- 中文名:洪振舜
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:福建
- 出生日期:1963年11月
- 職業:教授,博士生導師等
近海(岸)岩土工程, 天然沉積結構性土的物理力學性狀、數值計算與本構關係、廢棄土改良技術與工程套用、軟土地基處理。
6)高地震烈度區泵站地基動力反應分析及抗震措施研究,南水北調科技創新項目, 2006~2008年,項目負責人。
7)膨脹土改良技術研究與工程套用,南水北調科技創新項目, 2006~2007年,王保田教授和洪振舜教授為項目負責人。
【1】Hong, Z. and Han, J. (2006). Evaluation of Sample Quality of Sensitive Clay Using Intrinsic Compression Concept. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE. (accepted) (發表後將被SCI、EI收錄)
【2】Hong, Z. (2006). Correlating Compression Properties of Sensitive Clays Using Void Index. Géotechnique (in press) (發表後將被SCI、EI收錄)
【3】Shen, S., Xu, Y., and Hong, Z. (2006).Estimation of Land Subsidence Based on Groundwater Flow Model, Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 24(2): 149-167. (SCI收錄)
【4】Hong, Z., Tateishi, Y. and Han, J. (2006). Experimental Study of Macro and Micro-Behavior of Natural Diatomite. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE. Vol. 132, No. 5, pp. 603-610. (SCI、EI收錄).
【5】Hong, Z., Liu, S., Shen, S. and Negami, T (2006). Comparison in undrained shear strength between undisturbed and remolded Ariake clays. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE. Vol. 132, No. 2, pp. 272-275. (SCI、EI收錄)
【6】Hong, Z., Liu, S. and Negami, T. (2005). Strength Sensitivity of Marine Ariake Clays. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 23(3):221-233. (SCI收錄)
【7】Shen, S., Zhu, H., Han J. and Hong, Z. (2005). Evaluation of a dike damaged by pile driving in soft clay. Journal of Performance and Constructed Facilities, ASCE. 19(4):300-307. (SCI、EI收錄)
【8】Hong, Z.S, Liu, S. and Negami, T. (2005). Strength Sensitivity of Marine Ariake Clays. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 23:1–13, 2005. (SCI收錄)
【9】Shen, S. L., Chai, J.C., Hong, Z.S. and Cai, F.X. (2005). Analysis of field performance of embankments on soft clay deposit with and without PVD-improvement. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 23: 463–485. (SCI、EI收錄)
【10】Shen, S. L., Han, J. and Hong, Z.S. (2005). Installation Effects on Properties of Surrounding Clays by Different Deep Mixing Methods. GSP 136 Innovations in Grounting and Soil Improvement, ASCE Special Publication, Austain, USA. pp. 1-12. (EI收錄)
【11】洪振舜,劉松玉, 於小軍 (2004),關於結構土屈服破壞的探討,岩土力學,25(5):684-687(EI收錄)
【12】Hong, Z.S., Liu, S.Y. and Liu, Z.F. (2004). A note on soil structure of natural marine deposits. China Ocean Engineering, 18 (2): 321-326. (SCI收錄)
【13】Hong, Z.S, Negami, T. and Guo, H.L. (2004). Gravitational sedimentation behavior of sensitive marine Ariake clays. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 22(1-2), 49-63. (SCI收錄)
【14】洪振舜,立石義孝,鄧永鋒(2004),天然硅藻土的應力水平與孔隙空間分布的關係,岩土力學, 25(7): 1023-1026(EI收錄)
【15】洪振舜,立石義孝, 鄧永鋒(2004), 強結構性天然沉積土的強度變形特性,岩土力學, 25(8):1201-1204(EI收錄)
【16】Hong, Z.S. and Shi, M.L. (2004). Initial stable state of ocean floor deposits. China Ocean Engineering, 18(3): 469-476. (SCI收錄)
【17】洪振舜,劉志方, 郭海輪, 劉松玉 (2004),天然沉積飽和有明粘性土的Burland孔隙指數與歸一化含水量的關係,岩土力學, 25(11):1698-1701(EI收錄)
【18】Hong, Z., Liu, H. and Chang, N. (2003). Critical state sedimentation line of soft marine clays. China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 631-640.(SCI收錄)
【19】Liu, H. and Hong, Z. (2003). Effect of sample disturbance on unconfined compression strength of natural marine clays. China Ocean Engineering. Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 407-416.(SCI收錄)
【20】Hong, Z., Liu, H. and Negami, T. (2003). Remolded undrained strength of soils. China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 133-142. (SCI收錄)
【21】Satoh, T; Tsuchida, T; Mitsukuri K; and Hong, Z. (2001): “Field placing test of lightweight treated soil under seawater in Kumamoto Port,” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp145-154. (SCI收錄)
【22】Tsuchida,T. and Hong,Z.: Evaluation of structure of aged marine deposits by means of standard compression curves, Proc. of 15th ISSMGE, Istanbul, Vol.3, pp.2253-2256, 2001.8.
【23】Hong, Z. and Tsuchida, T. (1999): “On compression characteristics of Ariake clays,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 807 - 814. (SCI、EI收錄)
【24】Hong, Z. and Tsuchida, T. (1999): “Sedimentation compression characteristics of Ariake clays,” 11th. Asian Regional Conference on SMGE, Seoul, Poster Session, pp. 13 -14.
【25】Hong, Z. and Onitsuka, K. (1998): “A method of correcting yield stress and compression index of Ariake clays for sample disturbance,” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 211 - 222.
【26】Onitsuka, K., Hong, Z., Hara, Y. and Yoshitake, S. (1995): “Interpretation of oedometer test data for natural soils,” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 61 - 70. (EI收錄)
【27】Onitsuka, K. and Hong, Z. (1995): “A new method of correcting unconfined compressive strength of natural clays for sample disturbance, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 95 -105. (EI收錄)
1)洪振舜、鄧永鋒、瀋水龍 (2006): 袋裝固化淤泥的堤壩填築方法。
2)劉松玉、洪振舜、章定文 (2005): 氣壓劈裂真空預壓法加固軟土地基操作方法。
3)洪振舜、鄧永鋒、瀋水龍 (2006): 沉箱式碼頭輕量化方法。
4)洪振舜、鄧永鋒、瀋水龍 (2006): 疏浚淤泥排水固結方法。
5)振舜、鄧永鋒、瀋水龍 (2006): 管道淤泥固化處理方法。
6)瀋水龍、唐翠萍、洪振舜、許燁霜 (2005): 橋涵接坡段地基保護的方法。
7)瀋水龍、唐翠萍、蔡正銀、洪振舜 (2005): 帶擴散防止板及噴漿口的深層旋噴攪拌頭。
8)瀋水龍、唐翠萍、洪振舜、蔡正銀 (2005). 帶有擴散防止板的深層旋噴攪拌樁的施工方法。
9)瀋水龍、龐曉明、蔡正銀、洪振舜 (2006). 利用螺紋攪拌軸降低周圍地基變形的施工方法。
10) 瀋水龍、龐曉明、洪振舜、蔡正銀 (2006). 降低周圍地基變形的深層攪拌樁攪拌軸。