- 作者:曾德平
- ISBN:9789889778491
- 頁數:252
- 出版社:Kubrick
- 出版時間:2012-3
- 裝幀:平裝
每天出門,上班上學,掩面而來的是,無處不在的廣告宣傳。我們行住坐臥、起居飲食均被商人照顧得無孔不入。這些商品和服務真是我們生活的需要嗎?它們如何滲透入我們的生活呢?另一方面,社會上不同階層和專屬範疇的反消費聲音此起彼落,開展和反思資本主義、消費主義、日常生活與及社會發展的千絲萬縷的關係,務求歸納、警示、尋覓消費主義其他的發展方向和模式,以改善我們的物質生活的同時,也提升我們的心靈。本書以直接攝影的手法 ( straight photography ) 觀察、紀錄和反思廣告影像如何緊扣我們生活上的每個環節。另外數位攝影評論人更進行創作和評論交流,深化見解和撰寫文章。
Living in the advertising age, we seem to have no choice but be constantly enveloped by images, products and services, despite voices of anti-consumerism calling out to us to rethink the intricate influences of capitalism and consumerism in the way our society is developing ...
The Phantom of Consumerism uses straight photography to observe, record and rethink the close yet involuntary ties of these advertising images and everyday life.
Tsang Tak-ping develops projects related to design, installation, performance, photography, publication and art and design criticism. Currently Associate Professor in the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he is the founder of Mindful Design Lab and the co-founder of Para/Site Art Space, Habitus Design Space and Choi Yuen Tsuen Livelihood Place.