

2018年12月《測繪學報(英文版)》(Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science,簡稱JGGS)創刊號正式出版,刊物由中國科學技術協會主管,中國測繪學會、測繪出版社聯合主辦,測繪出版社編輯出版,是《測繪學報》中文版的姊妹刊,面向國內外發行。


  • 中文名:測繪學報(英文版)
  • 外文名:Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science
  • 語種:英語
  • 類別:測繪地理信息
  • 主管單位:中國科學技術協會 
  • 主辦單位:中國測繪學會,測繪出版社 
  • 編輯單位:測繪出版社 
  • 創刊時間:2018年 
  • 出版周期:季刊
  • 國內刊號:CN10-1544/P 
  • 國際刊號:ISSN 2096-5990 


刊物的出版,旨在反映和傳播我國測繪地理信息科學研究成果,參與國際國內測繪地理信息科技交流,擴大我國測繪地理信息科研成果和測繪地理信息科技工作者的國際影響力,更好地服務於測繪地信 “走出去”戰略;推廣測繪地理信息科研和學術成果的套用,推動我國測繪地理信息科技的發展進步,為實施科教興國戰略服務。刊物讀者對象涵蓋國內外測繪地理信息領域相關研究機構的科研人員、高等院校師生,測繪地理信息行業從業人員,相關相鄰學科的科技工作者等。



The Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science is an official publication of the Chinese Society for Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science aims to facilitate and strengthen academic exchange on geodesy and Geoinformation research between China and other countries. Furthermore, it makes efforts to offer a forum for discussion between researchers in China and abroad. It is a quarterly scientific journal. It concerned with the study of scientific problems of geodesy, remote sensing, Geoinformation and related interdisciplinary sciences. Acceptable article forms include original research papers, review articles, letters, commentaries, research highlights, editorials, and new-direction columns. Peer-reviewed papers are published on theoretical or modeling studies, and on results of experiments and interpretations.


The Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science accepts papers covering a broad range of Geodesy -related topics, including geodesy, remote sensing, Geoinformation, GPS, BeiDou, 3D modeling and so on. In addition, The Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science welcomes papers involving new and advanced methods and technologies that focus AI, intelligent city, surveying and mapping, big date, key project, development of precision instrument.


經《中文科技期刊資料庫》編輯委員會批准,《測繪學報(英文版)》Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science自2019年11月起被《中文科技期刊資料庫》全文收錄。《中文科技期刊資料庫》是經中華人民共和國新聞出版總署批准出版的大型綜合性文獻資料庫,是中文期刊文獻檢索的主要工具之一。《中文科技期刊資料庫》收錄了中國境內歷年出版的中文期刊14000餘種,全文5700餘萬篇, 已擁有包括港澳台地區在內6000餘家大型機構用戶,已經成為文獻保障系統的重要組成部分,是科技工作者進行科技查新和科技查證的必備資料庫,同時該資料庫也是北京大學《中文核心期刊要目總覽》數據來源提供者,《中國科學引文資料庫》(CSCD)、《中國生物醫學文獻資料庫》(CBMdisc)唯一全文連結資料庫。
中國核心期刊(遴選)資料庫》由萬方數據公司於2003年建成,以中國數位化期刊為基礎,集合多年建設的中國科技文獻資料庫、中國科技論文與引文資料庫以及其他相關資料庫中的期刊條目部分內容,形成了“中國核心期刊遴選庫”, 中國核心期刊(遴選)數據已經成為全球著名的中文專業信息服務網站,以及中國最大的綜合性文獻服務網站。
2020年6月10日,《測繪學報(英文版)》(Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science,簡稱JGGS)正式被國際著名開放獲取資料庫DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)收錄。這標誌著《測繪學報(英文版)》的期刊質量和開放獲取政策已達到國際標準,對擴大其傳播範圍、吸引海外作者團隊、提升學術影響力、建設國際化學術品牌具有重要意義。期刊可藉助其開放的傳播平台、成熟的產業化運作模式,為讀者、作者提供更為豐富的知識信息獲取和發布渠道。


Editorial Board
Editors- in-Chief
Jianya GONG(龔健雅), Wuhan University, China
Associate Editors- in-Chief
Yuanxi YANG(楊元喜), Xi'an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping, China
Jiancheng LI(李建成), Wuhan University, China
Zhilin LI, HongKong Polytechnic University, HongKong China
Wenzhong SHI, HongKong Polytechnic University, HongKong China
Assistant Editors- in-Chief
Siwei LI, Wuhan University, China
Xiaohong ZHANG, Wuhan University, China
Peng TI,Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Editorial Board Members
Xiaohua TONG,TongjiUniversity,China
Liangpei ZHANG, Wuhan University, China
Jie SHAN, Purdue University, USA
Ruizhi CHEN, Wuhan University, Finland
Songnian LI, Ryerson University, Canada
Kefei ZHANG, RMIT University, Australian
Jun LI, Waterloo University, Canada
Zhenhong LI, Newcastle University, UK
Peter J.G.Teunissen , Curtin University of Technology, Netherlands
Manuel Hernandez-Pajares , Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Liqiu MENG, Technical University of Munich, Germany
William Cartwright, RMIT University, Australian
Keith C. Clarke, Santa Barbara University of California, USA
Shuanggen JIN, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China
Wu CHEN, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HongKong China
Yang GAO, University of Calgary, Canada
Peiliang XU, Kyoto University, China
Jinling WANG, The University of New South Wales, Australian
Xiaoxiang ZHU, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Hongchao FAN, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Le WANG, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York,USA
Rongjun QIN, Ohio State University,USA
Stefano Tebaldini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Christian Heipke, Universit?t Hannover, Germany
Mafthew C.Hansen, University of Maryland, USA
Shunlin LIANG, University of Maryland, USA
Bo HUANG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HongKong China
Tao CHENG, University College London,UK
Georg Gartner, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Xiaoli DING, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HongKong China
Hui LIN, Jiangxi Normal University, China
Linlin GE, The University of New South Wales,Australian
Desheng LIU,Ohio StateUniversity,USA


