公開發表學術論文及專著60餘部,包括國際一流學術期刊Journal of International Business Studies在內的SSCI收錄期刊近20篇和國內頂級期刊《經濟研究》、《管理世界》。主持省部級以上項目近20項,包括一項國家社科基金重大項目、兩項國家社科基金重點項目、兩項國家自科基金應急項目總課題、一項教育部人文社科項目、四項國家商務部委託(應急)項目、兩項國家開發銀行項目。正在主持國家社科基金重大項目“加快構建開放型經濟新常態下國際經貿新規則研究”、國家社科重點項目“引進外資與對外投資兩大開放戰略的協調機制與政策研究”。洪俊傑
研究興趣之一為國際貿易與國際商務,相關成果發表在Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, British Journal of Management, World Economy等國際著名學術期刊。研究興趣之二為區域經濟學,主要成果發表在Journal of Regional Science, Regional Studies, Urban Studies,Transportation Research Part A,Transportation等國際知名學術期刊和《經濟研究》、《管理世界》等國內頂級學術期刊。
研究成果被廣泛引用,在美國運輸與物流協會主辦期刊Transportation Journal上發表的論文是物流和物流外包領域SSCI引用率最高的論文之一。在International Business Review 上發表的論文被評為Most Downloaded Article,且被歐洲國際商務學會評為2012年度 Best Journal Paper Award;在Journal of International Business Studies上發表的論文被評為2014年安子介國際貿易研究獎一等獎(國際貿易領域最高獎);以上兩篇論文的ESI他引率排名前3%。
2012年,歐洲國際商務學會年度Best Paper Award
入選who is who in the world, who is who in Asia
China Economic Review, 2013 (Vol.27), 客座主編
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 2008-2010,執行主編
Journal of International Business Studies, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Studies, Urban Studies, Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part E, Transportation, Journal of Transport Geography, Service Industries Journal, China Economic Review, International Review of Economics and Finance, International Journal of Organizational Analysis等國際期刊匿名審稿人
69. Wu J., Wang C., Hong J.J.*, et al. (2016), “Internationalization and innovation performance of emerging market enterprises”, Journal of World Business, 51: 251-263 (SSCI;ABS四星級期刊)
68. Hong J.J.*, et al. (2016), “Local institutions, foreign direct investment and productivity of domestic firms”, Review of Development Economics, 20(1): 25-38 (SSCI)
67. Head K., Ries J., Sun X. and Hong J. (2015), “The legacy of 19th century treaties on the current trade of Chinese cities”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 22(3): 251-271 (SSCI)
66. Hong J.J., Wang C., Kafouros M. (2015), “The role of the state in explaining the internationalization of emerging market enterprises”, British Journal of Management, 26(1): 45-62. (SSCI;ABS四星級期刊)
65. Zhuan R., Hong J., Bai G. (2014), “Sino-Korean Free Trade Agreement: the China Perspective”, China Economic Journal, 7(2): 237-250.
64. Wang C., Hong J.J., Kafouros, M., and Wright M. (2012), “Exploring the role of government involvement in outward FDI from emerging economies”, Journal of International Business Studies 43: 655-676 (SSCI,ABS四星級期刊、Dallas24本頂尖期刊;該文獲2014年安子介國際貿易研究獎一等獎;該文ESI他引率排名前3%)
63. Wang C., Hong J.J. and Kafouros, M. (2012) “What Drives the Internationalization of Chinese Firms? Testing the Explanatory Power of Three Theoretical Frameworks”, International Business Review, 21(3): 425-438 ( SSCI, 該文獲歐洲國際商務學會年度IBR Best Paper Award;該文ESI他引率排名前3%)
62. Sun Z., Hong J.J. and Xu X. (2012), “Price Effect of Domestic Oil Tax under Vertically-related Market Structure: Evidence from US, EU and Japan”, OPEC Energy Review, March, 81-104.
61. Sun X. and Hong J.J.* (2011), “Exports, ownership and firm productivity: Evidence from China”, World Economy, 34, 1199-1215 (SSCI)
60. Yan D., Hong J.J.* and Ren B. (2010), “Determinants of outward foreign direct investment by Chinese enterprises: An empirical study from institutional perspective”, Nankai Business Review International, 1(3), 237 - 253. (Lead article)
59. Hong J.J.* (2008), WTO accession and foreign direct investment in China, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 1(2): 136-147.
58. Hong J.J.* & Chin A. (2007), Modeling the location choices of foreign investments in Chinese logistics industry, China Economic Review, 18: 425-437. (SSCI)
57. Hong J.J.* (2007), Location determents and patterns of foreign logistics services in Shanghai, China, Service Industries Journal, 27(4): 339-354. (Lead article) (SSCI)
56. Chin A. and Hong J.J. (2009), “The location decisions of foreign logistics firms in China: Does transport network capacity matter?” in Peter Wilson (Eds.), Economic Policies and Social Welfare in the 21st Century, Singapore: Cengage Learning.
55. Fu S. and Hong J.J. (2011), “Testing urbanization economies in manufacturing industries: Urban diversity or urban size?” Journal of Regional Science, 51(3), 585-603 (SSCI)
54. Hong J.J.* and Fu S. (2011), “Information and Communication Technologies and Geographic Concentration of Manufacturing Industries”, Urban Studies, 48(11), 2339-2354 (SSCI)
53. Hong J.J.* (2009), Firm heterogeneity and location choices: evidence from foreign manufacturing investment in China, Urban Studies, 46(10): 2143-2157. (SSCI)
52. Hong J.J.* (2007), Firm-specific effects on location decisions of FDI in China’s logistics industry, Regional Studies, 41(5): 673-683. (SSCI)
51. Hong J.J.* (2011), “Testing Geographic and Economic Distance of Agglomeration Economies”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 4(1), 55-59.
50. Hong J.J.* (2014), Logistics and Economic Development: Experience from China (with Hooi Hooi Lean, et al.), Transport Policy, 32:96-104 (SSCI)
49. Hong J.J. (2014), Capacity planning and allocation with multi-channel distribution (with with W. Xie, Y. Zhao, Z. Jiang), International Journal of Production Economics, 147: 108-116. (SCI)
48. Hong J.J.* Chu Z. and Wang Q. (2011), “Transport Infrastructure and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from China”, Transportation, 38(5), 737-752. (SSCI)
47. Hong J.J.* & Liu B.L. (2007), Logistics Development in China: A provider perspective, Transportation Journal, 46(2): 55-65. (SSCI)
46. Hong J.J.*, Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2007), Logistics service providers in China: Current status and future prospects, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing& Logistics. 19(2): 168-181.
45. Hong J.J.* (2007), Transport and the location of foreign logistics firms: the Chinese experience, Transportation Research Part A, 41: 597-609. (SSCI)
44. Hong J.J.*, Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2004), Logistics outsourcing by manufactures in China: A survey of the industry, Transportation Journal, 43(1): 17-25. (SSCI)
43. Hong J.J.*, Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2004), Firms-specific characteristics and logistics outsourcing by Chinese manufacturers, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics, 16 (3): 23-36.