
  29. Stabilities and Electronic Spectra for C78O2 IsomersChinese J. Struct. Chem.24<8>, 20050808TENG Qi-Wen, WU Shi
  30. Stability and electronic spectra of C76N2 isomersC76N2異構體的穩定性和電子光譜Journal of Zhejiang University, Science6B<6>, 20050610滕啟文, 吳師
  31. Stability and electronic spectra of C76N2Stability and electronic spectra of C76N26B<6>, 20050606
  32. Study on Molecular Recognition of Crown Ethers to Aniline and MonosaccharidesStudy on Molecular Recognition of Crown Ethers to Aniline and Monosaccharides24<5>, 20050510
  33. Study on molecular recognition of crown ethers to aniline and monosaccharides冠醚對苯胺及單糖的分子識別研究結構化學24<5>, 20050510戚麗雅, 滕啟文, 吳師, 劉錚錚
  34. Electronic structures and spectra for triepoxides of fullerene C78O3富勒烯三氧化物C78O3的電子結構和光譜International Journal of Quantum Chemistry104<3>, 20050420滕啟文, 吳師
  35. An INDO study on electronic structures and spectra of C79H2C79H2電子結構和光譜的INDO研究Journal of molecular structure: Theochem719<1>, 20050414滕啟文,吳師
  36. Electronic Structures and Spectra for Triepoxides of Fullerene C78O3Electronic Structures and Spectra for Triepoxides of Fullerene C78O3International Journal of Quantum Chemistry104<2>, 20050210Teng Qiwen, Wu Shi
  37. Theoretical studies on electronic structures and spectra for C80n (D5d,C2v) singletC80n (D5d,C2v)單態電子結構和光譜的理論研究Chin. J. Struct. Chem.24<1>, 20050110吳師,滕啟文
  38. The Stability and electronic spectroscopy of the isomers of C74Si2Journal of Molecular Structure:THEOCHEN756<3>, 2005-12-09
  39. 富勒烯離子Jahn-Teller畸變和光譜研究進展化學進展17<6>, 2005-11-10
  1. 30-冠-10對生物極性客體的分子識別和分子開關高等學校化學學報26<10>, 2005-10-10


