



  • 中文名:洪文晶
  • 畢業院校:清華大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:精密科學儀器研發、單分子(單團簇)尺度研究
  • 任職院校:廈門大學化學化工學院


閩江學者特聘教授(廈門大學化學化工學院化學工程與生物工程系) 2016.11
教授、博士生導師(廈門大學化學化工學院化學工程與生物工程系) 2015.11
研究組長(瑞士伯爾尼大學化學與生物化學系,代理主持工作) 2014.1-2015.11
博士後(Wandlowski教授,瑞士伯爾尼大學化學與生物化學系) 2013.7-2013.12
博士(Wandlowski教授,瑞士伯爾尼大學化學與生物化學系,summa cum laude榮譽學位)2009.10-2013.6
碩士(石高全教授,清華大學化學系,提前畢業) 2007.9-2009.7
學士(江青茵教授,廈門大學化學化工學院化學工程與生物工程系,優秀畢業生) 2003.9-2007.7




  1. Huang, C.; Rudnev, A. V.; Hong, W.*; Wandlowski, T., “Break junction under electrochemical gating: testbed for single-molecule electronics.” Chemical Society Reviews, 2015. 44(4): 889-901.
  2. Liu, X.; Sangtarash, S.; Reber, D.; Zhang, D.; Sadeghi, H.; Shi, J.; Xiao, Z.-Y.; Hong, W.*; Lambert, C. J.*; Liu, S.-X.*, Gating of Quantum Interference in Molecular Junctions by Heteroatom Substitution. Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2016, in press.
  3. Wang, L.; Gong, Z.-L.; Li, S.-Y.; Hong, W.;* Zhong, Y.-W.;* Wang, D.;* Wan, L.-J.; “Molecular conductance through a quadruple-hydrogen-bond-bridged supramolecular junction”, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2016, 55(40), 12393-12396.
  4. Fu, Y.; Chen, S.; Kuzume, A.; Rudnev, A.; Huang, C.; Kaliginedi, V.; Baghernejad, M.; Hong, W.;* Wandlowski, T.; Decurtins, S.; Liu S-X.* “Exploitation of desilylation chemistry in tailor-made functionalization on diverse surfaces”, Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 6403.
  5. Manrique, D.Z.;# Huang, C.;# Baghernejad, M.;# Zhao, X.;# Al-Owaedi, O; Sadeghi, H.; Kaliginedi, V.; Hong, W.;* Gulcur, M; Wandlowski, T.; Bryce, M. R.;* Lambert, C.* “A quantum circuit rule for interference effects in single-molecule electrical junctions”, Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 6389.
  6. Li, Y.;# Baghernejad, M.;# Qusiy, Q.;# Manrique, D. Z.;# Zhang, G.; Hamill, J.; Fu, Y.; Broekmann, P.; Hong, W.;* Wandlowski, T.; Zhang, D.;* Lambert, C.* “Three states single-molecule naphthalenediimide switch: integration of pendant redox unit for conductance tuning”, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 13546.
  7. Huang, C.; Chen, S.; Ørnsø, K.B.; Reber, D.; Baghernejad, M.; Fu, Y.; Wandlowski, T.; Decurtins, S.; Hong, W.;* Thygesen, K. S.;* Liu, S.-X;* “Controlling electrical conductance through a π-conjugated cruciform molecule via selective anchoring to gold electrodes” Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 13304.
  8. Sangtarash, S#; Huang, C#; Sadeghi, H#; Sorohhov, G; Hauser, J; Wandlowski, T; Hong, W;* Decurtins, S; Liu, S.-X.;* Lambert C.*”Searching the Hearts of Graphene-like Molecules for Simplicity, Sensitivity, and Logic” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137(35), 11425-11431.
  9. Geng, Y.#; Sangtarash, S.#; Huang, C.#; Sadeghi, H.; Fu, Y.; Hong, W.;* Wandlowski, T.; Decurtins, S.; Lambert, C.;* Liu, S.-X.* “Magic ratios for connectivity-driven electrical conductance of graphene-like molecules.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137(13), 4469–4476.
  10. Baghernejad, M.; Zhao, X., Ørnsø, K.B.; Füeg, M.; Moreno-Garcia, P.; Rudnev, A., Kaliginedi, V.; Vesztergom, S.; Huang, C.; Hong, W.;* Broekmann, P.; Wandlowski, T.; Thygesen, K.;* Bryce, M. R.* “Electrochemical control of single-molecule conductance by Fermi-level tuning and conjugation switching.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136(52), 17922–17925.
  11. Hong, W.; Manrique, D. Z.; Moreno-Garcia, P.; Gulcur, M.; Mishchenko, A.; Lambert, C. J. *; Bryce, M. R.*; Wandlowski, T.* “Selection of promising anchoring group for molecular electronics: experimental and theoretical study on tolane-derivatives.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(4), 2292–2304.
  12. Hong, W.; Li, H.; Liu, S.-X.; Fu, Y.; Li, J.; Kaliginedi, V.; Decurtins, S.; Wandlowski, T. “Trimethylsilyl terminated oligo(phenylene ethynylene)s: an approach to single-molecule junctions with covalent Au–C bonds.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(47), 19425–19431.


1.2014 年伯爾尼大學教職員獎 Faculty Prize
2.2013 年教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果一等獎(科學技術):第五完成人
3.2013 年瑞士科學院/瑞士化學會:青年化學旅行獎
5.2012 年教育部和科技部春暉杯留學人員創業與創新大賽優秀獎(最高獎)
6.2011 年電化學通訊獎 Electrochemical Communications Award 。


