



  • 中文名:涉外護理英語綜合教程
  • 作者:吳小英
  • 出版時間:2006年1月
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • 頁數:205 頁
  • ISBN:9787040185171 
  • 定價:24.00 元
  • 裝幀:簡裝本


《涉外護理英語綜合教程(2學生用書)》依據《高職高專教育一一英語課程教學基本要求》(教育部高等教育司)、《普通高中英語課程標準》(實驗)以及《上海中國小英語課程標準》(草案)編寫。第1冊主要是複習國中學過的語法知識,第2冊到第4冊完成高中階段有關的語法知識的學習和語言技巧的訓練。每冊15個單元。從第2冊開始,第15單元為複習課。學生在兩年內完成4冊教材的學習。本冊教材的基本內容包括:辭彙 、課文、語法和練習。


Unit One
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text The Lady of Lamp
 Developing Skills
 Guided Writing Word Order
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)A Midnight Stranger
 (B)My Understanding of Love
Unit Two
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Father’s Day
 Developing Skills
 Grammar 現在進行時態和過去進行時態的被動語態
 Guided Writing Sentence Combination
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)How Coffee Was Found
 (B)Thanksgiving Day
Unit Three
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Pollution
 Developing Skills
 Grammar 現在完成進行時態
 Guided Writing Word Order
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)Water Pollution
 (B)Your Table Manners
Unit Four
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Sports in America
 Developing Skills
 Grammar 定語從句
 Guided Writing Precis Writing
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)Learning to Swim
 (B)Danger!Icebergs Ahead!
Unit Five
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Machines Just Like People
 Developing Skills,
 Grammar 由關係副詞引導的定語從句
 Guided Writing Word Order
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)Rocket
 (B)Learning Computer
Unit Six
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Culture Shock
 Developing Skills
 Guided Writing Sentence Combination
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)Fast Food Restaurant
 (B)Tea Drinking
Unit Severn
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Stay Healthy
 Developing Skills
 Guided Writing Sentence Combination
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input(A)Doing the Right 7hing
 (B)Food and Health
Unit Eight
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Take the Money and Run
 Developing Skills
 Grammar 主語從句
 Guided Writing Sentence Combination
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)Spy in the war Office
 (B)Newspaper Reporter
Unit Nine
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text 20 Years of Pain
 Developing Skills
 Grammar 表語從句
 Guided Writing
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)A Special Birthday Present
 (B)Hometown Changes
Unit Ten
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Laptop
 Developing Skills
 Guided Writing Sentence Combination
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)The Indian’S Greatest Victory
 (B)7he Golden Gate Bridge
Unit Eleven
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Robert Bruce
 Developing Skills
 Grammar it的用法
 Guided Writing Word Order
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)7hree Girls in a 7ent Survive Ride
 in Tornado
Unit Twelve
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text The City and State of New York
 Developing Skills
 Guided Writing Sentence Combination
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)Melting Pot or 70ssed Salad?
Unit Thirteen
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Disney
 Developing Skills
 Grammar 比較狀語從句
 Guided Writing Sentence Combination
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input(A)Skyscrapers and Office Buildings
 (B)Naps in America
Unit Fourteen
 Discovering the Useful Words and Expressions
 Text Healthy HabitsHealthy Body
 Developing Skills
 Guided Writing Pr&is Writing
 More Exercises
 More Reading Input (A)Loneliness
 (B)7he Effect of the Mind on the Body
 Unit fifteen Revision Exercises


