



  • 軟體名稱:海盜大師
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:888.41KB
  • 支持版本:iOS2.0及以上
海盜主站 - 終極挑戰!要求“海盜大師”稱號,你必須證明你的技能在快速的機動,快節奏的難題解決了,聰明的作戰技術。 在每個級別中,你的任務是找到5個金色雕像。一旦你已經要求所有的雕像將被轉移到一個新的水平,新的挑戰正在等待。完成所有14個級別,你將作為新的“海盜大師”的冠軍。 為了完成挑戰,你必須與敵人戰鬥,避免致命的陷阱,當您瀏覽的水平。每個級別都包含一個地圖,你必須先找到然後通過迷宮儘可能快地用它來計畫你的路線。當你進步,通過各級的活板門籃子和致命的陷阱,把你的解決問題的能力的測試,你將面對日益複雜的系統。這一點,一個永無休止的攻擊,你可以練習你的武功技能,當然,除非他們第一次智勝你的敵人... Welcome to Pirate Master – The Ultimate Challenge! To claim title as THE “Pirate Master” you must prove your skills in quick maneuvering, fast paced puzzle solving, and clever combat techniques. In each level, your mission is to locate five golden statues. Once you have claimed all five statues you will be transferred to the next level where new challenges are awaiting. Complete all fourteen levels and you will champion as the new ”Pirate Master”. In order to complete the challenge, you must fight enemies and avoid lethal traps as you navigate through the level. Each level contains a map that you must first find then use it to plan your route through the maze as quickly as possible. As you progress through the levels you will face increasingly sophisticated systems of trapdoors moving baskets and lethal traps that puts your problem solving skills to the test. Add to this, a never-ending attack of enemies you can practice your martial arts skills on, unless of course, they outsmart you first...


